View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010779ScribusGeneralpublic2025-02-11 17:17
Reporterale Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.5.0svn 
Summary0010779: widows and orphans: don't separate last n lines does not seem to work
Descriptioni can't get any control on the n last lines... it seems that scribus just ignores it...
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0016514 new Widows and orphans issues 
related to 0015729 new Orphans and widows options don’t behave as expected 



2017-10-25 21:24

reporter   ~0044585

Considering that this bug is open for over 5 years and according to the roadmap will not be fixed within the next 2 years, maybe it would be best to just remove the functionality from the UI.


2023-04-03 17:30

reporter   ~0050069

This seems to be broken still... (testing using current 1.5.9+svn)


2023-12-31 06:33

manager   ~0050719

after having read,4813.msg22219.html

i wanted to open a new ticket but then thought it might be good to do a quick search before.

and i wonder why i have never used this feature...
widows.png (178,467 bytes)   
widows.png (178,467 bytes)   


2024-03-15 17:48

reporter   ~0051041

Just tried with v1.6.1 in 2024

The "keep together paragraph", the "keep with next", the "widows/orphans" does not seem to work to prevent ugly column breaks.

This "not-feature" seems quite long standing. It is well past 10th aniversary.
image.png (228,737 bytes)   
image.png (228,737 bytes)   


2025-02-11 14:01

reporter   ~0052040

If I set the widow control to 1 line, shouldn't that prevent a single word from appearing at the top of a column, or could other factors influence this?


2025-02-11 17:17

reporter   ~0052041

Setting "widows/orphans control" to "1" would allow for "one" line to be printed before/after a break. Setting it to "3" would at least require three lines before/past a break.

Checking "keep together" should prevent breaking the paragraph at a page or column border. The entire paragraph is either here or there, but it must not be split inbetween.

Checking "keep with next" should never separate the two paragraphs at the border. Both of them might still get split according to their own widow/orphan setting, but the inter-paragraph connection must not be split. Usually done with headings that have to move together with their following paragraph.

This obviously does not work as expected.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-06-21 09:27 ale New Issue
2012-06-21 09:27 ale Issue generated from: 0010778
2012-06-21 09:29 ale Issue cloned: 0010780
2017-10-25 21:24 Hajo Note Added: 0044585
2023-04-03 17:30 pmjdebruijn Note Added: 0050069
2023-12-31 06:33 ale Note Added: 0050719
2023-12-31 06:33 ale File Added: widows.png
2023-12-31 06:39 ale Relationship added related to 0016514
2023-12-31 06:39 ale Relationship added related to 0015729
2024-03-15 17:48 smallfreak Note Added: 0051041
2024-03-15 17:48 smallfreak File Added: image.png
2025-02-11 14:01 Grevemolke Note Added: 0052040
2025-02-11 17:17 smallfreak Note Added: 0052041