View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001224ScribusScripterpublic2005-02-08 13:19
Reporterkobuswolf Assigned Tosubik  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version1.3.0cvs 
Summary0001224: Scripter support for checking if a text box is overflowing.
DescriptionI want to ask for scripter support for checking if text is overflowing. This is nessesary if you want to do any auto text layout. It sould be easy to hook the little overflow icon's flag up to a python command.
TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0003813 acknowledged Metabug: Scripter 



2005-02-04 17:04

manager   ~0003623

it's now textOverflows() -> bool. It's in 1.3 because of 1.2 internals.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-10-18 23:17 kobuswolf New Issue
2004-10-19 20:16 subik Status new => assigned
2004-10-19 20:16 subik Assigned To => subik
2005-02-04 17:04 subik Status assigned => resolved
2005-02-04 17:04 subik Fixed in Version => 1.3.0cvs
2005-02-04 17:04 subik Resolution open => fixed
2005-02-04 17:04 subik Note Added: 0003623
2005-02-08 13:19 cbradney Status resolved => closed
2006-05-13 21:48 christoph_s Relationship added child of 0003813