View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0015110ScribusScrapbookpublic2023-11-04 09:09
ReporterPeterFranz Assigned Tonitramr  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.5.4.svn 
Fixed in Version1.6.0.svn 
Summary0015110: White objects are invisible in scrapbook
DescriptionObjects witch are only white colored are invisible in Scrapbook. The Name is readabele but you see nothing above.
Maybe its possible to make the white stuff lookalike Lineout only in the Scrapbook.
I believe in Version 1.4. it was like this that white Objects shown withe a black line around, but i am not sure.
TagsNo tags attached.


has duplicate 0016989 closedjghali White Objects are invisible in Scrapbook 



2023-01-31 16:22

reporter   ~0049982

Its still a problem in Scribus-Version 1.5.8

Wie have many symbols, Logos and text in white color and you cant see them in the Scrapbooks
scrapbook-bug.png (9,382 bytes)   
scrapbook-bug.png (9,382 bytes)   


2023-08-29 18:59

developer   ~0050335

Patch add a checker pattern in background.
scrapbook_2023-08-29_01.patch (2,146 bytes)   
Index: scribus/ui/scrapbookpalette.cpp
--- scribus/ui/scrapbookpalette.cpp	(Revision 25618)
+++ scribus/ui/scrapbookpalette.cpp	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -682,35 +682,26 @@
 	QMap<QString,Elem>::Iterator itf;
 	for (itf = objectMap.begin(); itf != objectMap.end(); ++itf)
-		if (itf.value().isDir)
-		{
-			QPixmap pm(60, 60);
-			pm.fill(palette().color(QPalette::Base));
-			QPainter p;
-			p.begin(&pm);
-			p.drawPixmap(30 - itf.value().Preview.width() / 2, 30 - itf.value().Preview.height() / 2, itf.value().Preview);
-			p.end();
-			QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(QIcon(pm), itf.key(), this);
-			item->setToolTip(itf.key());
-			item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
-			itf.value().widgetItem = item;
-		}
-	}
-	for (itf = objectMap.begin(); itf != objectMap.end(); ++itf)
-	{
+		Qt::ItemFlags flags = Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
 		if (!itf.value().isDir)
 			itf.value().Preview = itf.value().Preview.scaled(60, 60, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
-			QPixmap pm(60, 60);
-			pm.fill(palette().color(QPalette::Base));
-			QPainter p;
-			p.begin(&pm);
-			p.drawPixmap(30 - itf.value().Preview.width() / 2, 30 - itf.value().Preview.height() / 2, itf.value().Preview);
-			p.end();
-			QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(QIcon(pm), itf.key(), this);
-			item->setToolTip(itf.key());
-			itf.value().widgetItem = item;
+			flags = Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
+		IconManager &iconManager = IconManager::instance();
+		QPixmap pm(60, 60);
+		pm.fill(palette().color(QPalette::Base));
+		QPainter p;
+		p.begin(&pm);
+		p.fillRect(0, 0, 60, 60, QBrush(iconManager.loadPixmap("testfill.png")));
+		p.drawPixmap(30 - itf.value().Preview.width() / 2, 30 - itf.value().Preview.height() / 2, itf.value().Preview);
+		p.end();
+		QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(QIcon(pm), itf.key(), this);
+		qDebug() << item->flags();
+		item->setToolTip(itf.key());
+		item->setFlags(flags);
+		itf.value().widgetItem = item;
scrapbook_2023-08-29_01.patch (2,146 bytes)   


2023-09-30 22:11

administrator   ~0050358

@nitramr I applied your patch, however I had to keep the two loops separate as we want to display the folders first.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-01-22 10:24 PeterFranz New Issue
2023-01-31 16:22 PeterFranz Note Added: 0049982
2023-01-31 16:22 PeterFranz File Added: scrapbook-bug.png
2023-08-03 12:46 PeterFranz Issue cloned: 0016989
2023-08-03 14:49 ale Relationship added has duplicate 0016989
2023-08-29 18:59 nitramr Note Added: 0050335
2023-08-29 18:59 nitramr File Added: scrapbook_2023-08-29_01.patch
2023-08-29 18:59 nitramr File Added: Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-08-29 20-54-21.png
2023-08-29 18:59 nitramr Assigned To => nitramr
2023-08-29 18:59 nitramr Status new => assigned
2023-08-31 16:47 nitramr Patch No => Yes
2023-09-30 22:10 jghali Summary White Objects are invisible in Scrapbook => White objects are invisible in scrapbook
2023-09-30 22:11 jghali Note Added: 0050358
2023-09-30 22:11 jghali Status assigned => resolved
2023-09-30 22:11 jghali Resolution open => fixed
2023-09-30 22:11 jghali Fixed in Version => 1.6.0.svn
2023-11-04 09:09 cbradney Status resolved => closed