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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0016098ScribusTypographypublic2023-05-29 18:56
Reporterftake Assigned Tojghali  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformLinuxOSopenSUSE LeapOS Version15.2
Product Version1.5.6.svn 
Fixed in Version1.6.0.svn 
Summary0016098: A white space width become too small when two Latin words are surrounded by CJK characters in a justified paragraph
DescriptionWhen a justified paragraph have a texts like "オープンソースのDesktop Publishingソフトウェア" and line wrap happens, the width of the space become too small. What is strange, adding a space after "Publishing" makes the texts rendered well.

It seems that there are some problems with calculating text width.
Steps To ReproduceSee the files attached.
TagsNo tags attached.



2020-04-27 07:38


too-small-space-surrounded-by-CJK.sla (17,442 bytes)   
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2020-05-15 14:01

reporter   ~0047620

It seems that there is a problem when backing to the previous breakable place. Suppose that we have text like
where | represents the right end of text frame.

While handling "く" (i = 7), it should go back to "き" (i = 6) and add a new line.

i = current.breakIndex;

However, since it updates current.breakIndex to 7 before handling line wrap, it cannot go back to 6.


2020-05-16 15:27

reporter   ~0047622

# please remove note 47621

It seems that basic line wrapping was broken regardless of justification mode.

To resolve this problem, I moved code snippets remembering possible breaks so that it can be executed after checking the last glyph can be pushed into the current line (not "out" of frame).

I am not sure this fix works perfectly.
fix-16098-2.patch (2,671 bytes)   
commit 7c0ee2fe79e2c651ed7b042b227c3368d8bc8ed6
Author: Fuminobu TAKEYAMA <>
Date:   Sun May 17 00:13:26 2020 +0900

    #16098: remember a line break position only when the last glyph can be pushed
    into the current line

diff --git a/scribus/pageitem_textframe.cpp b/scribus/pageitem_textframe.cpp
index 6d3202cc6..65059f87c 100644
--- a/scribus/pageitem_textframe.cpp
+++ b/scribus/pageitem_textframe.cpp
@@ -2172,28 +2172,6 @@ void PageItem_TextFrame::layout()
 				current.xPos = qMax(current.xPos, current.colLeft);
-			// remember possible break
-			if (shapedText.haveMoreText(i + 1, glyphClusters))
-			{
-				const GlyphCluster& nextCluster = glyphClusters[i + 1];
-				if (nextCluster.hasFlag(ScLayout_LineBoundary))
-				{
-					// #16100: why preventing possible line break when there are two
-					// consecutive line break opportunities? This is bad for CJK. /
-					if (/*!current.glyphs[currentIndex].hasFlag(ScLayout_LineBoundary)
-						&&*/ !current.glyphs[currentIndex].hasFlag(ScLayout_HyphenationPossible)
-						&& (itemText.text(a) != '-')
-						&& (itemText.text(a) != SpecialChars::SHYPHEN))
-					{
-						current.rememberBreak(i, breakPos, style.rightMargin());
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if (HasObject)
-			{
-//				qDebug() << "rememberBreak object @" << i;
-				current.rememberBreak(i, breakPos, style.rightMargin());
-			}
 			//check against space before PARSEP
 			/*if (SpecialChars::isBreakingSpace(hl->ch) && (a + 1 < itemText.length()) && (itemText.item(a+1)->ch == SpecialChars::PARSEP))
@@ -2807,6 +2785,33 @@ void PageItem_TextFrame::layout()
+			else
+			{
+				// not out
+				// remember possible break after this glyph
+				if (shapedText.haveMoreText(i + 1, glyphClusters))
+				{
+					const GlyphCluster& nextCluster = glyphClusters[i + 1];
+					if (nextCluster.hasFlag(ScLayout_LineBoundary))
+					{
+						// #16100: why preventing possible line break when there are two
+						// consecutive line break opportunities? This is bad for CJK. /
+						if (/*!current.glyphs[currentIndex].hasFlag(ScLayout_LineBoundary)
+							&&*/ !current.glyphs[currentIndex].hasFlag(ScLayout_HyphenationPossible)
+							&& (itemText.text(a) != '-')
+							&& (itemText.text(a) != SpecialChars::SHYPHEN))
+						{
+							current.rememberBreak(i, current.xPos, style.rightMargin());
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (HasObject)
+				{
+	//				qDebug() << "rememberBreak object @" << i;
+					current.rememberBreak(i, current.xPos, style.rightMargin());
+				}
+			}
 			if (!shapedText.haveMoreText(i + 1, glyphClusters))
 				if (!current.afterOverflow || current.addLine)
fix-16098-2.patch (2,671 bytes)   


2020-05-22 15:02

reporter   ~0047632

@jghali Could you check this patch?


2020-05-22 22:17

administrator   ~0047633

@ftake, I'll look at it later, I'm working on some new stuff right now.


2020-06-02 16:02

administrator   ~0047657

I tested the patch and unfortunately it does not seem to work totally as expected. As screenshot below shows it, it is expected that spaces at the end of a line be allowed to hang out of the frame so as to fill more text per line. This is how scribus behaves without the patch and also how InDesign behaves. With the patch applied, this behavior disappears and the line break occurs then too early.


2020-06-06 13:09

reporter   ~0047678

Thank you for confirm that. I understand we need some code to check if a character can be hang out or not when line break is caused by a CJK/Asian line break.

I will not be able to write another patch soon.


