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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0016249ScribusImport / Exportpublic2020-11-07 14:52
ReporterJLuc Assigned Tojghali  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntu OS Version18.04
Fixed in Version1.5.6.svn 
Summary0016249: Part of imported SVG disappear
DescriptionA SVG file that features arrows is badly imported as a vector file in Scribus. Some of the issues are known because transforms are not dealt with, but 2 issues here are "new".

All arrows look the same but
1) Some arrows import well but some arrow heads disappear when imported
2) Once imported, i cannot change the color of the "head" part of the arrows (neither background nor contour) : color is greyed out
Additional Informationuploaded svg features a red arrow that import well and a green arrow that imports headless.
red head is too large but this is not the issue here.
Issue are :
- green head is not imported
- as a workaround I wish to copy red head and turn it green but no, there is no color edit ability.

This specific case is very simple so i will use the ultimate workaround and use scribus line arrows :-)



2020-09-23 16:02


fleches.svg (4,523 bytes)   
fleches.svg (4,523 bytes)   


2020-09-24 00:32

administrator   ~0048090

>> Once imported, i cannot change the color of the "head" part of the arrows (neither background nor contour) : color is greyed out

The arrows are described in the svg as reusable elements and are hence imported as symbols. You can edit these elements by using the Windows > Symbols window. No bug here.


2020-09-24 01:25

administrator   ~0048092

Import of the green arrow is now fixed.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-09-23 16:02 JLuc New Issue
2020-09-23 16:02 JLuc File Added: fleches.svg
2020-09-23 16:02 JLuc File Added: Capture d’écran de 2020-09-23 17-58-02.png
2020-09-23 16:07 JLuc Tag Attached: SVG
2020-09-23 16:08 JLuc Additional Information Updated
2020-09-24 00:32 jghali Note Added: 0048090
2020-09-24 00:33 jghali Summary Part disappear + no color edit in imported SVG => Part disappear
2020-09-24 00:33 jghali Summary Part disappear => Part of imported SVG disappear
2020-09-24 01:25 jghali Assigned To => jghali
2020-09-24 01:25 jghali Status new => resolved
2020-09-24 01:25 jghali Resolution open => fixed
2020-09-24 01:25 jghali Fixed in Version => 1.5.6.svn
2020-09-24 01:25 jghali Note Added: 0048092
2020-11-07 14:52 cbradney Status resolved => closed