View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0014529ScribusUsabilitypublic2024-12-27 22:44
ReporterETM Assigned Tonitramr  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformMS Surface Pro 4OSWin 10 ProOS Versionlatest
Product Version1.5.2 
Fixed in Version1.7.0.svn 
Summary0014529: extreme difficult to use
DescriptionI'm using a HD-tablet, MS Surface Pro 4 and I'm not able to adjust the icons, menues ect for easy useage. The icons are displayed way too small, the text in selection menues too big. For example the palettes-menue: it is not possible to choose a different colour-set, just because you only see a tiny fraction of the entries.
Steps To ReproduceJust open Scribus on an MS tablet.



2017-01-01 19:44

viewer   ~0043276

Can you try a snapshot of This comes with a newer version of Qt, which has better support for HiDPI

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-01-01 14:00 ETM New Issue
2017-01-01 14:00 ETM Tag Attached: gui
2017-01-01 19:44 plinnell Priority immediate => normal
2017-01-01 19:44 plinnell Note Added: 0043276
2024-12-27 06:36 cbradney Assigned To => nitramr
2024-12-27 06:36 cbradney Status new => resolved
2024-12-27 06:36 cbradney Resolution open => fixed
2024-12-27 06:36 cbradney Fixed in Version => 1.7.0.svn
2024-12-27 22:44 cbradney Status resolved => closed