View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0015026 | Scribus | Scripter | public | 2017-10-24 08:42 | 2022-09-25 05:05 |
Reporter | Rapido | Assigned To | |||
Priority | normal | Severity | feature | Reproducibility | N/A |
Status | new | Resolution | open | ||
Platform | x86, x64 | OS | Ubuntu | OS Version | 16.04.03 LTS |
Product Version | 1.4.6 | ||||
Summary | 0015026: Update CalendarWizard script | ||||
Description | There is a new script similar of CalendarWizard. This is an advanced script and it allows all user to make their own model easily. Link to sources : | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Patch | No | ||||
I'll check this out. We could certainly use an updated CalendarWizard. If it seems to be worthwhile, I'll probably add it to svn as a second version and see what feedback we get. |
as this script uses tkinter, i think it won't work on macOS. (see |
This seems to suffer from what Martin Zaske was just experiencing with his own script, that there is a big problem when you are trying to load files from a script. When I try to run it, it fails since it can't find croix.png, and since it uses all these SLA file "models", it's probably going to have trouble finding them as well. It's therefore even more complicated than the original CalendarWizard. You might get a wiki account and make a wiki page about your script, so you can explain how it works and how to use it. |
utnlk : Aïe aïe ... I didn't know this issue ... Is it on every macOS version ? I'll have a check if I could change dependancies of tkinter to Qt ... gpittman : In the git hub source page, there is a README with an explanation of this script, how it works, uses, and create model. (There is also a Doxyfile for scripter dev) Which OS are you ? Because I never had this fails ... Did Martin Zaske found how to get around the problem or still working on it ? And about the wiki, I tried to get an account but I'm still waiting for the response of Anyway, yes I know I have to explain it on wiki and I will :-) |
I'm using Fedora 26. I download the tgz file, gunzip it, extract it, then run the script: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 10, in <module> File "/home/gregp/Downloads/CalendarWizard2/", line 2170, in <module> main() File "/home/gregp/Downloads/CalendarWizard2/", line 2161, in main TkCalendar(root).pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True) File "/home/gregp/Downloads/CalendarWizard2/", line 2149, in __init__ self.make_frames() File "/home/gregp/Downloads/CalendarWizard2/", line 1956, in make_frames self.photo_frame3 = PhotoImage(file="./img/croix.png") File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/", line 3372, in __init__ Image.__init__(self, 'photo', name, cnf, master, **kw) File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk/", line 3326, in __init__'image', 'create', imgtype, name,) + options) TclError: couldn't open "./img/croix.png": no such file or directory You've taken a 678-line original and turned it into a 2170-line script, much more complicated. If anything, we'd like to get away from tkinter. As I look at the script, I don't know why it needs this croix.png file anyway, since it seems to only be used when there is no image in a frame, and Scribus already creates an X in an empty frame. Especially considering all these auxiliary files, I think it's better to use in ones own personal directory and not in the Scribus scripts directory, which many users will have a hard time finding if/when they want to create their own models. |
Actually, I was wondering myself if this image was really usefull ... (And this is just to make it "beautiful") It is absolutly not necessary. Then I removed it from the script and the source. Can you please just try this new source and send me the traceback if you are getting an error ? |
Sorry about double note. |
Now I can get it to begin, but there is some issue with adding models. I get the open file dialog, click a choice, and it says, "No such file ./models/whatever.sla" even though they seem to be there and I can open them in a text editor... I wonder why you're using a tk file dialog and not an in-built Scripter one... Are you trying to open the file at that point or just select the name for opening later? |
I am openning them at this point just to get in the KEYWORD of each .sla => there is the "type" of calendar specified. The script can then sort them in the right category of listbox... It's really annoying if you can not open the model ... because the main script idea is based to parse the model |
Hi, gpittman: I found this script has some missing lines of code that caused the issue of importing models. I had fixed that and now it worked on Linux (I haven't tested on Windows) ,also I make some modifications to make it worked with Python 3. I will publish the modified code soon. Also the features of this script could be pulled into the official calendar wizard script, since the default calendar script can't creating annual calendar and daily planners. |
Here is the modification code of original script.It has been tested to be worked on Debian with Scribus 1.5.6. I think it might still have some bugs , but most of features can be worked. I haven't tested it on Windows. (106,894 bytes)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This is an update of 'Calendar creation wizard' for Scribus. Thanks to Petr Vanek and Bernhard Reiter from Scribus scripts. Enjoy. Check for more documentation AUTHORS: Vincent Le Jeune <> LICENSE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. """ import calendar import datetime import os import sys import re from tkinter.messagebox import* from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import * from calendar import monthrange from lxml import etree from shutil import copyfile from tkinter.colorchooser import askcolor from tkinter.filedialog import * import tkinter as Tk try: import scribus except ImportError: print('This Python script is written for the Scribus scripting interface.') quit(1) # Translation day/month localization = { 'Catalan': [['Gener', 'Febrer', 'Març', 'Abril', 'Maig', 'Juny', 'Juliol', 'Agost', 'Setembre', 'Octubre', 'Novembre', 'Desembre'], ['Dilluns', 'Dimarts', 'Dimecres', 'Dijous', 'Divendres', 'Dissabte', 'Diumenge']], 'Catalan-short': [['Gener', 'Febrer', 'Març', 'Abril', 'Maig', 'Juny', 'Juliol', 'Agost', 'Setembre', 'Octubre', 'Novembre', 'Desembre'], ['Dl', 'Dm', 'Dc', 'Dj', 'Dv', 'Ds', 'Dg']], # Catalan by "Cesc Morata" <> 'Czech': [['Leden', 'Únor', 'Březen', 'Duben', 'Květen', 'Červen', 'Červenec', 'Srpen', 'Září', 'Říjen', 'Listopad', 'Prosinec'], ['Pondělí', 'Úterý', 'Středa', 'Čtvrtek', 'Pátek', 'Sobota', 'Neděle']], 'Czech-short': [['Leden', 'Únor', 'Březen', 'Duben', 'Květen', 'Červen', 'Červenec', 'Srpen', 'Září', 'Říjen', 'Listopad', 'Prosinec'], ['Po', 'Út', 'St', 'Čt', 'Pá', 'So', 'Ne']], # Croatian by daweed 'Croatian': [['Siječanj', 'Veljača', 'Ožujak', 'Travanj', 'Svibanj', 'Lipanj', 'Srpanj', 'Kolovoz', 'Rujan', 'Listopad', 'Studeni', 'Prosinac'], ['Ponedjeljak', 'Utorak', 'Srijeda', 'Četvrtak', 'Petak', 'Subota', 'Nedjelja']], 'Dutch': [['Januari', 'Februari', 'Maart', 'April', 'Mei', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'Augustus', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'December'], ['Maandag', 'Dinsdag', 'Woensdag', 'Donderdag', 'Vrijdag', 'Zaterdag', 'Zondag']], # Dutch by "Christoph Schäfer" <> 'English': [['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']], 'English-short': [['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']], 'Finnish': [['Tammikuu', 'Helmikuu', 'Maaliskuu', 'Huhtikuu', 'Toukokuu', 'Kesäkuu', 'Heinäkuu', 'Elokuu', 'Syyskuu', 'Lokakuu', 'Marraskuu', 'Joulukuu'], ['ma', 'ti', 'ke', 'to', 'pe', 'la', 'su']], 'French': [['Janvier', u'F\xe9vrier', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'Mai', 'Juin', 'Juillet', u'Ao\xfbt', 'Septembre', 'Octobre', 'Novembre', u'D\xe9cembre'], ['Lundi', 'Mardi', 'Mercredi', 'Jeudi', 'Vendredi', 'Samedi', 'Dimanche']], 'German': [['Januar', 'Februar', u'M\xe4rz', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Dezember'], ['Montag', 'Dienstag', 'Mittwoch', 'Donnerstag', 'Freitag', 'Samstag', 'Sonntag']], 'German (Austrian)': [[u'J\xe4nner', 'Feber', u'M\xe4rz', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Dezember'], ['Montag', 'Dienstag', 'Mittwoch', 'Donnerstag', 'Freitag', 'Samstag', 'Sonntag']], # Hungarian by Gergely Szalay 'Hungarian': [['Január', 'Február', 'Március', 'Április', 'Május', 'Június', 'Július', 'Augusztus', 'Szeptember', 'Október', 'November', 'December'], ['Hétfő', 'Kedd', 'Szerda', 'Csütörtök', 'Péntek', 'Szombat', 'Vasárnap']], 'Italian': [['Gennaio', 'Febbraio', 'Marzo', 'Aprile', 'Maggio', 'Giugno', 'Luglio', 'Agosto', 'Settembre', 'Ottobre', 'Novembre', 'Dicembre'], [u'Luned\xec', u'Marted\xec', u'Mercoled\xec', u'Gioved\xec', u'Venerd\xec', 'Sabato', 'Domenica']], # Norwegian by Joacim Thomassen 'Norwegian': [['Januar', 'Februar', 'Mars', 'April', 'Mai', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'August', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Desember'], ['Mandag', 'Tirsdag', 'Onsdag', 'Torsdag', 'Fredag', 'Lørdag', 'Søndag']], # Polish by "Łukasz [DeeJay1] Jernaś" <> 'Polish': [['Styczeń', 