View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0017100 | Scribus | Typography | public | 2023-12-31 22:04 | 2024-01-07 16:24 |
Reporter | apastuszak | Assigned To | jghali | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||
Platform | Macintosh | OS | MacOS | OS Version | 14.2.1 |
Product Version | 1.5.8.svn | ||||
Fixed in Version | 1.6.1.svn | ||||
Summary | 0017100: Hyphenated text is rendering incorrectly in text boxes | ||||
Description | I am running 1.5.9. Build ID: C--T-F-C1.17.6-Mac-64bit SVN Revision: 25904 Built: 21 December 2023 When I enter the following text in a text box, it displays properly in 1.5.8, but the first line of the paragraph wrap too early in 1.5.9svn built for Apple Silicon. Please see attached screenshot to see the difference. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | 1. Create a text box and make it 400 px wide. 2. Paste the following text into it: Charles W. Chesnutt (1858-1932) is recognized today as a major innovator among turn-of-the-century literary realists. In novels such as The Marrow of Tradition and short stories such as those collected in The Conjure Woman he probed the color line in American life. | ||||
Tags | 1.5.9svn, 1.6.0, MacOS | ||||
Patch | No | ||||
Screeshots attached, |
We are going to need a sample document and used font too, I cannot reproduce the issue here. |
Coming up. 2008 - Scott Paper Description on Left - US Letter 2.sla (337,147 bytes)
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These include common scenes and activities in the state as well as rare wildlife and breathtaking landscapes that are normally associated with the state."/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="The U.S. flag, officially adopted on June 14, 1777, is one of the most enduring symbols of the American people and their principles. The blue-starred field represents the 50 states of America, with each star representing a new constellation. The 13 red stripes commemorate the 13 original Colonies."/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="Designed after the Secession Convention, Alabama's first official flag was known as the "Republic of Alabama" flag. During the 1861-65 war, Alabama recognized the Confederate States of America flag as its own. With the Union restored, Alabama authorized a "crimson cross of St. Andrew on a field of white" as its official flag, effective February 16, 1895."/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="Designed by John Bell (Benny) Benson, a 13-year-old orphaned Aleut Indian, the Alaska flag was formally adopted in May 1927. The flag's blue background represented the sky and the Forget-me-not, Alaska's state flower. Against this background are eight gold stars to represent the Big Dipper, a symbol of strength, and the North Star, to represent Alaska's future as the northernmost U.S. state."/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="The eagle on the American Samoa Flag represents the territory's relationship with the United States. The eagle, a symbol of power, protection, and friendship with the U.S., is seen clutching two items that are significant to the Samoan culture. In one talon it holds the uatogi, a war club symbolic of power. In the other talon it carries the fue, a ritual stick that symbolizes the wisdom of the councils."/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="The top half of the Arizona state flag symbolizes the original 13 American colonies and the western-setting sun. The copper star signifies Arizona's status as the largest copper-producing state in the U.S. The red and yellow colors found in the rays of the setting sun represent the colors flown by Francisco Vasquez de Coronado and the Spanish Conquistadors."/> <trail PARENT="Caption"/> </StoryText> </FRAMEOBJECT> <FRAMEOBJECT InID="1894859365" XPOS="29.606299212598" YPOS="72.7559055118111" OwnPage="0" ItemID="133409680" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="13" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" isInline="1" gXpos="29.606299212598" gYpos="72.7559055118111" gWidth="400" gHeight="13" PSTYLE="Description on Left Stamp Name" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> 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FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpCb652817749" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L664 0 L664 121 L0 121 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L664 0 L664 121 L0 121 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="147.330741177" gWidth="664" gHeight="268.330741177" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="Each stamp in the Flags of Our Nation series features the state or territory's flag accompanied by a symbolic "snapshot" of the state. These include common scenes and activities in the state as well as rare wildlife and breathtaking landscapes that are normally associated with the state."/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="The U.S. flag, officially adopted on June 14, 1777, is one of the most enduring symbols of the American people and their principles. The blue-starred field represents the 50 states of America, with each star representing a new constellation. The 13 red stripes commemorate the 13 original Colonies."/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="Designed after the Secession Convention, Alabama's first official flag was known as the "Republic of Alabama" flag. During the 1861-65 war, Alabama recognized the Confederate States of America flag as its own. With the Union restored, Alabama authorized a "crimson cross of St. Andrew on a field of white" as its official flag, effective February 16, 1895."/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="Designed by John Bell (Benny) Benson, a 13-year-old orphaned Aleut Indian, the Alaska flag was formally adopted in May 1927. The flag's blue background represented the sky and the Forget-me-not, Alaska's state flower. Against this background are eight gold stars to represent the Big Dipper, a symbol of strength, and the North Star, to represent Alaska's future as the northernmost U.S. state."