View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0015795ScribusGraphics / Image Framespublic2019-08-30 03:40
Reportermujeebcpy Assigned Tojghali  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
PlatformGnulinuxOSkubuntuOS Version19.04
Product Version1.5.6.svn 
Summary0015795: didnt get path of an ora image in scribus
Descriptionselecting image -> context menu -> image -> extended image properties gives the path information. paths can be obtained from .tiff format but it isn't available in .ora image.
Steps To Reproducein gimp
draw a path using path tool.
create layer mask
save as .ora file

in scribus
draw an image frame
double click in image frame and select the .ora file
right click image frame -> image -> Extended image properties -> paths
the path information isnt available there. but it is available in .tiff format
Tags.ora, image



2019-08-29 14:19

reporter   ~0046582

attaching the screenshot of .tiff and .ora image frames
orapath.png (132,288 bytes)   
orapath.png (132,288 bytes)   
tiffpath.png (137,636 bytes)   
tiffpath.png (137,636 bytes)   


2019-08-29 14:56

manager   ~0046583

can you please attach the ora file you're using?


2019-08-29 18:42


bella.ora (958,986 bytes)


2019-08-29 19:26

reporter   ~0046587

look like the issue is with ora
the path information cant be obtained from gimp also. i created a path and exported as both tiff and ora. after opening tiff i can see the path in gimp. but opening the same ora not showing the path.


2019-08-30 03:40

administrator   ~0046590

Yes, there is indeed no path information in that ora file.


2019-08-30 03:40

administrator   ~0046591

Closing consequently.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-08-29 14:18 mujeebcpy New Issue
2019-08-29 14:18 mujeebcpy Tag Attached: image
2019-08-29 14:18 mujeebcpy Tag Attached: .ora
2019-08-29 14:19 mujeebcpy File Added: orapath.png
2019-08-29 14:19 mujeebcpy File Added: tiffpath.png
2019-08-29 14:19 mujeebcpy Note Added: 0046582
2019-08-29 14:56 ale Note Added: 0046583
2019-08-29 18:42 mujeebcpy File Added: bella.ora
2019-08-29 19:26 mujeebcpy Note Added: 0046587
2019-08-30 03:40 jghali Note Added: 0046590
2019-08-30 03:40 jghali Assigned To => jghali
2019-08-30 03:40 jghali Status new => resolved
2019-08-30 03:40 jghali Resolution open => no change required
2019-08-30 03:40 jghali Note Added: 0046591
2019-08-30 03:40 jghali Status resolved => closed