'Luty', 'Marzec', 'Kwiecień', 'Maj', 'Czerwiec', 'Lipiec', 'Sierpień', 'Wrzesień', 'Październik', 'Listopad', 'Grudzień'], ['Poniedziałek', 'Wtorek', 'Środa', 'Czwartek', 'Piątek', 'Sobota', 'Niedziela']], 'Portuguese': [['Janeiro', 'Fevereiro', u'Mar\xe7o', 'Abril', 'Maio', 'Junho', 'Julho', 'Agosto', 'Setembro', 'Outubro', 'Novembro', 'Dezembro'], ['Segunda-feira', u'Ter\xe7a-feira', 'Quarta-feira', 'Quinta-feira', 'Sexta-feira', u'S\xe1bado', 'Domingo']], # Romanian by Costin Stroie <> 'Romanian': [['Ianuarie', 'Februarie', 'Martie', 'Aprilie', 'Mai', 'Iunie', 'Iulie', 'August', 'Septembrie', 'Octombrie', 'Noiembrie', 'Decembrie'], ['Luni', 'Mar\xc8\x9bi', 'Miercuri', 'Joi', 'Vineri', 'S\xc3\xa2mb\xc4\x83t\xc4\x83', 'Duminic\xc4\x83']], 'Russian': [['Январь', 'Февраль', 'Март', 'Апрель', 'Май', 'Июнь', 'Июль', 'Август', 'Сентябрь', 'Октябрь', 'Ноябрь', 'Декабрь'], ['Понедельник', 'Вторник', 'Среда', 'Четверг', 'Пятница', 'Суббота', 'Воскресенье']], 'Slovak': [['Január', 'Február', 'Marec', 'Apríl', 'Máj', 'Jún', 'Júl', 'August', 'September', 'Október', 'November', 'December'], ['Pondelok', 'Utorok', 'Streda', 'Štvrtok', 'Piatok', 'Sobota', 'Nedeľa']], 'Slovak-short': [['Január', 'Február', 'Marec', 'Apríl', 'Máj', 'Jún', 'Júl', 'August', 'September', 'Október', 'November', 'December'], ['Po', 'Ut', 'St', 'Št', 'Pi', 'So', 'Ne']], 'Spanish': [['Enero', 'Febrero', 'Marzo', 'Abril', 'Mayo', 'Junio', 'Julio', 'Agosto', 'Septiembre', 'Octubre', 'Noviembre', 'Diciembre'], ['Lunes', 'Martes', u'Mi\xe9rcoles', 'Jueves', 'Viernes', u'S\xe1bado', 'Domingo']], 'Swedish': [['Januari', 'Februari', 'Mars', 'April', 'Maj', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'Augusti', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'December'], ['Måndag', 'Tisdag', 'Onsdag', 'Torsdag', 'Fredag', 'Lördag', 'Söndag']] } # dimension used for the size of the document size_document = { 'A0': [2383.94, 3370.39], 'A1': [1683.78, 2383.94], 'A2': [1190.55, 1683.78], 'A3': [841.89, 1190.55], 'A4': [595.28, 841.89], 'A5': [419.53, 595.28], 'A6': [297.64, 419.53], 'A7': [209.76, 297.64], 'A8': [147.40, 209.76], 'A9': [104.88, 147.40], 'B0': [2834.65, 4008.19], 'B1': [2004.09, 2834.65], 'B2': [1417.32, 2004.09], 'B3': [1000.63, 1417.32], 'B4': [708.66, 1000.63], 'B5': [498.90, 708.66], 'B6': [354.33, 498.90], 'B7': [249.45, 354.33], 'B8': [175.75, 249.45], 'B9': [124.72, 175.75], 'B10': [87.87, 124.72], 'COMM10E': [297.00, 684.00], 'DLE': [311.81, 623.62], 'LEGAL': [612.00, 1008.00], 'LETTER': [612.00, 792.00] } sizex = 670 sizey = 350 posx = 300 posy = 200 def show_error(err): """ Show attempt errors in a dialog """ tkMessageBox.showinfo('Error', err) class BoxObject: """ BoxObject represents some attributes from the PageObject object.""" def __init__(self, xpos, ypos, width, height, anname, img, text, font='', font_size='', color='', line_color=''): ## position x of an object self.xpos = xpos ## position y of an object self.ypos = ypos # the width of an object self.width = width ## the height of an object self.height = height ## the name of an object self.anname = anname ## boolean val, true for an image self.img = img ## font style for this object self.font = font ## font size for this object self.font_size = font_size ## text color of an object self.color = color ## outline color of an object self.line_color = line_color ## init path of an image to empty self.path_img = '' ## option image : fit to object self.fit_to_box = False ## option image : keep the proportion self.keep_proportion = False ## text inside of an object self.text = text def attrib_font(self, font, font_size, color, line_color): """ Button which attribute the font, size, color and outline color for the selected object""" self.font = font self.font_size = font_size self.color = color ## outline color self.line_color = line_color class Document: """ The Class Document contains all attribute useful about master page, margin, etc.""" def __init__(self, path_file, lang, first_day, size): self.path_file = path_file # path of the file to parse it self.lang = lang # lang choosen for calendar self.day_order = localization[self.lang][1] # day order init to MONDAY if first_day == calendar.SUNDAY: # modify day order if sunday selected dl = self.day_order[:6] dl.insert(0, self.day_order[6]) self.day_order = dl # init var mycal containing calendar from calendar library self.mycal = calendar.Calendar(first_day) # init some variable self.pagex = 0.0 self.pagey = 0.0 self.page_width = 0.0 self.page_height = 0.0 self.border_left = 0.0 self.border_right = 0.0 self.border_top = 0.0 self.border_bottom = 0.0 self.size = size self.orientation = IntVar() self.nb_day_usual_week = 7 self.nb_max_days_in_month = 31 self.begin_day = 0 self.nb_days = 0 self.nb_week = 0 self.box_container = [] self.doc_parsing() def doc_parsing(self): """ Parse the selected model of calendar : write in a box_container all objects of selected model, and attributes argument of these objects, like position, name, ... """ # usage of xpath library to parse the document (the selected model) tree = etree.parse(self.path_file) i = 0 text = '' for parent in tree.xpath("/SCRIBUSUTF8NEW/DOCUMENT"): for val in parent.xpath("//MASTERPAGE"): self.pagex = float(val.get("PAGEXPOS")) self.pagey = float(val.get("PAGEYPOS")) self.page_width = float(val.get("PAGEWIDTH")) self.page_height = float(val.get("PAGEHEIGHT")) self.orientation = int(val.get("Orientation")) self.border_left = float(val.get("BORDERLEFT")) self.border_right = float(val.get("BORDERRIGHT")) self.border_top = float(val.get("BORDERTOP")) self.border_bottom = float(val.get("BORDERBOTTOM")) # self.size = str(val.get("Size")) for j, box in enumerate(parent.xpath("//PAGEOBJECT")): # try to catch text only inside "containers.." if box.get("ANNAME") == "containers" + str(i): text = box.xpath("//PAGEOBJECT/ITEXT")[i] text = text.get("CH") i += 1 if box.get("ANNAME") == "image_box": new = BoxObject(float(box.get("XPOS")) - self.pagex, float(box.get("YPOS")) - self.pagey, float(box.get("WIDTH")), float(box.get("HEIGHT")), box.get("ANNAME"), True, text) else: new = BoxObject(float(box.get("XPOS")) - self.pagex, float(box.get("YPOS")) - self.pagey, float(box.get("WIDTH")), float(box.get("HEIGHT")), box.get("ANNAME"), False, text) self.box_container.append(new) def set_month(self, year, month): """ Returns weekday of first day of the month and number of days in month, for the specified year and month """ (self.begin_day, self.nb_days) = calendar.monthrange(year, month) # Number of weeks for the current month self.nb_week = 1 spend_days = 0 i = self.begin_day while spend_days < self.nb_days: if i >= 7: i = 0 self.nb_week += 1 spend_days += 1 i += 1 class TkCalendar(Tk.Frame): """ Main class of Calendar wizard, this regroup the interface and all selected option for our calendar. This class contains also the method to create the calendar. """ def update(self): """ Update the current page of the wizard """ if self.frame_master_current_page == 1: if self.frame1_config_model_name == '': tkMessageBox.showinfo("Error", "At least one model must be selected.") self.action_decrement() return else: # check unused buttons with selected model type_type = re.compile('type=\'(.*)\',') tree = etree.parse(self.frame1_config_model_path + self.frame1_config_model_name) keys = tree.getroot() for key in keys: val = key.attrib['KEYWORDS'] types = re.findall(type_type, val) if types == []: type_type = re.compile('type=\'(.*)\'') types = re.findall(type_type, val) # this is not actually working... for i in types: if i == 'Day': # self.frame2_label.grid_forget() # self.frame2_checkbox.grid_forget() pass if self.frame_master_current_page == 2: # check if some months are selected if len(self.frame2_config_month_string_selected) == 0: tkMessageBox.showinfo("Error", "At least one month must be selected.") self.action_decrement() return # remove the last current page self.frame_master_all_frames[self.frame_master_last_page].pack_forget() # If page of wizard is the third if self.frame_master_current_page == 2: # show all element what are inside the selected model # then parse selected model just to get 'KEYWORDS' and add it to # the listbox if self.frame1_config_model_name != '': type_ele = re.compile('element=\'(.*)\'') tree = etree.parse(self.frame1_config_model_path + self.frame1_config_model_name) keys = tree.getroot() for key in keys: val = key.attrib['KEYWORDS'] elements = re.findall(type_ele, val) self.frame3_listbox_font_elements = re.split(",", elements[0]) self.frame3_listbox_font.delete(0, END) for i in self.frame3_listbox_font_elements: self.frame3_listbox_font.insert(END, i) for i, val in enumerate(self.frame3_listbox_font_elements): self.font_list[val] = [] self.font_list[val].append(self.font_var.get()) self.font_list[val].append(self.font_size) self.font_list[val].append(self.font_color.get()) self.font_list[val].append(self.line_color.get()) self.frame3_listbox_font.select_set(0) self.on_font_select(None) # if page of wizard is the second # then disable or activate some button if self.frame_master_current_page <= 0: self.frame_master_current_page = 0 self.bottom_button[0].config(state=DISABLED) self.bottom_button[2].config(state=DISABLED) else: if self.frame_master_current_page >= self.frame_master_maxpage - 1: self.frame_master_current_page = self.frame_master_maxpage - 1 self.bottom_button[1].config(state=DISABLED) self.bottom_button[2].config(state=ACTIVE) else: self.bottom_button[1].config(state=ACTIVE) self.bottom_button[2].config(state=DISABLED) self.bottom_button[0].config(state=ACTIVE) self.frame_master_all_frames[self.frame_master_current_page].pack() self.frame_master_last_page = self.frame_master_current_page self.canvas.yview_moveto(0.0) self.scrollbar_middle.set(0.0, 1.0) def action_import_model(self): """ Callback to import file new model, a file ".sla" """ try: filename = askopenfilename(title="Open your file", filetypes=[('scribus files', '.sla'), ('all files', '.