/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="The eagle on the American Samoa Flag represents the territory's relationship with the United States. The eagle, a symbol of power, protection, and friendship with the U.S., is seen clutching two items that are significant to the Samoan culture. In one talon it holds the uatogi, a war club symbolic of power. In the other talon it carries the fue, a ritual stick that symbolizes the wisdom of the councils."/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <para PARENT="Caption"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="The top half of the Arizona state flag symbolizes the original 13 American colonies and the western-setting sun. The copper star signifies Arizona's status as the largest copper-producing state in the U.S. The red and yellow colors found in the rays of the setting sun represent the colors flown by Francisco Vasquez de Coronado and the Spanish Conquistadors."/> <trail PARENT="Caption"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="128.026041888065" YPOS="7953.3" OwnPage="8" ItemID="112159632" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="663.947916223869" HEIGHT="230.330741177" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Group93" groupWidth="663.947916223869" groupHeight="230.330741177" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L663.948 0 L663.948 230.331 L0 230.331 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L663.948 0 L663.948 230.331 L0 230.331 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0.0260418880652935" gYpos="271.330741177" gWidth="664" gHeight="501.661482354001" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="791.7953810185" YPOS="7953.3" OwnPage="8" ItemID="112154000" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="102.330741177" HEIGHT="663.590762037" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ROT="90" ANNAME="Group88" groupWidth="102.330741177" groupHeight="663.590762037" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 663.591 L0 663.591 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 663.591 L0 663.591 L0 0 Z" gXpos="663.769339130435" gYpos="0" gWidth="663.947916223869" gHeight="230.330741177" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="792.29144416825" YPOS="7953.79606314975" OwnPage="8" ItemID="112148368" PTYPE="6" WIDTH="101.3386148775" HEIGHT="662.5986357375" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="0.9921262995" PCOLOR2="Black" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpFo190522239" path="M0 0 L101.339 0 L101.339 662.599 L0 662.599 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L101.339 0 L101.339 662.599 L0 662.599 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0.496063149749943" gYpos="0.496063149750171" gWidth="102.330741177" gHeight="663.590762037" LAYER="0"/> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="794.27569676725" YPOS="7955.78031574875" OwnPage="8" ItemID="112373136" PTYPE="6" WIDTH="97.3701096795" HEIGHT="658.6301305395" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="0.9921262995" PCOLOR2="Black" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpFi190522239" path="M0 0 L97.3701 0 L97.3701 658.63 L0 658.63 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L97.3701 0 L97.3701 658.63 L0 658.63 L0 0 Z" gXpos="2.48031574874994" gYpos="2.48031574874994" gWidth="102.330741177" gHeight="663.590762037" LAYER="0"/> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="811.0709776945" YPOS="8042.7330992835" OwnPage="8" ItemID="112367504" PTYPE="2" WIDTH="63.779547825" HEIGHT="484.72456347" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpP190522239" LOCALSCX="0.629512420090909" LOCALSCY="0.629512420090909" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="0" RATIO="1" Pagenumber="0" PFILE="../images/flags1-2-rotated.png" PRFILE="Embedded Generic RGB Profile" IRENDER="0" EPROF="Embedded Generic RGB Profile" path="M0 0 L63.7795 0 L63.7795 484.725 L0 484.725 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L63.7795 0 L63.7795 484.725 L0 484.725 L0 0 Z" gXpos="19.275596676" gYpos="89.4330992835003" gWidth="102.330741177" gHeight="663.590762037" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <ImageEffect Code="1" Param=""/> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="408.8346294115" YPOS="8058.630741177" OwnPage="8" ItemID="112007568" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="102.330741177" HEIGHT="8" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpKb190522239" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 8 L0 8 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 8 L0 8 L0 0 Z" gXpos="280.808587523435" gYpos="105.330741177" gWidth="663.947916223869" gHeight="230.330741177" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="6" CH="4283-4287"/> <trail PARENT="Katalog"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="128.026041888065" YPOS="8069.630741177" OwnPage="8" ItemID="112004496" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="663.947916223869" HEIGHT="114" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpCb652817749" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L663.948 0 L663.948 114 L0 114 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L663.948 0 L663.948 114 L0 114 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="116.330741177" gWidth="663.947916223869" gHeight="230.330741177" PSTYLE="Caption" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Caption" LINESP="7" CPARENT="styCaptionC"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="styCaptionC" FONTSIZE="7" CH="Arkansas' state flag features a white diamond on a red field, recognizing Arkansas as the only diamond-producing state at the time of the flag's creation. The blue band surrounding this diamond features 25 stars, representing Arkansas' place as the 25th state admitted to the Union. The three stars below the state name represent the three countries formerly owning the territory. The lone top star is representative of Arkansas' membership in the Confederate States of America."