View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0010868ScribusStory Editor / Text Framespublic2019-12-06 17:47
ReporterJLuc Assigned ToChelen  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version1.5.0svn 
Summary0010868: 3states selectors for search dialog
Descriptionif searching for text with some glyphstyle characteristics like bold or italics,
it is (or would be) usefull / powerfull to use 3-state selectors (buttons or checkboxes).
For example a 3 states search bold caracteristics can have 3 type of search behaviour :
- yes = found text has to be bold
- no = found text has to be not bold
- not active or grayed = dont mind bold state during the search

This is because when not having that grayed inactive selector state it is sometime not possible to search desired text sometime unless this third (grayed = not active selector) state ability exists.



related to 0007106 new missing 3state buttons for selection properties 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-07-12 13:13 JLuc New Issue
2012-07-12 13:22 ale Assigned To => Chelen
2012-07-12 13:22 ale Status new => assigned
2014-07-09 23:03 Kunda Relationship added related to 0007106
2015-09-17 20:08 Kunda Category Story Editor / Text Frames => Story Ed/Txt Frames
2015-09-17 20:12 Kunda Category Story Ed/Txt Frames => Story Editor / Text Frames
2019-12-06 17:47 ale Tag Attached: search