View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0016380ScribusScripterpublic2020-12-10 22:23
ReporterJLuc Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntu OS Version20.10
Summary0016380: Merge new version of autoquotes
Descriptionautoquote2 has been improved and should be merged int

It now behaves more smartly, specialy for french. It manages various sorts of quotes and guillemets. It recognises urls, that include ":" but should not be altered by spaces.

As a consequence, it requires more options to be set first. In the uploaded version of the script, all variables have been set by editing the source, so as to fit my workflow (which is fit for french langage, hyphenation, narrow non breaking spaces...).

In case the user wants to change these options s-he has to edit the file and
- either change do_ask to True : in such a case, a dialog will popup and ask for all variable settings. But all these dialogs are tiedous in everyday life so i dont think it's the good way to use that script.
- or edit the file so as to change every variable's value according to his choices. Comments make this easy. Setting these userpleasing defaults options in the code makes the script easy to use for every langage and usecase.

Included documentation :

# - replaces " with « and » as required
# - warns when « and » dont match or for other such issues
# - adds choosen spaces after « and before »
# - applies some heuristics (some would call that AI) to best deal with ' and "
# - replace multiple following spaces with just one
# - when langages is french, does more typography job :
# - - replaces or adds the choosen space before ! ? ; : and …
# - - doesnt mess urls = doesnt change
# - - only adds one choosen space before a set of double signs as !!!?!
# - provides a just-go-ahead-dont-ask-for-options mode for geeks : juste change do_ask value to False in script

# - recognizes urls with "p:/" or "ww." patterns (=> possible false positive)
# - same choosen space for « » ; ! ; : …
# - space is added or replaced with absolutely no local-font awareness
# - only manages selected frame and doesnt follow links accross linked text frames <-- PR wanted

# - choose a text frame, launch script
# - choose langage
# - choose sort of space to add for typography : default is thin nonbreakable space.
# - choose whether existing spaces should be replaced or not
# - choose whether set of spaces should be merged into one

Choosen default values for the options in the uploaded version of the script are :

- lang='fr'

- space_character=non_breaking_thin_space
# possible choices are non_breaking_space, non_breaking_thin_space, thin_space"

- space_len=1
# in case specified_character is more than one char long

- replace_existing=True
# also apply typo space choice to existing spaces

- merge_spaces=True
# avoid multiple spaces sequences

- do_hyphenate=True
# apply scribus hyphenation on text

- with_feedback=False
# should script display number of changes done ? No

 - do_ask=False
# script does not open any dialog but use default values
# When do_ask=True, 2 of the default values are different :
# * do_hyphenate=False
# * with_feedback=True

TagsNo tags attached.



2020-12-07 19:40


² (17,419 bytes)   
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File: Version : 1.1.1
# Fixes typewriter, single and double quotes along with their leading and following spaces 
# + fixes double spaces everywhere + applies french typography when langage is french
# © 2020.06 Creation of autotypo by JLuc following © 2013 autoquote2 enhancements by JLuc of © 2010 by Gregory Pittman
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# - choose a text frame, launch script
# - choose langage
# - choose sort of space to add for typography : default is thin nonbreakable space.
# - choose whether existing spaces should be replaced or not
# - choose whether set of spaces should be merged into one
# - replaces " with « and » as required
# - warns when « and » dont match or for other such issues
# - adds choosen spaces after « and before »
# - applies some heuristics (some would call that AI) to best deal with ' and "
# - replace multiple following spaces with just one
# - when langages is french, does more typography job :
# - - replaces or adds the choosen space before ! ? ; : and …
# - - doesnt mess urls = doesnt change
# - - only adds one choosen space before a set of double spaces as !!!?!
# - provides a just-go-ahead-dont-ask-for-options mode for geeks : juste change do_ask value to False in script
# - recognizes urls with "p:/" or "ww." patterns (=> possible false positive)
# - same choosen space for « » ; ! ; : …
# - space is added or replaced with absolutely no local-font awareness
# - only manages selected frame and doesnt follow links accross linked text frames <-- PR wanted

import scribus

non_breaking_space = u"\u00a0"
non_breaking_thin_space = u"\u202f"
thin_space = u"\u2009"

# Comment whichever line you wish to avoid
# do_ask = True

# default values when not asking

if do_ask:

def is_a_space(text):
    return (text == ' ') or (text == non_breaking_space) or (text == non_breaking_thin_space) or (text == thin_space)

def ensure_space_before(text):
    if (lang == 'fr'):
        return (text == '»') or (text==';') or (text=='!') or (text=='?') or (text==':') or (text=='…')
    return False

if scribus.haveDoc() <= 0:
    scribus.messageBox('Error - (fr) Erreur', 'You need a Document open\n(fr) Ouvrez un document avant de lancer le script', scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)