/> <para PARENT="Caption" LINESP="7"/> <para PARENT="Caption" LINESP="7"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="styCaptionC" FONTSIZE="7" CH="The California state flag centers around a large grizzly bear. Chosen as a symbol of strength, the grizzly bear is native to the state of California. The flag also has a single, red, five-pointed star and the words "California Republic," a testament to the commitment to independence of the early California settlers."/> <para PARENT="Caption" LINESP="7"/> <para PARENT="Caption" LINESP="7"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="styCaptionC" FONTSIZE="7" CH="Colorado's state flag utilizes elegant simplicity to evoke a number of significant meanings. The field consists of three stripes - two blue and one white. The blue is meant to symbolize Colorado's clear blue skies as well as the state flower, the columbine. The white stripe across the middle is said to represent the state's famous snow-capped mountains, while the red of the "C" (which stands for Colorado) reflects the color of most of the state's soil. The gold disc in the center of the "C" is meant to signify the state's history in gold mining and ample sunshine."/> <para PARENT="Caption" LINESP="7"/> <para PARENT="Caption" LINESP="7"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="styCaptionC" FONTSIZE="7" CH="The Connecticut state flag consists of a blue field behind the State Seal of Connecticut. The shield, created in the rococo design (recognizable for its elaborate curvature) on the seal bears three grapevines, a symbol of good luck, peace, and proof of God's greatness. The vines are representative of the Colony carried over and planted in the unfamiliar world."/> <para PARENT="Caption" LINESP="7"/> <para PARENT="Caption" LINESP="7"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="styCaptionC" FONTSIZE="7" CH="Delaware's state flag has a buff-colored diamond on a colonial blue background, representing General George Washington's uniform. The diamond is a reference to an early nickname, The Diamond State, because of Delaware's small size and great value. Inside the diamond is the Delaware coat of arms. A farmer and soldier hold up a shield"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH=" with a wavy blue line (representing the Delaware River), a cow, wheat, corn, and a boat."/> <trail PARENT="Caption" LINESP="7"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="169.3069942465" YPOS="7625.18967382125" OwnPage="9" ItemID="112334736" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="581.386011507" HEIGHT="615.220652357499" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Group96" groupWidth="581.386011507" groupHeight="615.220652357499" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L581.386 0 L581.386 615.221 L0 615.221 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L581.386 0 L581.386 615.221 L0 615.221 L0 0 Z" gXpos="169.3069942465" gYpos="7625.18967382125" gWidth="0" gHeight="0" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="183.4802270965" YPOS="8487.85896696125" OwnPage="9" ItemID="112329104" PTYPE="6" WIDTH="552.0474195075" HEIGHT="554.8820660775" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="0.9921262995" PCOLOR2="Black" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpFo767531836" path="M0 0 L552.047 0 L552.047 554.882 L0 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Each block in the top three horizontal rows contains a single letter of the alphabet, and together the blocks spell out the word “Celebrate.” The three blocks in the bottom row contain an exclamation point, a star, and the denomination."/> <trail PARENT="Caption"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="267.281862082" YPOS="8752.42464486417" OwnPage="10" ItemID="130499472" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="385.436275836" HEIGHT="311.196899707499" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Group106" groupWidth="385.436275836" groupHeight="311.196899707499" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L385.436 0 L385.436 311.197 L0 311.197 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L385.436 0 L385.436 311.197 L0 311.197 L0 0 Z" gXpos="267.281862082" gYpos="8752.42464486417" gWidth="0" gHeight="0" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="267.281862082" YPOS="9611.43254486417" OwnPage="10" ItemID="130493840" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="130.677206877" HEIGHT="225.181140867498" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Group104" groupWidth="130.677206877" 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gHeight="225.181140867498" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="The American Clock stamp features a clock made circa 1805 by Simon Willard . The clock was later called a banjo clock because of its shape — a small head enclosing the clockworks and a long shaft containing the pendulum . The clock’s stylish shape, polished metal fittings, and decorative glass panels appealed to consumers and made it one of the most famous designs in American clockmaking."/> <trail PARENT="Caption"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="522.040931041" YPOS="9584.42464486417" OwnPage="10" ItemID="130551696" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="130.677206877" HEIGHT="311.196899707499" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Group105" groupWidth="130.677206877" groupHeight="311.196899707499" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L130.677 0 L130.677 311.197 L0 311.197 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L130.677 0 L130.677 311.197 L0 311.197 L0 0 Z" gXpos="254.759068959" gYpos="0" gWidth="385.436275836" gHeight="311.196899707499" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="536.214163891" YPOS="9624.09393800417" OwnPage="10" ItemID="130707856" PTYPE="6" WIDTH="101.3386148775" HEIGHT="143.8583134275" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="0.9921262995" PCOLOR2="Black" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpFo855120353" path="M0 