*')]) if not filename: # if the user cancel pass else: copyfile(filename, self.frame1_config_model_path + os.path.basename(filename)) except Exception as e: show_error("Can not import file.\nErr :" + str(e)) def action_import_ics(self): """ import an ICS file, this function is not working at this moment """ try: filename = askopenfilename(title="Open your file", filetypes=[('ics files', '.ics'), ('all files', '.*')]) if filename is None: raise ValueError ics_file = open(filename, "r") self.frame2_config_file_i_c_s = ics_file.close() except Exception as e: show_error("Can not import file. Err :" + str(e)) def action_increment(self): """ Go to next page """ self.frame_master_current_page = self.frame_master_current_page + 1 self.update() def action_decrement(self): """ Go to previous page """ self.frame_master_current_page = self.frame_master_current_page - 1 self.update() def action_canvas(self, event): """ Get all the elements of the wizard inside a canvas. """ tup = self.scrollbar_middle.get() self.canvas.configure(scrollregion=self.canvas.bbox("all")) if tup[0] == 0 and tup[1] == 1: self.canvas.yview_moveto(0.0) # un-comment for main scroll # working # def action_mouse_weel(self, event): # """ Callback for the main scroll """ # if event.num == 5: # = -120 # elif event.num == 4: # = 120 # print( # tup = self.scrollbar_middle.get() # if tup[0] != 0 or tup[1] != 1: # self.canvas.yview_scroll(int(-1 * ( / 120)), "units") # print(event.num) def action_get_models(self, event): """ Callback to get selected model in page 1 of Wizard and refresh image """ # get selected line index self.model_index_selected = self.frame1_listbox_model.curselection()[0] self.frame1_config_model_name = self.frame1_listbox_model.get( self.model_index_selected) model_name = self.frame1_config_model_name[0:-4] try: # show correspondent image to the preview = PhotoImage(file="format/" + model_name + ".png") self.preview_canvas.itemconfigure(self.photo_img,, anchor=NW) self.preview_canvas.image = except Exception as e: show_error("Can not update image from model.\n" + str(e)) def action_get_language(self, event): """ Update the list of months with the right language """ # get selected line index self.frame2_config_language_index_selected = None # check if a language is selected try: self.frame2_config_language_index_selected = \ self.frame2_listbox_language.curselection()[0] except: pass if self.frame2_config_language_index_selected is None: return # then refresh month listbox with the right langage months = localization[self.frame2_listbox_language.get( self.frame2_config_language_index_selected)][0] self.frame2_config_language_string_selected = \ self.frame2_listbox_language.get( self.frame2_config_language_index_selected) # this is used for action_finish self.lang = self.frame2_config_language_string_selected self.frame2_listbox_month.delete(0, END) for i in months: self.frame2_listbox_month.insert(END, i) def action_select_month(self, event): """ Callback to get selected month in page 2 of Wizard """ self.frame2_config_month_index_selected = \ self.frame2_listbox_month.curselection() self.frame2_config_month_string_selected = [] for month in self.frame2_config_month_index_selected: self.frame2_config_month_index_selected = month self.frame2_config_month_string_selected.append(int(month)) def action_select_type(self, event): """ Callback to get available models with type selected """ self.frame1_config_type_index_selected = \ self.frame1_listbox_types.curselection()[0] search_type = self.frame1_listbox_types.get( self.frame1_config_type_index_selected) self.frame1_config_type_string_selected = search_type type_cal = re.compile('type=\'.*' + search_type + '.*\'') # Try to find inside the model directory available_models = [] # Check all the files with endless ".sla" for model in os.listdir(self.frame1_config_model_path): if model.endswith(".sla"): # Parsing of selected model to get the keywords tree = etree.parse(self.frame1_config_model_path + model) keys = tree.getroot() for key in keys: val = key.attrib['KEYWORDS'] # If there is a type inside keywords, we print it inside # the right listbox avail = re.findall(type_cal, val) if avail: available_models.append(model) self.frame1_listbox_model.delete(0, END) for i in available_models: self.frame1_listbox_model.insert(END, i) self.frame1_listbox_model.select_set(0) self.action_get_models(None) def action_attrib(self): """ Insert inside font_list (in the third page), each value for the selected font """ try: for i in self.frame3_listbox_font.curselection(): self.font_list[self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]] = [] self.font_list[self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]].append( self.font_var.get()) self.font_list[self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]].append( self.font_size) self.font_list[self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]].append( self.font_color.get()) self.font_list[self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]].append( self.line_color.get()) except Exception as e: show_error("Error while attributing font...\n" + str(e)) def action_finish(self): """ Final method which generate the new Scribus document """ # Create the document with DocumentClass my_document = Document( self.frame1_config_model_path + self.frame1_config_model_name, self.lang, self.week_var.get(), self.size.get()) # resize all box with proportion of new document if orientation or # size has been changed: if my_document.orientation == 1: new_page_size_height, new_page_size_width = size_document[ my_document.size] else: new_page_size_width, new_page_size_height = size_document[ my_document.size] if my_document.page_height != new_page_size_height \ and my_document.page_width != new_page_size_width: for i in my_document.box_container: i.xpos = (new_page_size_width * i.xpos) / \ my_document.page_width i.ypos = (new_page_size_height * i.ypos) / \ my_document.page_height i.width = (new_page_size_width * i.width) / \ my_document.page_width i.height = (new_page_size_height * i.height) / \ my_document.page_height my_document.border_right = (new_page_size_width * my_document.border_right) / \ my_document.page_width my_document.border_bottom = (new_page_size_height * my_document.border_bottom) / \ my_document.page_height my_document.border_left = (new_page_size_width * my_document.border_left) / \ my_document.page_width my_document.border_top = (new_page_size_height * my_document.border_top) / \ my_document.page_height try: # Create the Scribus New Document with right proportions if not scribus.newDocument((size_document[my_document.size][0], size_document[my_document.size][1]), (my_document.border_left, my_document.border_right, my_document.border_top, my_document.border_bottom), my_document.orientation, 1, scribus.UNIT_POINTS, scribus.NOFACINGPAGES, scribus.FIRSTPAGELEFT, 1): print ('Create a new document first, please') return # Attrib all font to right container for ii, i in enumerate(my_document.box_container): try: if i.anname == 'image_box': i.path_img = self.path_image i.fit_to_box = self.fit_to_box i.keep_proportion = self.keep_proportion else: if '#' in self.font_list[i.anname][2]: h = self.font_list[i.anname][2].lstrip('#') color = tuple( int(h[i:i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) self.font_list[i.anname][2] = 'new_color' + str(ii) scribus.defineColorRGB(self.font_list[i.anname][2], color[0], color[1], color[2]) if '#' in self.font_list[i.anname][3]: h = self.font_list[i.anname][3].lstrip('#') color = tuple( int(h[i:i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) self.font_list[i.anname][ 3] = 'new_line_color' + str(ii) scribus.defineColorRGB(self.font_list[i.anname][3], color[0], color[1], color[2]) i.attrib_font(self.font_list[i.anname][0], self.font_list[i.anname][1], self.font_list[i.anname][2], self.font_list[i.anname][3]) except Exception as e: show_error("Error while attrib font. " + str(e)) if self.frame1_config_type_string_selected == 'Day': self.create_day_calendar(my_document) pass elif self.frame1_config_type_string_selected == 'Week': scribus.progressTotal(len(self.frame2_config_month_string_selected)) self.create_week_calendar(my_document) elif self.frame1_config_type_string_selected == 'Month': scribus.progressTotal(len(self.frame2_config_month_string_selected)) self.create_month_calendar(my_document) elif self.frame1_config_type_string_selected == 'Year': scribus.progressTotal(len(my_document.box_container) * len( self.frame2_config_month_string_selected)) self.create_year_calendar(my_document) except Exception as e: show_error(str(e)) self.quit() try: