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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0016032ScribusProperties Palettepublic2023-12-03 14:42
Reporterale Assigned Toale  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.5.6.svn 
Summary0016032: Indigo UI+: do not expand / collapse the main panels in the properties palette
Descriptionwhen "going" to the properties palette, it's very likely that one will want to reach to the xyz, shape, or colors / line panels.

personally, i might be using multiple times in a row one of the panels, but then the next one is probably one of the others

with the improvements proposed by the Indigo project, it should be possible to reduce the total height of the four panels mentioned above to almost match the height of the shortest one before the optimization.

i suggest that we try to keep those panels as slim as possible and that we keep them always expanded.
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2020-01-10 08:45

manager   ~0047328

here is a screenshot that shows an older xyz (1.5.5svn) and a preview of the indigo xyz and shape panels.

three remarks:

- the xyz panel shown is still a WIP.
- there is still/again the item name on top... maybe you can guess now, why i'd like to move it to the bottom of the properties palette.
- the xyz panels has a few changes asked by craig, but not all of them are in yet.
indigo-pp-2020-01-10-compare.png (138,395 bytes)   
indigo-pp-2020-01-10-compare.png (138,395 bytes)   


2020-01-12 21:13

reporter   ~0047332

Thanks for your efforts, ale. I'm glad to see this project going further. I do wonder about the width of it all, though. The current palettes take too much space not only vertically, but also horizontally. Anyway, what I see in that screenshot is already be a big improvement.


2020-01-13 08:24

manager   ~0047333

the new palettes are optimized for vertical space.
i think that this is the most urgent issue.

in a second step, we can for sure track down the worst offenders that make the palettes too wide and work on them.

if and when the changes get in, it won't be the end of the work on the palettes... but we will have a new starting point for further optimizing them!


2023-12-03 14:42

manager   ~0050558

indigo UI has made lot progresses and is already getting in 1.7.

as soon as it will be possible to see all "important" panels at once on a "normal" monitor i'll open a new ticket where we can discuss how to handle the new situation.

is it really necessary to have xyz, shape, line and color as expandable panels or should they be one single panel?
should they kept separated but shown as the first four panels?
should they be expanded by default and the other panels should be (by default) collapsed?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-01-10 08:42 ale New Issue
2020-01-10 08:45 ale File Added: indigo-pp-2020-01-10-compare.png
2020-01-10 08:45 ale Note Added: 0047328
2020-01-12 21:13 jfl Note Added: 0047332
2020-01-13 08:24 ale Note Added: 0047333
2023-12-03 14:42 ale Assigned To => ale
2023-12-03 14:42 ale Status new => closed
2023-12-03 14:42 ale Resolution open => fixed
2023-12-03 14:42 ale Note Added: 0050558