0 L101.339 0 L101.339 143.858 L0 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gHeight="311.196899707499" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="“Take Me Out to the Ball Game”"/> <trail PARENT="Title"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="536.214163891" YPOS="9610.25929143417" OwnPage="10" ItemID="130789264" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="102.330741177" HEIGHT="11" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpDt855120353" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" gXpos="14.17323285" gYpos="25.8346465699997" gWidth="130.677206877" gHeight="311.196899707499" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="8" CH="July 16, 2008"/> <trail PARENT="Date"/> </StoryText> 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ANNAME="shpCb855120353" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L130.677 0 L130.677 114 L0 114 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L130.677 0 L130.677 114 L0 114 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="197.196899707499" gWidth="130.677206877" gHeight="311.196899707499" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="This issuance commemorates the 100th anniversary of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” one of the most popular baseball songs of all time. For decades, the song’s catchy chorus has been part of the musical tradition at ballparks around the country, especially during the seventh-inning stretch. The song was born on a New York City train in the summer of 1908, when passenger Jack Norworth (1879–1959), an actor, singer, and songwriter who had never attended a major league ball game, saw a sign about an upcoming game at the Polo Grounds. Suddenly inspired, he took out a piece of paper and began dashing off lines about a fictional fan."/> <trail PARENT="Caption"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="252.9290680615" YPOS="9256.9102046394" OwnPage="11" ItemID="130679696" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="414.141863877" HEIGHT="217.196899707499" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Group109" groupWidth="414.141863877" groupHeight="217.196899707499" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L414.142 0 L414.142 217.197 L0 217.197 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L414.142 0 L414.142 217.197 L0 217.197 L0 0 Z" gXpos="252.9290680615" gYpos="9256.9102046394" gWidth="0" gHeight="0" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="267.1023009115" YPOS="10118.5794977794" OwnPage="11" ItemID="130805136" PTYPE="6" WIDTH="384.8032718775" HEIGHT="143.8583134275" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="0.9921262995" PCOLOR2="Black" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpFo627129612" path="M0 0 L384.803 0 L384.803 143.858 L0 143.858 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L384.803 0 L384.803 143.858 L0 143.858 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Whether spotlighting the talents of entertainment icons or documenting changing social attitudes and expectations, these posters now serve a greater purpose than publicity and promotion. 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These four stamps feature Mickey Mouse as Steamboat Willie; Princess Aurora and her helpers Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather from Sleeping Beauty; Pongo and one of his pups from 101 Dalmatians; and Mowgli and Baloo from The Jungle Book."/> <trail PARENT="Caption"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="424.4251855465" YPOS="9494.2173089862" OwnPage="11" ItemID="130859408" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="328.12446337875" HEIGHT="442.472486374373" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Group117" groupWidth="328.12446337875" groupHeight="442.472486374373" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L328.124 0 L328.124 442.472 L0 442.472 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L328.124 0 L328.124 442.472 L0 442.472 L0 0 Z" gXpos="424.4251855465" gYpos="9494.2173089862" gWidth="0" gHeight="0" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="424.4251855465" YPOS="10326.2173089862" OwnPage="11" ItemID="130828688" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="328.12446337875" HEIGHT="204.181140867498" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Group114" groupWidth="328.12446337875" 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RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L130.677 0 L130.677 51 L0 51 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L130.677 0 L130.677 51 L0 51 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="153.181140867498" gWidth="130.677206877" gHeight="204.181140867498" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="This 2008 definitive stamp features a close-up of a sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The radiant beauty of sunflowers has long inspired photographers, painters, and poets, as well as gardeners, floral arrangers, and countless other admirers."/> <trail PARENT="Caption"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="523.148813797375" YPOS="10550.5086544931" OwnPage="11" ItemID="130765200" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="130.677206877" HEIGHT="218.181140867498" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Group116" groupWidth="130.677206877" groupHeight="218.181140867498" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L130.677 0 L130.677 218.181 L0 218.181 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L130.677 0 L130.677 218.181 L0 218.181 L0 0 Z" gXpos="98.723628250875" gYpos="224.291345506875" gWidth="328.12446337875" gHeight="442.472486374373" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="537.322046647375" YPOS="10580.1779476331" OwnPage="11" ItemID="130929552" PTYPE="6" WIDTH="101.3386148775" HEIGHT="109.8425545875" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="0.9921262995" PCOLOR2="Black" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpFo564018843" path="M0 