self.quit() except Exception as e: print (e) pass return def create_day_calendar(self, my_document): """ Method to create the calendar from days based models """ try: scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_year, alignment=1) # alignment=1 == center scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_days, alignment=scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_month, alignment=1) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_week, alignment=1) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_name_week, alignment=scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_num_week, alignment=scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT) run = 0 total = 0 # calculate elapsed time to progressTotal for imonth, month in enumerate( self.frame2_config_month_string_selected): my_document.mycal.monthdatescalendar(self.year_var, month + 1) total += monthrange(self.year_var, month + 1)[1] scribus.progressTotal(total) # the begining of creation of the objects to the document # the main loop correspond to the number of month selected for imonth, month in enumerate( self.frame2_config_month_string_selected): my_document.set_month(self.year_var, month + 1) cal = my_document.mycal.monthdatescalendar(self.year_var, month + 1) # loop for the number of week in the current month for week in cal: # loop for the number of day in the current week for iday, day in enumerate(week): if day.month == month + 1: scribus.newPage(-1) # loop go through to of the box list based from # the model for i in my_document.box_container: if i.anname == "week_box": cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) scribus.setText(my_document.day_order[iday], cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_week, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) elif i.anname == "days_box": cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) scribus.setText(str(, cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_week, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) elif i.anname == "month_box": cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) scribus.setText(localization[self.lang][0][month], cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_week, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) elif i.anname == "image_box": scribus.createImage(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) if i.path_img != "": print (i.path_img) scribus.loadImage(i.path_img, str(i.anname) + str(run)) scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(i.fit_to_box, i.keep_proportion, str(i.anname) + str(run)) elif i.anname[0:4] == "line": cel = scribus.createLine(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.xpos + i.width, i.ypos + i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) run += 1 scribus.progressSet(run) scribus.deletePage(1) except Exception as e: show_error( 'Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + type( e).__name__ + str(e)) def create_week_calendar(self, my_document): """ Method to create the calendar from week based models """ scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_year, alignment=1) # alignment=1 == center scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_days, alignment=scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_month, alignment=1) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_week, alignment=1) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_name_week, alignment=scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_num_week, alignment=scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT) # imonth is used for scribus progressbar # re-draw new document from the model base try: run = 0 for imonth, month in enumerate( self.frame2_config_month_string_selected): scribus.progressSet(imonth) my_document.set_month(self.year_var, month + 1) cal = my_document.mycal.monthdatescalendar(self.year_var, month + 1) for week in cal: scribus.newPage(-1) nb_days_in_current_week = 0 for day in week: if day.month >= 12: new_day_month = 0 else: new_day_month = day.month if self.prev_day_name is 1 and new_day_month < month + 1: nb_days_in_current_week += 1 if self.next_day_name is 1 and new_day_month > month + 1: nb_days_in_current_week += 1 if day.month == month + 1: nb_days_in_current_week += 1 for i in my_document.box_container: if i.anname == "month_box": cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) iday = 0 if self.prev_day_name is not 1 and week[iday].month < month + 1: if week[iday].month < month + 1: while week[iday].month != month + 1: iday += 1 scribus.setText("\n" + str(week[iday].day) + "\t" + localization[self.lang][0][ week[iday].month - 1] + "\t" + str(self.year_var), cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_month, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) elif i.anname == "week_box": j = 0 for iday, day in enumerate(week): if day.month == month + 1 or self.prev_day_name is 1 \ and day.month < month + 1 \ or self.next_day_name is 1 \ and day.month > month + 1: cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos + j * ( i.width / nb_days_in_current_week), i.ypos, i.width / nb_days_in_current_week, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) scribus.setText("\n" + my_document.day_order[ iday] + "\t" + str(, cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_week, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) j += 1 elif i.anname[0:19] == "containers_week_box": j = 0 for iday, day in enumerate(week): if day.month == month + 1 or self.prev_day_name is 1 \ and day.month < month + 1 \ or self.next_day_name is 1 \ and day.month > month + 1: scribus.createText(i.xpos + j * ( i.width / nb_days_in_current_week), i.ypos, i.width / nb_days_in_current_week, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) j += 1 elif i.anname[0:9] == "container": cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) scribus.setText("\n" + i.text, cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_month, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) elif i.anname[0:4] == "line": cel = scribus.createLine(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.xpos + i.width, i.ypos + i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) else: cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) # loop to refresh the string number of "end of week" while self.next_day_name is not 1 \ and week[iday].month > month + 1: iday -= 1 scribus.insertText(" / " + str(week[iday].day) + "\t" + localization[self.lang][0][week[iday].month - 1] + "\t" + str(self.year_var), -1, "month_box" + str(run)) run += 1 scribus.progressSet(imonth + 1) # delete first empty page scribus.deletePage(1) except Exception as e: show_error( 'Error on line {}'.format(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno) + type( e).__name__ + str(e)) def create_month_calendar(self, my_document): """ Method to create the calendar from month based models """ scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_year, alignment=1) # alignment=1 == center scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_days, alignment=scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_month, alignment=1) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_week, alignment=1) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_name_week, alignment=scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_num_week, alignment=scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT) # run is used for scribus progressbar # re-draw new document from the model base for run, month in enumerate(self.frame2_config_month_string_selected): scribus.newPage(-1) for i in my_document.box_container: year = self.year_var month_variable = month if i.img is False: # init the numbers of week and month for the selected year if i.anname[0:4] == "next": month_variable += 1 if month_variable >= 12: year += 1 month_variable = 0 my_document.set_month(year, month_variable + 1) cal = my_document.mycal.monthdatescalendar( year, month_variable + 1) else: my_document.set_month(self.year_var, month_variable + 1) cal = my_document.mycal.monthdatescalendar( self.year_var, month_variable + 1) elif i.anname[0:4] == "prev": month_variable -= 1 if month_variable < 0: year -= 1 my_document.set_month(year, month_variable + 12) cal = my_document.mycal.monthdatescalendar( self.year_var, month_variable + 12) else: my_document.set_month(self.year_var, month_variable) cal = my_document.mycal.monthdatescalendar( self.year_var, month_variable) else: my_document.set_month(self.year_var, month_variable + 1) cal = my_document.mycal.monthdatescalendar( self.year_var, month_variable + 1) # draw and fill all days strings if i.anname == "week_box" or i.anname == "next_week_box": for j, name in enumerate(my_document.day_order): cel = scribus.createText((j * i.width / my_document.nb_day_usual_week) + i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width / my_document.nb_day_usual_week, i.height, str(i.anname) + str( run) + '_' + str(j)) if self.short_day_name is True \ and i.anname == "week_box" or \ self.next_short_day_name is True \ and i.anname == "next_week_box" or \ self.prev_short_day_name is True \ and i.anname == "prev_week_box": scribus.setText("\n" + str(name[0:3]), cel) else: