View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0016738ScribusUser Interfacepublic2025-03-13 10:15
Reporteruser6782Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSLinux void 5.15.19_1OS Versionrolling release
Product Version1.5.8 
Summary0016738: Make the text and image borders distinguishable from actual borders
Description( See image attachments )


    reduce opacity of the borders in edit mode
    change the color of the borders in edit mode
    make them disapear at a certain zoomrange

This obviously does not really solve the problem, as the color/opacity of the border can be set to a diffrent one that matches the other border color/opacity.

lowering the opacity Would however give one a better idea on how the doc looks without going into preview mode.
Steps To ReproduceDraw a BOX with a black border
Draw another BOX with no border

TagsContrast, UI, ux



2022-02-07 01:04


borderscribus.png (45,141 bytes)   
borderscribus.png (45,141 bytes)   
noborderscribus.png (45,078 bytes)   
noborderscribus.png (45,078 bytes)   


2025-03-13 10:15

manager   ~0052212

@nitramr any idea for this?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-02-07 01:04 user6782 New Issue
2022-02-07 01:04 user6782 Tag Attached: Contrast
2022-02-07 01:04 user6782 Tag Attached: UI
2022-02-07 01:04 user6782 Tag Attached: ux
2022-02-07 01:04 user6782 File Added: borderscribus.png
2022-02-07 01:04 user6782 File Added: noborderscribus.png
2025-03-13 10:15 ale Note Added: 0052212