View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0015257ScribusFontspublic2018-04-11 23:10
Reportermunzirtaha Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSArch LinuxOS Versionlatest
Product Version1.5.4.svn 
Summary0015257: Arabic font overline artifact on screen
Description I have a font that has a screen artifact. It displays the sajda overline as broken or not as smooth as it should be on screen. The PDF is OK. The font is also ok in harfbuzz. Attached is a scribus file that shows the issue with a demo font the reproduce it.
Tagsarabic right-to-left



2018-04-11 23:10


issue-2.png (16,246 bytes)   
issue-2.png (16,246 bytes)   
issue-2.sla (15,202 bytes)
Test.ttf (414,372 bytes)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-04-11 23:10 munzirtaha New Issue
2018-04-11 23:10 munzirtaha File Added: issue-2.png
2018-04-11 23:10 munzirtaha File Added: issue-2.sla
2018-04-11 23:10 munzirtaha File Added: Test.ttf
2018-04-11 23:10 munzirtaha Tag Attached: arabic right-to-left