View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001479ScribusScripterpublic2005-01-03 09:58
ReporterringercAssigned Tosubik  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Platformx86 LinuxOSFedora CoreOS Version1
Product Version1.2.1cvs 
Fixed in Version1.2.1cvs 
Summary0001479: [PATCH] minor fix: correct usage of setOverrideCursor() so cursors are restored properly
DescriptionThe attached patches correct the use of setOverrideCursor in cmddialog.cpp and scriptplugin.cpp so that the functions there restore the old cursor, rather than applying a new override cursor.

This fixes occasional problems with getting the wrong cursor after running commands in the script console, and fixes issues with cursors with the macro work I'm doing. It should be safe to include in 1.2.1 and would be a nice tweak.
Additional InformationThe Qt documentation about setOverrideCursor can be found at .
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0002407 acknowledged Metabug: Misleading and wrong cursors 



2005-01-03 09:58

reporter   ~0003324

Petr has applied the patch to 1.2.1 and 1.3 . Closing.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-01-02 12:15 ringerc New Issue
2005-01-02 12:15 ringerc File Added: dialog_cursor_fixes.diff
2005-01-02 12:23 ringerc File Added: scriptplugin_cursor_fixes.diff
2005-01-02 12:24 ringerc Description Updated
2005-01-02 12:37 ringerc File Deleted: scriptplugin_cursor_fixes.diff
2005-01-02 12:37 ringerc File Added: scriptplugin_cursor_fixes.diff
2005-01-02 18:23 subik File Deleted: scriptplugin_cursor_fixes.diff
2005-01-02 18:23 subik File Deleted: dialog_cursor_fixes.diff
2005-01-02 18:24 subik Status assigned => resolved
2005-01-02 18:24 subik Fixed in Version => 1.2.1cvs
2005-01-02 18:24 subik Resolution open => fixed
2005-01-03 09:58 ringerc Status resolved => closed
2005-01-03 09:58 ringerc Note Added: 0003324
2007-05-23 19:52 christoph_s Relationship added related to 0002407