0 L101.339 0 L101.339 109.843 L0 109.843 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L101.339 0 L101.339 109.843 L0 109.843 L0 0 Z" gXpos="14.17323285" gYpos="29.6692931399994" gWidth="130.677206877" gHeight="218.181140867498" LAYER="0"/> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="539.306299246375" YPOS="10582.1622002321" OwnPage="11" ItemID="130907536" PTYPE="6" WIDTH="97.3701096795" HEIGHT="105.8740493895" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="0.9921262995" PCOLOR2="Black" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpFi564018843" path="M0 0 L97.3701 0 L97.3701 105.874 L0 105.874 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L97.3701 0 L97.3701 105.874 L0 105.874 L0 0 Z" gXpos="16.157485449" gYpos="31.6535457389991" gWidth="130.677206877" gHeight="218.181140867498" LAYER="0"/> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="556.101580173625" YPOS="10600.0204736231" OwnPage="11" ItemID="130923920" PTYPE="2" WIDTH="63.779547825" HEIGHT="70.1575026075" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpP564018843" LOCALSCX="0.20045000745" LOCALSCY="0.20045000745" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" 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gWidth="130.677206877" gHeight="218.181140867498" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="American Toleware"/> <trail PARENT="Title"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="537.322046647375" YPOS="10566.3433010631" OwnPage="11" ItemID="134851472" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="102.330741177" HEIGHT="11" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpDt564018843" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" gXpos="14.17323285" gYpos="15.8346465699997" gWidth="130.677206877" gHeight="218.181140867498" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="8" CH="August 22, 2008"/> <trail 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CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpCb564018843" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L130.677 0 L130.677 65 L0 65 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L130.677 0 L130.677 65 L0 65 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="153.181140867498" gWidth="130.677206877" gHeight="218.181140867498" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="7" CH="Toleware is varnished or painted tinware fashioned into a variety of objects and often decorated with designs such as fruits, flowers, and leaves. The coffeepot featured on the stamp is now in the collection of the Winterthur Museum in Delaware. It is believed that this piece was manufactured in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, between 1850 and 1875."/> <trail PARENT="Caption"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="140.2" YPOS="2045.3" OwnPage="2" ItemID="134747536" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="525.6" HEIGHT="483" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1.0000007856886" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpCb412846527" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="2" COLGAP="5" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L525.6 0 L525.6 483 L0 483 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L525.6 0 L525.6 483 L0 483 L0 0 Z" gXpos="-66.8" gYpos="179.41729905857" gWidth="400" gHeight="152.83464657" PSTYLE="Description on Left" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left" LINESPMode="1" CPARENT="Description on Left"/> <breakline/> <ITEXT FONT="PT Serif Italic" FONTSIZE="10" CH="April 18, 2008"/> <para PARENT="Description on Left" ALIGN="1" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="These stamps feature a painting by Laura Stutzman of Mountain Lake Park, Maryland, of an American flag flying at a different time of day: sunrise, noon, sunset, and night."/> <para PARENT="Description on Left" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="There "/> <ITEXT FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="are 5 different major varieties of these stamps:"/> <para PARENT="Description on Left" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT Unicode="25"/> <ITEXT FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Water Activated Gum coil stamps with a 9¾ perforation (4228-4231)"/> <para PARENT="Description on Left List" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT Unicode="25"/> <ITEXT FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Self-adhesive coil with a 9½ die cut (4232-4235)"/> <para PARENT="Description on Left List" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT Unicode="25"/> <ITEXT FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Self-adhesive coil with a 11 die cut (4236-4239)"/> <para PARENT="Description on Left List" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT Unicode="25"/> <ITEXT FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Self-adhesive coil with a 8½ die cut (4240-4243)"/> <para PARENT="Description on Left List" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT Unicode="25"/> <ITEXT FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Self-adhesive coil with a 11 die cut and rounded corners with a gap between each stamp (4244-4247)"/> <para PARENT="Description on Left List" LINESPMode="1"/> <para PARENT="Description on Left" LINESPMode="1"/> <breakcol/> <ITEXT FONT="PT Serif Bold" CH="American Journalists"/> <breakline/> <ITEXT FONT="PT Serif Italic" CH="April 22, 2008"/> <para PARENT="Description on Left" ALIGN="1" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="With these stamps, the Postal Service honors five distinguished journalists: Martha Gellhorn, John Hersey, George Polk, Ruben Salazar, and Eric Sevareid."/> <para PARENT="Description on Left" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Martha Gellhorn (1908-1998) covered many major conflicts-among them the Spanish Civil War, World War II, and the Vietnam War—in a long career that broke new ground for women. With its constant focus on harm to civilians, her reportage is considered a morally courageous model."