# First choice for langage
if do_ask:
    lang = scribus.valueDialog("Language", 'Choose language or country\nChoisissez la langue du texte ou le pays :\n  af, be, ch, cs, de, de-g, en, es, et, fi, fr,\n  hu, is, lt, mk, nl, pl, ru, se, sk, sl, sq and uk', 'fr')

if (lang == 'en'):
    lead_double = u"\u201c" #lead_double
    follow_double = u"\u201d" #follow_double
    lead_single = u"\u2018"
    follow_single = u"\u2019"
elif (lang == 'de'):
    lead_double = u"\u201e"
    follow_double = u"\u201c"
    lead_single = u"\u2019"
    follow_single = u"\u201a"
elif (lang == 'de-g'):          # German with inverted guillemets for double quote
    lead_double = u"\u00bb"
    follow_double = u"\u00ab"
    lead_single = u"\u2019"
    follow_single = u"\u201a"
elif (lang == 'fr'):
    lead_double = u"\u00ab"  #  &laquo; LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
    follow_double = u"\u00bb"  #  &raquo; LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
    lead_single = u"\u2018"     # RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
    follow_single = u"\u2019"   # LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
elif (lang == 'pl'):
    lead_double = u"\u201e"
    follow_double = u"\u201d"
    lead_single = u"\u201a"
    follow_single = u"\u2019"
elif ((lang == 'se') or (lang == 'fi')):
    lead_double = u"\u201d"
    follow_double = u"\u201d"
    lead_single = u"\u2019"
    follow_single = u"\u2019"
elif (lang == 'af'):
    lead_double = u"\u201c"
    follow_double = u"\u201d"
    lead_single = u"\u2018"
    follow_single = u"\u2019"
elif (lang == 'sq'):
    lead_double = u"\u201e"
    follow_double = u"\u201c"
    lead_single = u"\u2018"
    follow_single = u"\u2019"
elif ((lang == 'be') or (lang == 'ch') or (lang == 'uk') or (lang == 'ru')):
    lead_double = u"\u00ab"
    follow_double = u"\u00bb"
    lead_single = u"\u2039"
    follow_single = u"\u203a"
elif (lang == 'uk'):
    lead_double = u"\u00ab"
    follow_double = u"\u00bb"
    lead_single = u"\u2039"
    follow_single = u"\u203a"
elif (lang == 'es'):
    lead_double = u"\u00ab"
    follow_double = u"\u00bb"
    lead_single = u"\u2018"
    follow_double = u"\u2019"
elif ((lang == 'lt') or (lang == 'is') or (lang == 'sk') or (lang == 'sl') or (lang == 'cs') or (lang == 'et')):
    lead_double = u"\u201e"
    follow_double = u"\u201c"
    lead_single = u"\u201a"
    follow_single = u"\u2018"
elif (lang == 'mk'):
    lead_double = u"\u201e"
    follow_double = u"\u201c"
    lead_single = u"\u2019"
    follow_single = u"\u2018"
elif ((lang == 'hu') or (lang == 'nl')):
    lead_double = u"\u201e"
    follow_double = u"\u201d"
    lead_single = u"\u00bb"
    follow_single = u"\u00ab"
    scribus.messageBox('Language Error', 'You need to choose an available language', scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)

if scribus.selectionCount() == 0:
    if (lang == 'fr'):
        scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Erreur',
            "Aucun objet n'est sélectionné.\nSélectionnez un cadre de texte et recommencez.",
            scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
        scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Usage Error',
            "There is no object selected.\nPlease select a text frame and try again.",
            scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)

if scribus.selectionCount() > 1:
    if (lang == 'fr'):
        scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Erreur',
            "Désolé, ce script ne peut pas fonctionner lorsque plusieurs objets sont sélectionnés.\nVeuillez sélectionner un seul cadre de texte, puis recommencez.",
            scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
        scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Usage Error',
            "You have more than one object selected.\nPlease select one text frame and try again.", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)

# Following dialogs are i18ned
if do_ask:
  if (lang =='fr'):
    space_type = scribus.valueDialog("Type d'espace",
                "Selon les polices de caractère utilisées,\nchoisissez le type d'espace ajouté avec les doubles guillemets français\net avant les signes doubles :\n  0 : aucun espace ajouté\n  1 : insécable fine\n  2 : insécable\n  3 : fine",
    space_type = scribus.valueDialog("Inside quote added space",
                "Depending on the used fonts, choose the space to be added inside \ndouble quotes, in case there are none already.\n  0 : dont add a space\n  1 : non breaking thin\n  2 : non breaking\n  3 : thin",

  if (space_type == '3'):
    space_character = thin_space
    space_len = 1
  elif (space_type == '1'):
    space_character = non_breaking_thin_space
    space_len = 1
  elif (space_type == '0'):
    space_character = ''
    space_len = 0
    space_character = non_breaking_space
    space_len = 1