scribus.setText("\n" + str(name), cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_week, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) # draw and fill all days_box elif i.anname == "days_box" or i.anname == "next_days_box": h = 0 st = 0 for j, week in enumerate(cal): for day in week: cel = scribus.createText( h * i.width / my_document.nb_day_usual_week + i.xpos, j * i.height / my_document.nb_week + i.ypos, i.width / my_document.nb_day_usual_week, i.height / my_document.nb_week, str(i.anname) + str(run) + '_' + str(st)) if self.prev_day_name is 1 \ and day.month < month_variable + 1: scribus.setText(str(, cel) if self.next_day_name is 1 \ and day.month > month_variable + 1: scribus.setText(str(, cel) if day.month == month_variable + 1: scribus.setText(str(, cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_days, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, str(i.anname) + str( run) + '_' + str(st)) scribus.setFont(i.font, str(i.anname) + str(run) + '_' + str( st)) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, str(i.anname) + str( run) + '_' + str(st)) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, str(i.anname) + str( run) + '_' + str(st)) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) h += 1 st += 1 h = 0 elif i.anname == "month_box" \ or i.anname == "next_month_box": cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) scribus.setText( "\n" + localization[self.lang][0][month_variable], cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_month, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) # draw and fill name_week_box elif i.anname == "name_week_box" \ or i.anname == "next_name_week_box": cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) scribus.setText("\n" + "#", cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_name_week, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) # draw and fill all num_week_box elif i.anname == "num_week_box" \ or i.anname == "next_num_week_box": for j, week in enumerate(cal): cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos, j * i.height / my_document.nb_week + i.ypos, i.width, i.height / my_document.nb_week, str(i.anname) + str(j) + str(run)) # print the number of week near year scribus.setText("\n" + str(, week[0].month, week[0].day).isocalendar()[1]), cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_num_week, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) elif i.anname[0:4] == "line": cel = scribus.createLine(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.xpos + i.width, i.ypos + i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) else: scribus.createText(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) else: scribus.createImage(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) if i.path_img != "": print (i.path_img) scribus.loadImage(i.path_img, str(i.anname) + str(run)) scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(i.fit_to_box, i.keep_proportion, str(i.anname) + str(run)) run += 1 scribus.progressSet(run) # delete first empty page scribus.deletePage(1) def create_year_calendar(self, my_document): """ Method to create the calendar from year based models """ scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_year, alignment=1) # alignment=1 == center scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_days, alignment=scribus.ALIGN_LEFT) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_month, alignment=1) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_week, alignment=1) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_name_week, alignment=scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT) scribus.createParagraphStyle(name=self.p_style_num_week, alignment=scribus.ALIGN_RIGHT) # run is used for scribus progressbar # re-draw new document from the model base scribus.newPage(-1) run = 0 for i in my_document.box_container: if i.anname == "year_box": cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname)) scribus.setText("\n" + str(self.year_var), cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_year, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) elif i.anname == "month_box": nb_month = len(self.frame2_config_month_string_selected) for imonth, month in enumerate( self.frame2_config_month_string_selected): cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos + (imonth * (i.width / nb_month)), i.ypos, i.width / nb_month, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(imonth)) scribus.setText(localization[self.lang][0][month], cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_month, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) elif i.anname == "days_and_week_box": nb_month = len(self.frame2_config_month_string_selected) for imonth, month in enumerate( self.frame2_config_month_string_selected): # init current month my_document.set_month(self.year_var, month + 1) cal = my_document.mycal.monthdatescalendar(self.year_var, month + 1) st = 0 for j, week in enumerate(cal): for iday, day in enumerate(week): if day.month == month + 1: # days name cel = scribus.createText( i.xpos + imonth * (i.width / nb_month), i.ypos + st * ( i.height / my_document.nb_max_days_in_month), i.width / nb_month / 4, i.height / my_document.nb_max_days_in_month, str(i.anname) + str(run) + '_' + str(st)) if self.short_day_name is True: scribus.setText( str(my_document.day_order[iday][0:1]), cel) else: scribus.setText(str(my_document.day_order[iday]), cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_week, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) # days numbers cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos + imonth * ( i.width / nb_month) + i.width / nb_month / 4, i.ypos + st * ( i.height / my_document.nb_max_days_in_month), i.width / nb_month - i.width / nb_month / 4, i.height / my_document.nb_max_days_in_month, str(i.anname) + str(run) + '_' + str(st)) scribus.setText(str(, cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_days, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) st += 1 run += 1 scribus.progressSet(run) for imonth, month in enumerate( self.frame2_config_month_string_selected): if i.img is False: # init the numbers of week and month for the selected year my_document.set_month(self.year_var, month + 1) cal = my_document.mycal.monthdatescalendar(self.year_var, month + 1) # draw and fill all days strings if i.anname == "week_box" + str(imonth): for j, name in enumerate(my_document.day_order): cel = scribus.createText( (j * i.width / my_document.nb_day_usual_week) + i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width / my_document.nb_day_usual_week, i.height, str(i.anname) + str(j)) if self.short_day_name is True \ and i.anname == "week_box" + str(imonth): scribus.setText(str(name[0:2]), cel) else: scribus.setText(str(name), cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_week, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) # draw and fill all days_box elif i.anname == "days_box" + str(imonth): h = 0 st = 0 for j, week in enumerate(cal): for day in week: cel = scribus.createText( h * i.width / my_document.nb_day_usual_week + i.xpos, j * i.height / my_document.nb_week + i.ypos, i.width / my_document.nb_day_usual_week, i.height / my_document.nb_week, str(i.anname) + str(st)) if day.month == month + 1: scribus.setText(str(, cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_days, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) h += 1 st += 1 h = 0 elif i.anname == "month_box" + str(imonth): cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname)) scribus.setText(localization[self.lang][0][month], cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_month, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) # draw and fill name_week_box elif i.anname == "name_week_box" + str(imonth): cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname)) scribus.setText("\n" + "#", cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_name_week, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) # draw and fill all num_week_box elif i.anname == "num_week_box" + str(imonth): for j, week in enumerate(cal): cel = scribus.createText(i.xpos, j * i.height / my_document.nb_week + i.ypos, i.width, i.height / my_document.nb_week, str(i.anname) + str(j)) # print the number of week near year scribus.setText("\n" + str(, week[0].month, week[0].day).isocalendar()[1]), cel) scribus.setStyle(self.p_style_num_week, cel) scribus.selectText(0, 0, cel) scribus.setFont(i.font, cel) scribus.setFontSize(i.font_size, cel) scribus.setTextColor(i.color, cel) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) elif i.anname[0:4] == "line": cel = scribus.createLine(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.xpos + i.width, i.ypos + i.height, str(i.anname) + str(run)) if i.line_color != 'None': scribus.setLineColor(i.line_color, cel) else: pass else: scribus.createImage(i.xpos, i.ypos, i.width, i.height, str(i.anname)) if i.path_img != "": print (i.path_img) scribus.loadImage(i.path_img, str(i.anname)) scribus.setScaleImageToFrame(i.fit_to_box, i.keep_proportion, str(i.anname)) run += 1 try: scribus.progressSet(run) except: pass # delete first empty page scribus.deletePage(1) def select_all_month(self): """ Callback to select all month in page 2 of Wizard """ self.frame2_listbox_month.select_set(0, END) self.action_select_month(None) def