View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0012271ScribusStory Editor / Text Framespublic2019-12-17 08:52
ReporterPancho Assigned Toale  
PriorityhighSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version1.4.3 
Target Version1.6 milestone 
Summary0012271: Search & Replace: screws formatting
DescriptionWhen replacing a shorter by a longer word, the additional characters adopt the paragraph's basic formatting. This might be fine if a whole word is added but not if a word is altered or corrected.

See the Screenshot:
- first line is status quo ante
- second line: replacing "Scrbus" by "Scribus" leads to the last character not being bold. => certainly wrong
- third line: replacing "Scrbus" by "Scrbus is" leads to the new word not being bold. => possibly correct, however unexpected
- fourth line: replacing "Scrbus" by "Is Scrbus" leads to the first 6 characters being bold. => certainly wrong.

While a really smart solution isn't all to easy without calculating word similarities etc., we would probably be better off when extending the formatting of the matched string (or its first character) itself to the whole replacement string.
Additional InformationThis is a problem especially if the user can't undo correctly. Escalating this to 'Major' and 'high'
TagsMABs, search


child of 0012755 new Metabug: Search & Replace (1.5.x svn) 



2014-04-23 17:06


replace.png (42,052 bytes)   


2015-04-30 12:13

updater   ~0035000

confirmed + assigning to 1.6 milestone

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-04-23 17:06 Pancho New Issue
2014-04-23 17:06 Pancho File Added: replace.png
2015-04-30 12:10 Kunda Relationship added child of 0012755
2015-04-30 12:13 Kunda Patch => No
2015-04-30 12:13 Kunda Note Added: 0035000
2015-04-30 12:13 Kunda Status new => confirmed
2015-04-30 12:13 Kunda Target Version => 1.6 milestone
2015-09-17 20:08 Kunda Category Story Editor / Text Frames => Story Ed/Txt Frames
2015-09-17 20:12 Kunda Category Story Ed/Txt Frames => Story Editor / Text Frames
2016-01-19 02:40 Kunda Tag Attached: MABs
2016-01-19 12:02 Kunda Priority normal => high
2016-01-19 12:02 Kunda Severity minor => major
2016-01-19 12:02 Kunda Target Version 1.6 milestone => 1.5.2
2016-01-19 12:02 Kunda Additional Information Updated
2016-01-23 17:14 cbradney Target Version 1.5.2 => 1.5.3
2016-01-23 17:15 cbradney Target Version 1.5.3 => 1.5.4.svn
2016-03-10 14:23 Kunda Relationship added related to 0010477
2018-04-30 13:16 jghali Target Version 1.5.4.svn => 1.6 milestone
2019-12-06 17:46 ale Tag Attached: search
2019-12-16 18:35 ale Relationship added related to 0014567
2019-12-16 18:36 ale Relationship deleted related to 0014567
2019-12-17 08:51 ale Assigned To => ale
2019-12-17 08:51 ale Status confirmed => assigned
2019-12-17 08:52 ale Relationship deleted related to 0010477