  if (lang =='fr'):
    replace_existing = scribus.valueDialog("Agir sur l'existant ?",
            "Voulez vous aussi appliquer votre choix d'espaces sur les espaces déjà en place pour les double-guillemets et signes doubles (si cette option est retenue) ?\n  O : Oui\n  N : Non ",
    replace_existing = scribus.valueDialog("What about existing quotes ?",
            "Should the script ALSO apply your spaces-choice on already existing quotes?\n  Y : Yes\n  N : No",
  if (replace_existing == 'n') or (replace_existing == 'N'):

  if (lang =='fr'):
    merge_spaces = scribus.valueDialog("Espaces multiples",
      "Voulez vous dédoublonner les espaces qui se suivent ?\n  O : Oui\n  N : Non ",
    merge_spaces = scribus.valueDialog("Space'n'spaces",
      "Do you want to merge spaces ?\n  Y : Yes\n  N : No ",
  if (merge_spaces == 'N') or (merge_spaces == 'n'):
    merge_spaces = False
    merge_spaces = True

textbox = scribus.getSelectedObject()
boxcount = 1

for item in scribus.getPageItems():
    if (item[0] == textbox):
        if (item[1] != 4):
            if (lang == 'fr'):
                scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Erreur',
                "L'objet sélectionné n'est pas un cadre de texte.\nVeuillez sélectionner un cadre de texte, puis recommencez.",
                scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
                scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Usage Error', "This is not a textframe. Try again.", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
textlen = scribus.getTextLength(textbox)
c = 0
nbchange = 0
quotes_lastchange = 'close' # la prochaine quote doit être ouvrante
prevchar = ' '
is_in_url = False

if do_hyphenate:

while c <= (textlen - 1):
    # si on est à la fin, il faut tricher pour le dernier caractère
    if ((c + 1) > textlen - 1):
        end_reached = True
        nextchar = ' '
        end_reached = False
        scribus.selectText(c+1, 1, textbox)
        nextchar = scribus.getText(textbox)
    scribus.selectText(c, 1, textbox)
    char = scribus.getText(textbox)
#    scribus.messageBox("Ce qui est", "position:"+str(c) +'\nchar'+str(char)+'\nPrec:'+str(prevchar)+'\nsuiv:'+str(nextchar),
#          scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)

    if (char==lead_double):
        if (quotes_lastchange=='open'):
            if (lang=='fr'):
                scribus.messageBox("Oups !", 'Incohérence dans les enchainements de guillemets ouvrant et 157. Une guillement fermante manque avant la position '+str(c) +'\nOn continue quand même',
                        scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
                scribus.messageBox("Oops !", 'The text is not consistent. Closing doublequote missing before position '+str(c),
                        scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
        if (replace_existing and (nextchar != space_character) and (not end_reached)):
            if (is_a_space(nextchar)):
                scribus.selectText(c+1, 1, textbox)
            scribus.insertText(space_character, c+1, textbox)
            nbchange = nbchange+1

    elif (char==follow_double):
        if (quotes_lastchange=='close'):
            if (lang=='fr'):
                scribus.messageBox("Oups !", 'Incohérence dans les enchainements de guillemets ouvrant et fermant. Une guillemet ouvrante manque avant la position '+str(c) +'\nOn continue quand même',
                        scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
                scribus.messageBox("Oops !", 'The text is not consistent. Opening doublequote missing before position '+str(c),
                        scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
        quotes_lastchange = 'close'
        if (replace_existing  and (prevchar != space_character) and (c > 1)):
            if (is_a_space(prevchar)):
                scribus.selectText(c-1, 1, textbox)
            scribus.insertText(space_character, c, textbox)
            nbchange = nbchange+1
    elif (len(char) != 1):         # en utf8 certains caractères ont len 2, par ex les espaces spéciaux qu'on teste au dessus
         do_nothing = "nothing_at_all"      # et ça ferait planter ord()
    elif (char == '"'): # autrement dit : ord (char)==34
        #si on trouve une double guillemet droit " en premier caractère du texte, c'est un ouvrant !
        if (c == 0):
            if (not is_a_space(nextchar)):
                scribus.insertText(space_character, 0, textbox)
            scribus.insertText(lead_double, 0, textbox)
        elif ((prevchar == '.') or (prevchar == ',') or (prevchar == '?') or (prevchar == '!')):
         # lets close after the end of a sentence
            scribus.insertText(follow_double, c, textbox)
            scribus.insertText(space_character, c, textbox)
        # 39 = ' straight apostrophe
        elif ((ord(prevchar) == 39) and ((nextchar != ' ') and (nextchar != ',') and (nextchar != ';') and (nextchar != '.'))):
            if (not is_a_space(nextchar)):
                scribus.insertText(space_character, c, textbox)
            scribus.insertText(lead_double, c, textbox)
        elif ((nextchar == '.') or (nextchar == ',') or (nextchar == ';')):
            scribus.insertText(follow_double, c, textbox)
            if (not is_a_space(prevchar)):
                scribus.insertText(space_character, c, textbox)
        elif (quotes_lastchange!='open'):
            if (not is_a_space(nextchar)):
                scribus.insertText(space_character, c, textbox)
            scribus.insertText(lead_double, c, textbox)
            scribus.insertText(follow_double, c, textbox)
            if (not is_a_space(prevchar)):
                scribus.insertText(space_character, c, textbox)
        nbchange = nbchange+1