select_all_elements(self): """ Callback to select all elements in page 3 of Wizard """ self.frame3_listbox_font.select_set(0, END) def unselect_all_month(self): """ Callback to un-select all month in page 2 of Wizard """ self.frame2_listbox_month.selection_clear(0, END) self.action_select_month(None) def get_short_day(self): """ Getter to get value of check_option_short_day """ self.short_day_name = bool(self.check_option_short_day.get()) def get_next_short_day(self): """ Getter to get value of check_option_next_short_day """ self.next_short_day_name = bool(self.check_option_next_short_day.get()) def get_prev_short_day(self): """ Getter to get value of check_option_prev_short_day """ self.prev_short_day_name = bool(self.check_option_prev_short_day.get()) def get_prev_day(self): """ Getter to get value of check_option_prev_day """ self.prev_day_name = self.check_option_prev_day.get() def get_next_day(self): """ Getter to get value of check_option_next_day """ self.next_day_name = self.check_option_next_day.get() def get_year(self): """ Getter to get value of frame2_spinbox_year """ self.year_var = int(self.frame2_spinbox_year.get()) def get_font_size(self): """ Getter to get value of frame3_spinbox_size """ self.font_size = int(self.frame3_spinbox_size.get()) def get_fit_to_box(self): """ Getter checkoption of check_option_fit_to_box """ self.fit_to_box = bool(self.check_option_fit_to_box.get()) def get_keep_proportion(self): """ Getter checkoption of check_option_keep_proportion """ self.keep_proportion = bool(self.check_option_keep_proportion.get()) def get_style_from_font_string(self, mstr): """ Check font, and return it in a string """ self.font = mstr s = "" if " Regular" in self.font: s += "Regular" self.font = self.font.replace(" Regular", "") if " Bold" in self.font: s += " Bold" self.font = self.font.replace(" Bold", "") if " Italic" in self.font: s += " Italic" self.font = self.font.replace(" Italic", "") if " Oblique" in self.font: s += " Oblique" self.font = self.font.replace(" Oblique", "") if s == "": s = mstr return s def ask_color(self): """ Panel of askcolor() from tkColorChooser library """ self.new_color = askcolor() def on_font_color_select(self, event): """ Allow user to choose is own color """ self.new_font_color = self.font_color.get() if self.font_color.get() == "Personalized color...": self.ask_color() if self.new_color == (None, None): self.frame3_combobox_color.current(0) self.new_font_color = self.font_color.get() else: self.frame3_combobox_color.set(str(self.new_color[1])) self.new_font_color = self.new_color[1] self.on_font_select(None) def on_outline_color_select(self, event): """ Callback for outline event in page 3 of Wizard """ self.new_line_color = self.line_color.get() if self.line_color.get() == "Personalized color...": self.ask_color() if self.new_color == (None, None): self.frame3_combobox_line_color.current(0) self.new_line_color = self.line_color.get() else: self.frame3_combobox_line_color.set(str(self.new_color[1])) self.new_line_color = self.new_color[1] self.on_font_select(None) def on_font_select(self, event): """ Callback for combobox when user change something of the text style """ # refresh le Text de font preview d'après les fonts family box s = self.get_style_from_font_string(self.font_var.get()) if "Regular" in s: if self.line_color.get() != 'None': self.frame3_frame_font_text.configure( font=(self.font[0:-8], self.font_size), foreground=self.new_font_color, highlightbackground=self.new_line_color, highlightcolor=self.new_line_color, highlightthickness=1) else: self.frame3_frame_font_text.configure( font=(self.font[0:-8], self.font_size), foreground=self.new_font_color, highlightthickness=0) else: if self.new_line_color != 'None': self.frame3_frame_font_text.configure( font=(self.font[0:-8], self.font_size, s.lower()), foreground=self.new_font_color, highlightbackground=self.new_line_color, highlightcolor=self.new_line_color, highlightthickness=1) else: self.frame3_frame_font_text.configure( font=(self.font[0:-8], self.font_size, s.lower()), foreground=self.new_font_color, highlightthickness=0) def unshow_frame3_image(self): """ Update third page of wizard to hide "image panel" and show "text panel" if the element selected is not an image """ self.frame3_frame_font_title_font.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky=W + E + N) self.frame3_frame_font_title_preview.grid(row=0, column=3, rowspan=3, sticky=W + E + N) self.frame3_frame_font_label.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=N + W + E + S) self.frame3_frame_font_combobox.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=W + E + N + S) self.frame3_frame_img_button.grid_forget() self.frame3_frame_img_preview.grid_forget() def show_frame3_image(self): """ Update third page of wizard to show "image panel" if the element selected is an image """ self.frame3_frame_font_title_font.grid_forget() self.frame3_frame_font_title_preview.grid_forget() self.frame3_frame_font_label.grid_forget() self.frame3_frame_font_combobox.grid_forget() self.frame3_frame_img_button.grid(row=0, column=1, rowspan=2, sticky=W + E + N + S) self.frame3_frame_img_preview.grid(row=0, column=2, rowspan=2, sticky=W + E + N + S) def on_font_select_listbox(self, event): """ Callback when user select an element in page 3 of Wizard""" if self.frame1_config_model_name != '': if self.frame3_listbox_font.curselection()[0] >= 0: # refresh the font label in preview with the previous # attributes i = self.frame3_listbox_font.curselection()[0] if "image_box" in self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]: self.show_frame3_image() else: self.unshow_frame3_image() s = self.get_style_from_font_string( self.font_list[self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][0]) # check the font style if "Regular" in \ self.font_list[self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][ 0]: # if outline is not None if self.font_list[self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][ 3] != 'None': self.frame3_frame_font_text.configure( font=(self.font, self.font_list[ self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][1]), foreground=self.font_list[ self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][2], highlightbackground=self.font_list[ self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][3], highlightcolor=self.font_list[ self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][3], highlightthickness=1) else: self.frame3_frame_font_text.configure( font=(self.font, self.font_list[ self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][1]), foreground=self.font_list[ self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][2], highlightthickness=0) else: if self.font_list[self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][ 3] != 'None': self.frame3_frame_font_text.configure( font=(self.font, self.font_list[ self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][1], s.lower()), foreground=self.font_list[ self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][2], highlightbackground=self.font_list[ self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][3], highlightcolor=self.font_list[ self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][3], highlightthickness=1) else: self.frame3_frame_font_text.configure( font=(self.font, self.font_list[ self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][1], s.lower()), foreground=self.font_list[ self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][2], highlightthickness=0) # refresh les fonts family box after pressed attribute self.frame3_combobox_font.set( self.font_list[self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][0]) self.frame3_spinbox_size.delete(0, self.font_size) self.frame3_spinbox_size.insert(0, self.font_list[ self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][1]) self.frame3_combobox_color.set( self.font_list[self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][2]) self.frame3_combobox_line_color.set( self.font_list[self.frame3_listbox_font_elements[i]][3]) else: if self.line_color.get() != 'None': self.frame3_frame_font_text.configure( font=(self.font_var.get(), self.font_size), foreground=self.font_color.get(), highlightbackground=self.line_color.get(), highlightcolor=self.line_color.get(), highlightthickness=1) else: self.frame3_frame_font_text.configure( font=(self.font_var.get(), self.font_size), foreground=self.font_color.get(), highlightthickness=0) def get_image(self): """ Define image to draw inside the selected object in page 3 of wizard """ try: filename = askopenfilename(title="Open your image", filetypes=[('Image File', '.png'), ('Image File', '.bmp'), ('all files', '.