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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0016037ScribusImport / Exportpublic2020-01-25 22:12
Reporterkdd6 Assigned Tojghali  
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
PlatformmacOSlion, sierraOS Version10.7.5, 10.12.6
Product Version1.4.8 
Summary0016037: illustrator files will not import on mac, but will on windows
Descriptioni do not recall when i began converting all of the .cdr clip-art to .ai clip-art so i could use it with illustrator. i had corel's graphic suite 9 at the time. i did not realize immediately that i could use the illustrator files with scribus. i was working primarily with windows and corel and adobe products for photography, graphic design and web design. i had been dabbling in the open source software arena searching for more tools and fell in luv!

in 2011 i added macs to the mix. for a few versions these converted files could be imported. sorry, but i do not recall when this phenomenon began, but i do recall i reported this same problem several years ago. maybe it was around or after the 1.3.x/1.4.x change.

with each new version in windows, the illustrator files import, but not so on (my) mac. i do remember comments on the list at that time others with macs were not having this problem.

i will attach several converted/converted files and maybe something in the (second) conversion caused this to happen. if this is my problem, then maybe someone could offer assistance with a patch to fix my problem. for a fee of course.
Steps To Reproducetry to import an illustrator file
Additional Informationthe first conversion was on windows, graphic suite 9 files through corel draw x4 to illustrator 9 files.

the second conversion was on mac (lion) through illustrator cs5.5.

these imported for a version or two before importing no longer functioned.
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duplicate of 0016036 new illustrator files will not import on mac, but will on windows 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-01-25 19:49 kdd6 New Issue
2020-01-25 22:12 jghali Assigned To => jghali
2020-01-25 22:12 jghali Status new => resolved
2020-01-25 22:12 jghali Resolution open => duplicate
2020-01-25 22:12 jghali Relationship added duplicate of 0016036
2020-01-25 22:12 jghali Status resolved => closed