View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0015732ScribusScripterpublic2019-07-30 21:27
Reporteradn Assigned Tojghali  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.4.8 
Fixed in Version1.4.9.svn 
Summary0015732: setFontSize() changes only 1 character
DescriptionThe function setFontSize() changes only the first charcter of a selected text part. I want to change the font of text in a textbox to Tohoma Regular 11pts. The total selected text becomes Tohoma Regular, but only the first character becomes 11pts while the rest remains in the old 12pts size.
Steps To Reproducenumsel = scribus.selectionCount()
if (numsel == 1):
    item = scribus.getSelectedObject()
    if item[0:4] == 'Text':
        scribus.setFont('Tahoma Regular')
        message = 'This function can only be applied at text boxes!'
        res1 = scribus.messageBox('Error',message,scribus.ICON_WARNING)
    res2 = scribus.messageBox('Error','No text selected!',scribus.ICON_WARNING)
Additional InformationThe Python code is given in "Steps To Reproduce". The screen copies before.png and after.png show the effect. The text "format()" at the end of the first alinea has been changed with this script. The original font was Times New Roman Regular 12pts. Only the first character has become 11pts and the rest remain 12pts.
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2019-07-04 14:21


before.png (23,544 bytes)   
before.png (23,544 bytes)   
after.png (23,518 bytes)   
after.png (23,518 bytes)   


2019-07-04 22:02

administrator   ~0046362

Last edited: 2019-07-04 22:05

This issue was in fact solved rather recently, last October, in our development branch whose next release is going to be 1.5.5. Despite our 1.4.x branch being pretty much end of life, I took the liberty to backport the fix to our 1.4.x branch. There probably won't be a 1.4.9 release, so this commit is mostly for Linux distros who like to pick selected fixes.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-07-04 14:21 adn New Issue
2019-07-04 14:21 adn File Added: before.png
2019-07-04 14:21 adn File Added: after.png
2019-07-04 22:02 jghali Assigned To => jghali
2019-07-04 22:02 jghali Status new => resolved
2019-07-04 22:02 jghali Resolution open => fixed
2019-07-04 22:02 jghali Fixed in Version => 1.4.9.svn
2019-07-04 22:02 jghali Note Added: 0046362
2019-07-04 22:05 jghali Note Edited: 0046362
2019-07-30 21:27 cbradney Status resolved => closed