    elif (ord(char) == 39):                   # typewriter quote
        if (c==0):                            # au tout début du texte
            scribus.insertText(lead_single, c, textbox)
            nbchange = nbchange+1    
        if ((prevchar == '.') or (prevchar == ',') or (prevchar == '?') or (prevchar == '!')):
            scribus.insertText(follow_single, c, textbox)
        elif ((ord(prevchar) == 34) and ((nextchar != ' ') and (nextchar != ',') and (nextchar != '.'))):
            # " puis ' puis espace, virgule ou point
            scribus.insertText(lead_single, c, textbox)
        elif ((prevchar != ' ') and (ord(prevchar) != 34) and (nextchar != ' ')):
            scribus.insertText(follow_single, c, textbox)
        elif ((prevchar == ' ') or ((nextchar != ' ') and (ord(nextchar) != 34))):
            scribus.insertText(lead_single, c, textbox)
            scribus.insertText(follow_single, c, textbox)
        nbchange = nbchange+1

    elif (c>0) and ensure_space_before(char):
        if (not is_in_url):
            is_in_url = ((prevchar=='p') and (char==':') and (nextchar=='/')) or ((prevchar=='w') and (char=='w') and (nextchar=='.'))
        if (not is_in_url) and (prevchar != space_character) and (not ensure_space_before(prevchar)):

            if (is_a_space(prevchar) and replace_existing):
                c -= 1
                scribus.selectText(c, 1, textbox)    
                scribus.deleteText(textbox)        # deletes previous unwanted space
                scribus.selectText(c, 1, textbox)    
                scribus.insertText(space_character, c, textbox)
                c += space_len
                nbchange = nbchange+1

            elif (not is_a_space(prevchar)):
                scribus.insertText(space_character, c, textbox)
                c += space_len
                nbchange = nbchange+1

    elif is_a_space(char):
      is_in_url = False
      if merge_spaces and is_a_space(nextchar): # only keeps last space of a set
        c -= 1
        nbchange = nbchange+1

    c += 1
    prevchar = char
    textlen = scribus.getTextLength(textbox)

debugmessage = ''
if with_feedback:
  if (lang == 'fr'):
    scribus.messageBox("Fini", 'Les corrections typographiques ont été faites.\n'+str(nbchange)+' changements' + debugmessage,
                        icon=scribus.ICON_NONE, button1=scribus.BUTTON_OK)
    scribus.messageBox("Done", 'Successfully ran script\n'+str(nbchange)+' replacements have occurred' + debugmessage, # Change this message to your liking
                        icon=scribus.ICON_NONE, button1=scribus.BUTTON_OK)
² (17,419 bytes)   


2020-12-07 20:18

administrator   ~0048535

Question: has this script been tested with latest and Python 3? Asking because there has been a few behavior changes in scripting related to text handling


2020-12-08 08:39

developer   ~0048538

Last edited: 2020-12-08 08:40

I've been using it for several months now and I've only used it a couple of time with the new scribus running python 3.6.9 and until now everything has been OK.

I've added more documentation on features and possible settings in the report.


2020-12-10 22:23

developer   ~0048544

Updated report.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-12-07 19:40 JLuc New Issue
2020-12-07 19:40 JLuc File Added: ²
2020-12-07 20:18 jghali Note Added: 0048535
2020-12-07 21:15 JLuc Description Updated
2020-12-07 21:27 JLuc Description Updated
2020-12-07 21:29 JLuc Description Updated
2020-12-07 21:30 JLuc Description Updated
2020-12-07 21:31 JLuc Description Updated
2020-12-07 21:32 JLuc Description Updated
2020-12-08 08:39 JLuc Note Added: 0048538
2020-12-08 08:40 JLuc Note Edited: 0048538
2020-12-08 08:42 JLuc Description Updated
2020-12-08 08:46 JLuc Description Updated
2020-12-10 22:23 JLuc Description Updated
2020-12-10 22:23 JLuc Note Added: 0048544