/> <para PARENT="Description on Left" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="John Hersey (1914-1993) was a versatile writer whose most famous work, Hiroshima, describes what happened when the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city that gave the book its title. It has been acclaimed as the greatest work of journalism of the 20th century."/> <para PARENT="Description on Left" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="George Polk (1913-1948) filed hard-hitting radio bulletins from Greece describing the strife that erupted there after World War II. He was working on reports of corruption involving U.S. aid when he disappeared; his body was found a week later. The exact circumstances of his death remain a mystery."/> <para PARENT="Description on Left" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Ruben Salazar (1928-1970) was the first Mexican-American journalist to have a major voice in mainstream news media. His writings on the Chicano movement of the 1960s add richly to the historical record. He was shot and killed by a deputy sheriff while covering a protest against the Vietnam War."/> <para PARENT="Description on Left" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Eric Sevareid (1912-1992) was a writer and broadcast journalist who provided memorable radio coverage of World War II, reporting on the approach of the Germans to Paris, the exodus from the city, and on life in London during wartime. His subsequent television commentary on American politics was widely admired."/> <para PARENT="Description on Left" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="3526.882676715" OwnPage="4" ItemID="134969744" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="455.83464657" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group133" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="455.83464657" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 455.835 L0 455.835 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 455.835 L0 455.835 L0 0 Z" gXpos="206" gYpos="3526.882676715" gWidth="0" gHeight="0" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="3526.882676715" OwnPage="4" ItemID="134870416" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="106" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group132" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="106" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 106 L0 106 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 106 L0 106 L0 0 Z" gXpos="2.8421709430404e-14" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="455.83464657" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="3555.882676715" OwnPage="4" ItemID="134864784" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="77" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpCb428239000" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 77 L0 77 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 77 L0 77 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="29" gWidth="400" gHeight="106" PSTYLE="Description on Left" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left" CPARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONTSIZE="10" CH="These definitive stamps show 5 tropical fruits sliced open: Pomegranate (Punica granatum), Star Fruit (Averrhoa carambola), Kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa), Papaya (Carica papaya)., and Guava (Psidium guajava)."/> <para/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="There are two different major varieties of these stamps:"/> <para/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="A sheet with serpentine die cut 11¼×10¾ (4253-4257)"/> <para/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="A coil with serpentine die cut 8½ veritcally (4258-4262)"/> <para/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="234.3621501865" YPOS="3526.882676715" OwnPage="4" ItemID="134812048" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="343.275699627" HEIGHT="13" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpTt428239000" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L343.276 0 L343.276 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L343.276 0 L343.276 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" gXpos="28.3621501865" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="106" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="Tropical Fruit"/> <trail 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FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group130" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="132.83464657" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 132.835 L0 132.835 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 132.835 L0 132.835 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="126" gWidth="400" gHeight="455.83464657" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="354.8346294115" YPOS="3652.882676715" OwnPage="4" ItemID="134832528" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="102.330741177" HEIGHT="13" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpTt489431264" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" gXpos="148.8346294115" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="132.83464657" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="Purple Heart"/> <trail PARENT="Title" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="354.8346294115" YPOS="3669.717323285" OwnPage="4" ItemID="134829456" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="102.330741177" HEIGHT="10" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpDt489431264" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 10 L0 10 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 10 L0 10 L0 0 Z" gXpos="148.8346294115" gYpos="16.8346465700001" gWidth="400" gHeight="132.83464657" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="8" CH="April 30, 2008"/> <trail PARENT="Date" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="3683.717323285" OwnPage="4" ItemID="134823824" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="102" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="shpCb489431264" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 102 L0 102 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 102 L0 102 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="30.8346465699997" gWidth="400" gHeight="132.83464657" PSTYLE="Description on Left" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left" CPARENT="Description on Left" KERN="-2"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONTSIZE="10" KERN="-2" CH="The Purple Heart (PH) is a United States military decoration awarded in the name of the President to those wounded or killed while serving, on or after April 5, 1917, with the U.S. military."