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0012933ScribusUser Interfacepublic2015-02-26 13:44
Reporterale Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0012933: Cleanup the "File > New" dialog
DescriptionIn my experience, the "file > new" layout is a bit too cluttered with widgets that are rarely used by very few people:

- choosing the default unit (this could be part of a "first start" setup asking for language, default unit, page size, ... and it's already in the status bar)

- automatic text frames (this should be done in a template or just go to document settings after creation)

- remove the "show document settings after creation" check box (it's just a click less than going to the menu! one should be able to always want the settings after creation from the preferences, or have to manually go to the settings)

- choose a sane default for the margin guides: what's 14.111 mm? (1cm / 1in would be probably sane values that are easy to modify)

- use a smaller widget for single / double page

is there any agreement on removing/changing any of those entries?

once this is done, we can think on how to visually show the remaining items...
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2015-02-25 12:22

manager   ~0034586

ooops, a post to the mailing list, makes me aware of the fact that the automatic frame creation cannot be defined in the document setup.

imo, it should be the contrary: it should only be possible to define it there!


2015-02-25 20:22

administrator   ~0034596

14.111mm is 40pt... either we'd need a default for each measurement type or this is going to have to stay looking weird for some measurement type.


2015-02-25 20:27

administrator   ~0034597

see ID... not that different in terms of data input


2015-02-25 21:29

manager   ~0034601

well, i guess that few people work in pt... so, chosing a meaningful inch value or 1cm would already make many people happy!

from the screenshots i've seen, the ID dialog feels less cluttered.
... and i did not find most (or any?) of the widgets i'm proposing to remove (ecept for the columns? ... but it might not be the same)

they have other widgets, some of them interesting to me (presets?) other not that much...


2015-02-26 07:12

administrator   ~0034610

I strongly disagree. One of the things professional designers lauded about Scribus either in writing or when I demonstrated Scribus to them was the new doc dialogue. "So much better/smarter than ID or XPress" was the general response (apart from the unholy 3-page/4-page option which is now fortunately a thing of the past).


2015-02-26 12:17

manager   ~0034612

I disagree even stronglier. They are frustrated with ID and see the Scribus one as refreshing. I'm frustrated with Scribus and see the ID one as refreshing.

This does not mean, that file > new does not have some elements that are almost never used and are better offered through other ways.

There are many things, that make you say "hey, it's a good idea to offer this!", but then, when you have to use it, you never ever touch it.

Anyway, i made the proposal above just because by removing the 3-4-fold the folds widgets should be shrunk (and switched to a radio button? i don't like ID's checkbox...) and it could be a good chance to think about the usability of the whole dialog.

The points above are there for discussion. Even if i did not make it clear, from the beginning. If you think nothing should be changed ,it's ok. If you think that some of them are hitting the nail, let's see if we can do better.

Have fun


2015-02-26 13:39

updater   ~0034613

12.7mm could replace the 14.111mm (36pt, 1/2" and only one decimal in the metric system…)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-02-25 07:55 ale New Issue
2015-02-25 08:29 ale Description Updated
2015-02-25 12:22 ale Note Added: 0034586
2015-02-25 20:22 cbradney Note Added: 0034596
2015-02-25 20:27 cbradney Note Added: 0034597
2015-02-25 21:29 ale Note Added: 0034601
2015-02-26 07:12 christoph_s Note Added: 0034610
2015-02-26 12:17 ale Note Added: 0034612
2015-02-26 13:39 utnik Note Added: 0034613