*')]) # In case of error or cancel if len(filename) <= 0: pass else: self.path_image = filename self.photo_frame3 = PhotoImage(file=filename) # resize img while self.photo_frame3.width() > 400 \ and self.photo_frame3.width() > 300: self.photo_frame3 = self.photo_frame3.subsample(8) self.preview_canvas_frame3.itemconfigure(self.photo_img_frame3, image=self.photo_frame3, anchor=NW) self.preview_canvas_frame3.image = self.photo_frame3 except Exception as e: show_error( "An error has encountered while opening image. \n" + str(e)) def make_top(self): """ Define title label """ = Frame(self), column=0) self.top_label = Label(, text="Calendar wizard 2") self.top_label.pack() def make_middle(self): """ Define the middle gridPane """ self.middle = Frame(self, width=sizex - 50, height=sizey - 50, padx=20, pady=20) self.middle.grid(row=1, column=0) self.canvas = Canvas(self.middle, width=sizex - 50, height=sizey - 50) self.canvas.pack() self.canvas_frame = Frame(self.canvas, width=sizex - 50, height=sizey - 50, padx=10, pady=10) self.canvas_frame.pack(padx=10, pady=10) self.canvas_frame.bind("<Configure>", self.action_canvas) # un-comment for main scroll bar # self.scrollbar_middle = Scrollbar(self.middle, orient="vertical", # command=self.canvas.yview) # self.canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar_middle.set) # self.scrollbar_middle.pack(side="right", fill="y") self.canvas.pack(side="left") self.canvas.create_window((0, 0), window=self.canvas_frame, anchor='nw') # un-comment if you want enable the scroll and the mouse-weel correct # set # if sys.platform == "Windows": # self.canvas.bind_all("<MouseWheel>", self.action_mouse_weel) # elif sys.platform == "Linux": # self.canvas.bind_all("<Button-4>", self.action_mouse_weel) # self.canvas.bind_all("<Button-5>", self.action_mouse_weel) def make_bottom(self): """ Show button Previous, Next, and finish""" self.bottom = Frame(self) self.bottom.grid(row=2, column=0) self.bottom_button = [Button(self.bottom, text="Previous", padx=10, command=self.action_decrement), Button(self.bottom, text="Next", padx=20, command=self.action_increment), Button(self.bottom, padx=20, text="Finish", command=self.action_finish), Button(self.bottom, padx=20, text="Cancel", command=self.quit)] for i in range(0, 4): self.bottom_button[i].grid(padx=10, pady=10, row=0, column=i) def make_frames(self): """ This is the main method to draw the user interface """ # ELEMENT MIDDLE FRAME 1 frame1_root = Frame(self.canvas_frame) frame1_frame_types = Frame(frame1_root) frame1_frame_types.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=1, sticky=W + E + N + S) Label(frame1_frame_types, text="Types").pack(padx=10, pady=10) self.frame1_listbox_types = Tk.Listbox(frame1_frame_types, width=20, exportselection=0) self.frame1_listbox_types.insert(Tk.END, "Day") self.frame1_listbox_types.insert(Tk.END, "Week") self.frame1_listbox_types.insert(Tk.END, "Month") self.frame1_listbox_types.insert(Tk.END, "Year") self.frame1_listbox_types.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.action_select_type) self.frame1_listbox_types.pack() frame1_frame_models = Frame(frame1_root) frame1_frame_models.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=1, sticky=W + E + N + S) Label(frame1_frame_models, text="Models").pack(padx=10, pady=10) self.frame1_listbox_model = Tk.Listbox(frame1_frame_models, width=20, exportselection=0) self.frame1_listbox_model.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.action_get_models) self.frame1_listbox_model.pack() frame1_frame_import = Frame(frame1_root) frame1_frame_import.grid(row=1, column=0, rowspan=1, columnspan=1, sticky=W + E + N + S, padx=15, pady=15) Label(frame1_frame_import, text="Models import").pack(ipady=5) frame1_button_import = Button(frame1_frame_import, text="import .sla", command=self.action_import_model) frame1_button_import.pack() frame1_frame_orientation = Frame(frame1_root) frame1_frame_orientation.grid(row=1, column=1, rowspan=1, columnspan=1, sticky=W + E + N + S, padx=15, pady=15) Label(frame1_frame_orientation, text="Size").pack(ipady=5) frame1_combobox_size = ttk.Combobox(frame1_frame_orientation, textvariable=self.size, width=15) keys = sorted(size_document.keys()) size_keys = [] for i in keys: size_keys.append(i) frame1_combobox_size['values'] = size_keys frame1_combobox_size.current(4) frame1_combobox_size.pack(pady=5, anchor='w') frame1_frame_empty = Frame(frame1_root) frame1_frame_empty.grid(row=3, column=1, rowspan=3, columnspan=2, sticky=W + E + N + S) frame1_frame_preview = Frame(frame1_root) frame1_frame_preview.grid(row=0, column=2, rowspan=6, columnspan=1, padx=20, sticky=W + E + N + S) Label(frame1_frame_preview, text="Preview").pack(padx=10, pady=10) = PhotoImage() self.preview_canvas = Canvas(frame1_frame_preview, width=200, height=200) self.photo_img = self.preview_canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=NW, self.preview_canvas.pack() # ELEMENT MIDDLE FRAME 2 frame2_root = Frame(self.canvas_frame) frame2_list_language = Frame(frame2_root) frame2_list_language.grid(row=0, rowspan=3, column=0, sticky=W + E + N + S) Label(frame2_list_language, text="Languages").pack(padx=10, pady=10) scrollbar_listbox_language = Scrollbar(frame2_list_language, orient=VERTICAL) self.frame2_listbox_language = Tk.Listbox( frame2_list_language, yscrollcommand=scrollbar_listbox_language.set) scrollbar_listbox_language.config( command=self.frame2_listbox_language.yview) scrollbar_listbox_language.pack(anchor='n', side=RIGHT, ipady=63) # place scrollbar near to the listbox keys = sorted(localization.keys()) for i in keys: self.frame2_listbox_language.insert(END, i) self.frame2_listbox_language.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.action_get_language) self.frame2_listbox_language.pack() frame2_button = Button(frame2_list_language, text="Import ICS", command=self.action_import_ics, padx=30, pady=10, state=DISABLED) frame2_button.pack(pady=20) self.frame2_checkbox = Frame(frame2_root) frame2_empty = Frame(frame2_root) frame2_empty.grid(row=0, column=2, pady=20, sticky=W + N + E + S) self.frame2_label = Frame(frame2_root) self.frame2_label.grid(row=1, column=2, padx=10, sticky=W + N + E + S) self.frame2_checkbox.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky=W + N + E + S) Label(self.frame2_label, text="Show previous days:").pack(padx=4, pady=4, anchor='w') Label(self.frame2_label, text="Show next days:").pack(padx=4, pady=4, anchor='w') Label(self.frame2_label, text="Short day name:").pack(padx=4, pady=4, anchor='w') Label(self.frame2_label, text="Next month short name:").pack(padx=4, pady=4, anchor='w') Label(self.frame2_label, text="Prev month short name:").pack(padx=4, pady=4, anchor='w') Label(self.frame2_label, text='Week begins with:').pack(padx=4, pady=4, anchor='w') Label(self.frame2_label, text='Year:').pack(padx=4, pady=20, anchor='w') Checkbutton(self.frame2_checkbox, variable=self.check_option_prev_day, command=self.get_prev_day).pack(padx=3, pady=3, anchor='w') Checkbutton(self.frame2_checkbox, variable=self.check_option_next_day, command=self.get_next_day).pack(padx=3, pady=3, anchor='w') Checkbutton(self.frame2_checkbox, variable=self.check_option_short_day, command=self.get_short_day).pack(padx=3, pady=3, anchor='w') Checkbutton(self.frame2_checkbox, variable=self.check_option_next_short_day, command=self.get_next_short_day).pack(padx=3, pady=3, anchor='w') Checkbutton(self.frame2_checkbox, variable=self.check_option_prev_short_day, command=self.get_prev_short_day).pack(padx=3, pady=3, anchor='w') Radiobutton(self.frame2_checkbox, text='Mon', variable=self.week_var, value=calendar.MONDAY).pack() Radiobutton(self.frame2_checkbox, text='Sun', variable=self.week_var, value=calendar.SUNDAY).pack() self.frame2_spinbox_year = Spinbox(self.frame2_checkbox, width=5, from_=0, to=2132, wrap=True, textvariable=self.year_var, command=self.get_year) self.frame2_spinbox_year.delete(0, 1600) self.frame2_spinbox_year.insert(0, self.year_var) self.frame2_spinbox_year.pack(padx=3, pady=6, anchor='w') frame2_preview = Frame(frame2_root) frame2_preview.grid(row=0, rowspan=3, column=4, sticky=W + E + N + S) Label(frame2_preview, text="Month").pack(padx=10, pady=10) self.scrollbar_listbox_month = Scrollbar(frame2_preview, orient=VERTICAL) self.frame2_listbox_month = Listbox( frame2_preview, selectmode='multiple', exportselection=0, yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar_listbox_month.set) self.frame2_listbox_month.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.action_select_month) self.scrollbar_listbox_month.config( command=self.frame2_listbox_month.yview) self.scrollbar_listbox_month.pack(anchor='ne', side=RIGHT, ipady=62) # place scrollbar near to the listbox self.frame2_listbox_month.pack() Button(frame2_preview, text="Select All", command=self.select_all_month).pack(padx=10, pady=10) Button(frame2_preview, text="Un-select All", command=self.unselect_all_month).pack(padx=5, pady=5) # ELEMENT MIDDLE FRAME 3 frame3_root = Frame(self.canvas_frame) frame3_root.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) frame3_frame_list = Frame(frame3_root) frame3_frame_list.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=3, sticky=W + E + N + S) Label(frame3_frame_list, text="Elements").pack(padx=10, pady=10) scrollbar_listbox_font = Scrollbar(frame3_frame_list, orient=VERTICAL) self.frame3_listbox_font = Listbox( frame3_frame_list, exportselection=0, yscrollcommand=scrollbar_listbox_font.set) scrollbar_listbox_font.config( command=self.frame3_listbox_font.yview) scrollbar_listbox_font.pack(anchor='n', side=RIGHT, ipady=63) self.frame3_listbox_font.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.on_font_select_listbox) self.frame3_listbox_font.pack() Button(frame3_frame_list, text='Uniform Font', command=self.select_all_elements).pack(pady=20, anchor='center') self.frame3_frame_font_title_font = Frame(frame3_root) self.frame3_frame_font_title_preview = Frame(frame3_root) self.frame3_frame_font_label = Frame(frame3_root) self.frame3_frame_font_combobox = Frame(frame3_root) self.frame3_frame_img_button = Frame(frame3_root) self.frame3_frame_img_preview = Frame(frame3_root) self.frame3_frame_font_title_font.