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0017018ScribusPDFpublic2023-09-25 19:14
ReporterJLuc Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0017018: Missing glyphs in exported PDF
DescriptionThis text includes inlined groups
each being made of a grouped text and icon ;
when exported to PDF (with vectorize font option), some glyph disappear.
Steps To ReproduceOpen joined SLA
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Additional InformationIssue appears to be : glyphs in an inlined text-frame are not correctly collected-and-exported when exporting the document to PDF
TagsNo tags attached.



2023-09-24 21:00


test_insitu.pdf (48,388 bytes)
test_insitu.sla (74,223 bytes)   
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PDF export.png (14,329 bytes)   


2023-09-24 21:03

developer   ~0050352

When PDF embeds fonts instead of vectorizing, instead of the void is a "tofu" glyph
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PDG_with_embed_fonts.png (9,801 bytes)   


2023-09-24 21:12

developer   ~0050353

Last edited: 2023-09-24 21:14

After some edits (= use « and » instead of " + embed fonts) i got this other version of the same edited text where the produced PDF is empty except a single tofu glyph.
test_insitu-2.pdf (31,378 bytes)
test_insitu-2.sla (75,008 bytes)   
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test_insitu-2.sla (75,008 bytes)   
in_the_void_but_a_tofu.png (838 bytes)   
in_the_void_but_a_tofu.png (838 bytes)   


2023-09-24 21:22

developer   ~0050354

Last edited: 2023-09-24 21:22

Instead of having a 2 item group (= textframe with coloured background + SVG) inlined
i try with a 3 items group (= empty background rectangle with couloured background + svg icon + text frame with text)
It isnt any better
separated_text_frame.png (9,935 bytes)   
separated_text_frame.png (9,935 bytes)   
test_insitu-3.pdf (31,326 bytes)
test_insitu-3.sla (74,999 bytes)   
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test_insitu-3.sla (74,999 bytes)   


2023-09-24 21:30

developer   ~0050355

I found a workaround :
include a copy of the offending group outside of the page (so it doesnt appear in the produced PDF).
OK_when_a_copy_not_inlined.png (14,903 bytes)   
OK_when_a_copy_not_inlined.png (14,903 bytes)   
test_insitu-4.pdf (50,303 bytes)
test_insitu-4.sla (81,736 bytes)   
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test_insitu-4.sla (81,736 bytes)   


2023-09-25 19:14

administrator   ~0050356

I can reproduce your issue in 1.5.8, but I can't in current 1.5.9.svn code.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-09-24 21:00 JLuc New Issue
2023-09-24 21:00 JLuc File Added: test_insitu.pdf
2023-09-24 21:00 JLuc File Added: test_insitu.sla
2023-09-24 21:00 JLuc File Added: when edited.png
2023-09-24 21:00 JLuc File Added: PDF export.png
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2023-09-24 21:12 JLuc File Added: test_insitu-2.pdf
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2023-09-24 21:12 JLuc File Added: in_the_void_but_a_tofu.png
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2023-09-24 21:22 JLuc File Added: separated_text_frame.png
2023-09-24 21:22 JLuc File Added: test_insitu-3.pdf
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2023-09-24 21:22 JLuc Note Edited: 0050354
2023-09-24 21:30 JLuc Note Added: 0050355
2023-09-24 21:30 JLuc File Added: OK_when_a_copy_not_inlined.png
2023-09-24 21:30 JLuc File Added: test_insitu-4.pdf
2023-09-24 21:30 JLuc File Added: test_insitu-4.sla
2023-09-24 21:32 JLuc Additional Information Updated
2023-09-25 07:18 jghali Category Import / Export => PDF
2023-09-25 19:14 jghali Note Added: 0050356