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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0016770ScribusGeneralpublic2022-03-08 17:02
ReporterJulius Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0016770: General feedback
DescriptionSome quick feedback on the website and presentation in general for a new visitor to the site.

# Website

## Logos

The bottom of the homepage has logo's with borders. This does not look great. The goal of the logo's should be to impress. If you can't make the logo's look good, it's better to remove them.


Add to html:


#footerwidgets-wrap img {
  border: 0 !important;

.widget-area .widget {
  border: 0 !important

## Font size

The font of the size is too small to read when you are a bit older, or just a bit further from your screen.

## carousel

The carousel on homepage has text, but it changes content faster than you can read it. In that case you can just as well only have one block.

The top text in carousel has this line

> for Linux, FreeBSD, PC-BSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, OpenIndiana, Debian GNU/Hurd, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4, eComStation, Haiku and Windows.

It's strange to go so deep into linux distributions, before you made clear what the tool is about, what makes it unique. besides 'desktop publishing' I don't see anywhere on the top part of the homepage what this tool is about.

I'd go for a text (in larger font) with something like:

> Scribus is a free, open source alternative for Adobe InDesign and Quark Express. This allows you to create books, brochures and other files that require a good looking layout. You can export in PDF to send to a publisher or print it yourself.

Mentioning InDesign may also help search engines find you when people search for alternative for it.

## Contact & support

> For reporting bugs, follow the bugs tracker menu link.

There is no 'bug tracker' menu link, there is 'bugs', but it's in the last menu I was looking for (top right).

fix: make a link in the text.


Once clicked there is a 'wall of issues' and now clear path for how to contribute feedback. I had to figure out to first get an account, etc.


1) I would move everything to GitHub for issues and code. It's the convention, easier to find, more users are active, easier to user interface.
2) Alternatively use a tool for gathering feedback for non-technical people. Something that looks like this looks inviting to me:

## Download experience

The download experience for a windows user is not great.

- Begin is good explains the stable, dev branch.
- Click button, then goes to
- Would be nice to have a little paragraph explaining, that for each OS (windows, etc) there is a separate page where you can then actually download the software.
- I expect most user would find it confusing and just abort their download once they notice they entered a different website called sourcefourge.
- The on to:
- In general; please don't use sourceFourge. For me it is synonymous with spam and untrustworthy software. You probably don't notice it, because you use an ad-bloker, but you first get a "We value your privacy" pop-up, not great.
- Then you are dropped in a files list, with .tar files, etc. You truly can't expect a non-technical user to find the correct file here. What's the different between Windows and Windows64? not something that's evident for normal people.

1) Don't user sourceFourge. Use GitHub (or GitLab, or BitBucket, or something like that)
2) or directly create a link to the download file on sourceFourge from the scribus website. Yes this means you have to update the website with each update, but it's worth trying it out for a month or two. I expect you can double the downloads just by doing that.

# Concluding

I totally get the focus on the product itself. Still, some improvements in the experience for new users and people who have feedback would help a bunch in getting more users (who can also provide great feedback) making the product better.

Best regards,
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-03-08 17:02 Julius New Issue