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky=W + E + N) self.frame3_frame_font_title_preview.grid(row=0, column=3, rowspan=3, sticky=W + E + N) self.frame3_frame_font_label.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=N + W + E + S) self.frame3_frame_font_combobox.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=W + E + N + S) Label(self.frame3_frame_img_button, text="").pack(pady=15) Button(self.frame3_frame_img_button, text='Choose Image', command=self.get_image).pack(padx=30, pady=15) Label(self.frame3_frame_img_button, text="Fit to Container :").pack( padx=30) Checkbutton(self.frame3_frame_img_button, variable=self.check_option_fit_to_box, command=self.get_fit_to_box).pack(padx=30) Label(self.frame3_frame_img_button, text="Keep Proportion :").pack( padx=30) Checkbutton(self.frame3_frame_img_button, variable=self.check_option_keep_proportion, command=self.get_keep_proportion).pack(padx=30) self.preview_canvas_frame3 = Canvas(self.frame3_frame_img_preview, width=200, height=150) try: self.photo_img_frame3 = self.preview_canvas_frame3.create_image( 0, 0, anchor=NW, image=self.photo_frame3) self.preview_canvas_frame3.pack(pady=50) except: pass Label(self.frame3_frame_font_title_preview, text="Preview").pack( padx=20, pady=20) Label(self.frame3_frame_font_title_font, text="Font Family").pack( padx=20, pady=20) Label(self.frame3_frame_font_label, text="Font:").pack(padx=15, pady=10, anchor='nw') Label(self.frame3_frame_font_label, text="Size:").pack(padx=15, pady=10, anchor='nw') Label(self.frame3_frame_font_label, text="Color:").pack(padx=15, pady=10, anchor='nw') Label(self.frame3_frame_font_label, text="Outline:").pack(padx=15, pady=10, anchor='nw') self.frame3_combobox_font = ttk.Combobox( self.frame3_frame_font_combobox, textvariable=self.font_var) self.frame3_combobox_font['values'] = scribus.getFontNames() self.frame3_combobox_font.current(0) self.frame3_combobox_font.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.on_font_select) self.frame3_combobox_font.pack(pady=10, anchor='w') self.frame3_spinbox_size = Spinbox(self.frame3_frame_font_combobox, wrap=True, from_=2, to=512, textvariable=self.font_size, command=self.get_font_size) self.frame3_spinbox_size.delete(0, 2) self.frame3_spinbox_size.insert(0, self.font_size) self.frame3_spinbox_size.bind('<ButtonPress>', self.on_font_select) self.frame3_spinbox_size.pack(pady=10, anchor='w') self.frame3_combobox_color = ttk.Combobox( self.frame3_frame_font_combobox, textvariable=self.font_color) # The support of personalized color is only with version >= 1.5 color_for_font_custom = scribus.getColorNames() color_for_line_custom = scribus.getColorNames() color_for_line_custom.insert(0, 'None') if float(scribus.scribus_version[0:3]) >= 1.5: color_for_line_custom.insert(len(color_for_font_custom), 'Personalized color...') self.frame3_combobox_color['values'] = color_for_font_custom else: self.frame3_combobox_color['values'] = scribus.getColorNames() self.frame3_combobox_color.current(0) self.frame3_combobox_color.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.on_font_color_select) self.frame3_combobox_color.pack(pady=10, anchor='center') self.frame3_combobox_line_color = ttk.Combobox( self.frame3_frame_font_combobox, textvariable=self.line_color) if float(scribus.scribus_version[0:3]) >= 1.5: self.frame3_combobox_line_color['values'] = color_for_line_custom else: self.frame3_combobox_line_color['values'] = scribus.getColorNames() self.frame3_combobox_line_color.current(0) self.frame3_combobox_line_color.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.on_outline_color_select) self.frame3_combobox_line_color.pack(pady=10, anchor='center') Button(self.frame3_frame_font_combobox, text='Attribute Font', command=self.action_attrib).pack(pady=10, anchor='center') self.frame3_frame_font_text = Text( self.frame3_frame_font_title_preview, height= int(40 / self.font_size), width=int(100 / self.font_size)) self.frame3_frame_font_text.insert(END, 'Aa\nBb\nCc') self.frame3_frame_font_text.pack(padx=10, pady=15) self.frame_master_all_frames = [frame1_root, frame2_root, frame3_root] def quit(self): self.destroy() self.parent.destroy() def __init__(self, parent): Tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) # Setting the globals variables self.parent = parent # Variables for the GUI = Frame() # top frame is for the title label self.middle = Frame() # contains the middle gridPane self.canvas_frame = Frame() self.bottom = Frame() self.frame3_frame_font_title_font = Frame() self.frame3_frame_font_title_preview = Frame() self.frame3_frame_font_label = Frame() self.frame3_frame_font_combobox = Frame() self.frame3_frame_img_button = Frame() self.frame3_frame_img_preview = Frame() self.frame2_checkbox = Frame() self.frame2_label = Frame() self.top_label = Label() self.canvas = Canvas() self.preview_canvas = Canvas() self.preview_canvas_frame3 = Canvas() self.photo_img = Canvas() self.photo_img_frame3 = Canvas() self.scrollbar_middle = Scrollbar() self.scrollbar_listbox_month = Scrollbar() self.frame1_listbox_model = Listbox() self.frame2_listbox_language = Listbox() self.frame2_listbox_month = Listbox() self.frame3_listbox_font = Listbox() self.frame1_button_import = Button() self.frame2_spinbox_year = Spinbox() self.frame3_spinbox_size = Spinbox() self.frame3_combobox_color = ttk.Combobox() self.frame3_combobox_font = ttk.Combobox() self.frame3_combobox_line_color = ttk.Combobox() self.bottom_button = [] self.frame_master_all_frames = [] self.frame_master_last_page = 0 self.frame_master_maxpage = 3 self.frame_master_current_page = 0 self.frame1_config_model_name = '' self.frame1_config_model_path = sys.path[0] + '/models/' self.frame1_config_type_string_selected = 'Month' self.frame1_config_type_index_selected = IntVar() self.frame1_listbox_types = Listbox() self.model_index_selected = IntVar() self.check_option_prev_day = IntVar() self.check_option_next_day = IntVar() self.check_option_short_day = IntVar() self.check_option_next_short_day = IntVar() self.check_option_prev_short_day = IntVar() self.check_option_fit_to_box = IntVar() self.check_option_keep_proportion = IntVar() self.frame2_config_language_string_selected = 'English' self.frame2_config_language_index_selected = 0 self.frame2_config_month_index_selected = [] self.frame2_config_month_string_selected = [] self.frame3_listbox_font_elements = [] self.frame2_config_file_i_c_s = '' self.frame3_frame_font_text = Text() = PhotoImage() self.photo_frame3 = PhotoImage() # Variable about the calendar information = self.year_var = self.first_day = calendar.SUNDAY # Variable about option for the calendar self.months = [] self.lang = 'English' self.week_var = IntVar() self.short_day_name = BooleanVar() self.next_short_day_name = BooleanVar() self.prev_short_day_name = BooleanVar() self.prev_day_name = BooleanVar() self.next_day_name = BooleanVar() self.week_number = BooleanVar() self.fit_to_box = False self.keep_proportion = False self.font = StringVar() self.font_var = StringVar() self.font_color = StringVar() self.line_color = StringVar() self.path_image = "" self.font_size = 12 self.font_list = {} self.new_color = (None, None) self.new_font_color = 'Black' self.new_line_color = 'Black' # Variable for scribus # paragraph styles self.p_style_year = "Year" self.p_style_days = "Days" self.p_style_month = "Month" self.p_style_week = "Week" self.p_style_name_week = "NameWeek" self.p_style_num_week = "NumWeek" self.size = StringVar() # Some init method self.make_top() self.make_middle() self.make_bottom() self.make_frames() self.update() def main(): """ Application/Dialog loop with Scribus sauce around """ print('Running script...') try: scribus.progressReset() root = Tk.Tk() root.resizable(width=False, height=False) root.title("Calendar Wizard 2") TkCalendar(root).pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True) root.mainloop() finally: if scribus.haveDoc() > 0: scribus.redrawAll() scribus.statusMessage('Done.') scribus.progressReset() if __name__ == '__main__': main() |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2017-10-24 08:42 | Rapido | New Issue | |
2017-10-24 08:42 | Rapido | File Added: CalendarWizard2.tgz | |
2017-10-24 13:04 | gpittman | Note Added: 0044573 | |
2017-10-24 18:04 | utnik | Note Added: 0044574 | |
2017-10-24 18:33 | gpittman | Note Added: 0044575 | |
2017-10-25 09:50 | Rapido | Note Added: 0044578 | |
2017-10-26 13:45 | gpittman | Note Added: 0044594 | |
2017-10-26 19:12 | Rapido | File Added: Calendar-Wizard.tgz | |
2017-10-26 19:12 | Rapido | Note Added: 0044598 | |
2017-10-26 19:12 | Rapido | File Deleted: Calendar-Wizard.tgz | |
2017-10-26 19:14 | Rapido | File Added: Calendar-Wizard.tgz | |
2017-10-26 19:14 | Rapido | Note Added: 0044599 | |
2017-10-26 19:44 | gpittman | Note Added: 0044600 | |
2017-10-26 20:23 | Rapido | Note Added: 0044601 | |
2022-09-25 04:13 | willsonlin | Note Added: 0049766 | |
2022-09-25 05:05 | willsonlin | Note Added: 0049767 | |
2022-09-25 05:05 | willsonlin | File Added: |