2022-03-16 14:14

reporter   ~0049603

Hi. I have revised my patch. It should work fine now.
16098.patch (3,313 bytes)   
commit de13b5b29948116da12ff87addb709832071bfff
Author: Fuminobu TAKEYAMA <>
Date:   Sat Mar 12 20:26:46 2022 +0900

    Fix wrong line-break position (#16098)

diff --git a/scribus/pageitem_textframe.cpp b/scribus/pageitem_textframe.cpp
index 1cd438ae5..603293318 100644
--- a/scribus/pageitem_textframe.cpp
+++ b/scribus/pageitem_textframe.cpp
@@ -2107,28 +2107,6 @@ void PageItem_TextFrame::layout()
 				current.xPos = qMax(current.xPos, current.colLeft);
-			// remember possible break
-			if (shapedText.haveMoreText(i + 1, glyphClusters))
-			{
-				const GlyphCluster& nextCluster = glyphClusters[i + 1];
-				if (nextCluster.hasFlag(ScLayout_LineBoundary))
-				{
-					// #16100: why preventing possible line break when there are two
-					// consecutive line break opportunities? This is bad for CJK. /
-					if (/*!current.glyphs[currentIndex].hasFlag(ScLayout_LineBoundary)
-						&&*/ !current.glyphs[currentIndex].hasFlag(ScLayout_HyphenationPossible)
-						&& (itemText.text(a) != '-')
-						&& (itemText.text(a) != SpecialChars::SHYPHEN))
-					{
-						current.rememberBreak(i, breakPos, style.rightMargin());
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if (HasObject)
-			{
-//				qDebug() << "rememberBreak object @" << i;
-				current.rememberBreak(i, breakPos, style.rightMargin());
-			}
 			//check against space before PARSEP
 			/*if (SpecialChars::isBreakingSpace(hl->ch) && (a + 1 < itemText.length()) && (itemText.item(a + 1)->ch == SpecialChars::PARSEP))
@@ -2487,6 +2465,13 @@ void PageItem_TextFrame::layout()
 				else // outs -- last char went outside the columns (or into flow-around shape)
+					// #16098 only if the last char can hang at the edge,
+					// add line break after this char.
+					// for now, such chars is only spaces but may change in the future
+					// e.g.
+					if (itemText.text(a).isSpace()) {
+						current.rememberBreak(i, breakPos, style.rightMargin());
+					}
 					if (current.breakIndex >= 0)
 						// go back to last break position
@@ -2735,6 +2720,33 @@ void PageItem_TextFrame::layout()
+			else // if (outs)
+			{
+				// moved here to fix #16098
+				// remember possible break only when the current char is not placed on the edge.
+				// white space / character hanging is not treated here anymore
+				if (shapedText.haveMoreText(i + 1, glyphClusters))
+				{
+					const GlyphCluster& nextCluster = glyphClusters[i + 1];
+					if (nextCluster.hasFlag(ScLayout_LineBoundary))
+					{
+						// #16100: why preventing possible line break when there are two
+						// consecutive line break opportunities? This is bad for CJK. /
+						if (/*!current.glyphs[currentIndex].hasFlag(ScLayout_LineBoundary)
+							&&*/ !current.glyphs[currentIndex].hasFlag(ScLayout_HyphenationPossible)
+							&& (itemText.text(a) != '-')
+							&& (itemText.text(a) != SpecialChars::SHYPHEN))
+						{
+							current.rememberBreak(i, breakPos, style.rightMargin());
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (HasObject)
+				{
+//				qDebug() << "rememberBreak object @" << i;
+					current.rememberBreak(i, breakPos, style.rightMargin());
+				}
+			}
 			if (!shapedText.haveMoreText(i + 1, glyphClusters))
 				if (!current.afterOverflow || current.addLine)
16098.patch (3,313 bytes)   


2022-03-16 20:30

administrator   ~0049605

@ftake Thanks, I am a bit busy right now, I'll try to test it during next week-end!


2022-03-21 06:21

administrator   ~0049608

Last edited: 2022-03-21 06:22

I did some quick preliminary tests, your new patch seems to work fine at this point.


2022-04-12 21:13

administrator   ~0049616

@ftake, your patch has now been applied to both 1.5.x branch and trunk. Thanks and sorry for the delay!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-04-27 07:38 ftake New Issue
2020-04-27 07:38 ftake File Added: too-small-space-surrounded-by-CJK.png
2020-04-27 07:38 ftake File Added: too-small-space-surrounded-by-CJK.sla
2020-05-15 14:01 ftake Note Added: 0047620
2020-05-16 15:17 ftake File Added: fix-16098.patch
2020-05-16 15:27 ftake File Added: fix-16098-2.patch
2020-05-16 15:27 ftake Note Added: 0047622
2020-05-16 15:28 ftake File Deleted: fix-16098.patch
2020-05-22 15:02 ftake Note Added: 0047632
2020-05-22 22:17 jghali Note Added: 0047633
2020-06-02 16:02 jghali File Added: 16098_line_breaking_around_space.png
2020-06-02 16:02 jghali Note Added: 0047657
2020-06-06 13:09 ftake File Added: hang-out-by-a-CJK-Asian-line-break.png
2020-06-06 13:09 ftake Note Added: 0047678
2022-03-16 14:14 ftake Note Added: 0049603
2022-03-16 14:14 ftake File Added: 16098.patch
2022-03-16 20:30 jghali Note Added: 0049605
2022-03-21 06:21 jghali Note Added: 0049608
2022-03-21 06:22 jghali Note Edited: 0049608
2022-04-12 21:13 jghali Assigned To => jghali
2022-04-12 21:13 jghali Status new => resolved
2022-04-12 21:13 jghali Resolution open => fixed
2022-04-12 21:13 jghali Fixed in Version => 1.6.0.svn
2022-04-12 21:13 jghali Note Added: 0049616
2023-05-29 18:56 cbradney Status resolved => closed