View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000164ScribusGraphics / Image Framespublic2004-01-30 22:27
Reporterale Assigned Tofschmid  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0000164: "is print image" in info/context menu
Descriptionthe info context menu should display if the image is to be printed or not
TagsNo tags attached.



2004-01-14 15:13

viewer   ~0000217

Comment: good idea - but only concern is the context menus are getting large


2004-01-14 20:58

manager   ~0000222

Last edited: 2004-01-29 18:05

about plinnell's comment: surely you could add an item in the context menu... but i was thinking about the info item in the context menu... where the properties are showed all together... i thought it would have been nice to show there if the image will be printed.

edited on: 01-29-04 19:05

2004-01-29 18:03


page.diff (1,039 bytes)   
--- ../../	2004-01-29 00:22:13.000000000 +0100
+++ page.cpp	2004-01-29 19:02:22.000000000 +0100
@@ -2096,6 +2096,8 @@
 				QLabel *WordC = new QLabel(InfoGroup, "wc");
 				QLabel *CharCT = new QLabel(InfoGroup, "ct");
 				QLabel *CharC = new QLabel(InfoGroup, "cc");
+				QLabel *PrintCT = new QLabel(InfoGroup, "nt"); // <a.l.e>
+				QLabel *PrintC = new QLabel(InfoGroup, "nc"); // </a.l.e>
 				if (b->PType == 2)
 					QFileInfo fi = QFileInfo(b->Pfile);
@@ -2157,6 +2159,16 @@
 					InfoGroupLayout->addWidget( CharC, 3, 1 );
+        int row = InfoGroupLayout->numRows(); // <a.l.e>
+        PrintCT->setText( tr("Print: "));
+        InfoGroupLayout->addWidget( PrintCT, row, 0, Qt::AlignRight );
+        if (b->isPrintable == true)
+          PrintC->setText(tr("enabled"));
+        else
+          PrintC->setText(tr("disabled"));
+        InfoGroupLayout->addWidget( PrintC, row, 1 ); // </a.l.e>
 				pmen->insertItem( tr("Info"), pmen4);
page.diff (1,039 bytes)   

2004-01-29 18:04


info_printable.png (6,656 bytes)   
info_printable.png (6,656 bytes)   


2004-01-29 18:10

manager   ~0000391

Last edited: 2004-01-29 18:45

i tried to implement it...

the screenshot shows what it looks like...

... discard it if you think it's useless...

edited on: 01-29-04 19:45


2004-01-29 23:49

administrator   ~0000394

Needs capitalisation of enabled and disabled to Enabled and Disabled. Patch already sent to Franz for this.


2004-01-30 22:27

administrator   ~0000401


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-01-14 14:22 ale New Issue
2004-01-14 15:13 plinnell Note Added: 0000217
2004-01-14 20:58 ale Note Added: 0000222
2004-01-29 18:03 ale File Added: page.diff
2004-01-29 18:04 ale File Added: info_printable.png
2004-01-29 18:05 ale Note Edited: 0000222
2004-01-29 18:10 ale Note Added: 0000391
2004-01-29 18:45 ale Note Edited: 0000391
2004-01-29 23:22 fschmid Status new => resolved
2004-01-29 23:22 fschmid Resolution open => fixed
2004-01-29 23:22 fschmid Assigned To => fschmid
2004-01-29 23:49 plinnell Status resolved => closed
2004-01-29 23:49 cbradney Status closed => feedback
2004-01-29 23:49 cbradney Resolution fixed => reopened
2004-01-29 23:49 cbradney Note Added: 0000394
2004-01-30 21:56 fschmid Status feedback => resolved
2004-01-30 21:56 fschmid Resolution reopened => fixed
2004-01-30 22:27 cbradney Status resolved => closed
2004-01-30 22:27 cbradney Note Added: 0000401
2015-09-17 20:10 Kunda Category Graphics / Image Frames => Graphics/Img Frames
2015-09-17 20:11 Kunda Category Graphics/Img Frames => Graphics / Image Frames