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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000141ScribusGeneralpublic2004-01-14 02:49
ReporterBandiPat Assigned Tofschmid  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0000141: font manipulation features
DescriptionSeems that doing Superscript & outline font attributes fail to perform correctly. If only one letter is selected, superscript seems to want to work on a whole word. Subscript performs the same way. If I have a line like this: "This is a Title" and select the "a" for super or sub, anything past the "a" will move as well. If I just want say the "e" in title, the whole word reacts.
Additional InformationCould not get Outline to work at all on any letters.
TagsNo tags attached.



2004-01-12 01:20

viewer   ~0000200

works for me now - tested Open Type, True Type and Type 1 fonts and all superscripts, subscript, outline, dashed and reverse


2004-01-12 01:22

administrator   ~0000201

More testing required.


2004-01-12 01:34

administrator   ~0000202

With current update, seems to only occur now on words on beginning of line, have sent sample to Franz.

BandiPat.. outlines do work perfectly.. but you have to set the line and fill colours of the text.


2004-01-12 22:58

administrator   ~0000204

Should now work also on the first letter of a line


2004-01-14 02:49

administrator   ~0000210

BandiPat agrees its fixed.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-01-11 17:10 BandiPat New Issue
2004-01-12 00:42 fschmid Status new => resolved
2004-01-12 00:42 fschmid Resolution open => fixed
2004-01-12 00:42 fschmid Assigned To => fschmid
2004-01-12 01:20 plinnell Status resolved => closed
2004-01-12 01:20 plinnell Note Added: 0000200
2004-01-12 01:22 cbradney Status closed => feedback
2004-01-12 01:22 cbradney Resolution fixed => reopened
2004-01-12 01:22 cbradney Note Added: 0000201
2004-01-12 01:34 cbradney Note Added: 0000202
2004-01-12 22:58 fschmid Status feedback => resolved
2004-01-12 22:58 fschmid Resolution reopened => fixed
2004-01-12 22:58 fschmid Note Added: 0000204
2004-01-14 02:49 cbradney Status resolved => closed
2004-01-14 02:49 cbradney Note Added: 0000210