/> <para PARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="The Purple Heart stamp was previously issued with the same design and with a 41-cent denomination in 2007, with a 39-cent denomination in 2006, and with a 37-cent denomination in 2003."/> <para/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="This 2008 issue has a 2008 microprint and has two major varieties:"/> <para/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="Water activated gum with an 11¾ perforation (4264)"/> <para/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="Self-adhesive with serpentine die cut 11¼×10¾ (4265)"/> <trail/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="3805.717323285" OwnPage="4" ItemID="134939536" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="79" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Group126" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="79" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 79 L0 79 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 79 L0 79 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="278.83464657" gWidth="400" gHeight="455.83464657" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="354.8346294115" YPOS="3805.717323285" OwnPage="4" ItemID="134927760" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="102.330741177" HEIGHT="12" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpTt956872982" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 12 L0 12 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 12 L0 12 L0 0 Z" gXpos="148.8346294115" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="79" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="James Michener"/> <trail PARENT="Title" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="354.8346294115" YPOS="3820.717323285" OwnPage="4" ItemID="134922128" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="102.330741177" HEIGHT="10" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpDt956872982" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 10 L0 10 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 10 L0 10 L0 0 Z" gXpos="148.8346294115" gYpos="15" gWidth="400" gHeight="79" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="8" CH="May 12, 2008"/> <trail PARENT="Date" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="3833.717323285" OwnPage="4" ItemID="134916496" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="51" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpCb956872982" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 51 L0 51 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 51 L0 51 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="28" gWidth="400" gHeight="79" PSTYLE="Description on Left" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left" CPARENT="Description on Left" KERN="-3"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONTSIZE="10" KERN="-3" CH="James Michener (February 3, 1907 – October 16, 1997) was an American writer. He wrote more than 40 books, most of which were long, fictional family sagas covering the lives of many generations, set in particular geographic locales and incorporating detailed history. He was known for the meticulous research that went into his books. "/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="3904.717323285" OwnPage="4" ItemID="135123856" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="78" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group127" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="78" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 78 L0 78 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 78 L0 78 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="377.83464657" gWidth="400" gHeight="455.83464657" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="354.8346294115" YPOS="3904.717323285" OwnPage="4" ItemID="135118224" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="102.330741177" HEIGHT="11" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpTt224960365" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" gXpos="148.8346294115" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="78" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="Edward Trudeau"/> <trail PARENT="Title" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="354.8346294115" YPOS="3918.717323285" OwnPage="4" ItemID="135062416" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="102.330741177" HEIGHT="10" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpDt224960365" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 10 L0 10 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 10 L0 10 L0 0 Z" gXpos="148.8346294115" gYpos="14" gWidth="400" gHeight="78" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="8" CH="May 12, 2008"/> <trail PARENT="Date" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="3931.717323285" OwnPage="4" ItemID="135056784" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="51" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpCb224960365" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 51 L0 51 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 51 L0 51 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="27" gWidth="400" gHeight="78" PSTYLE="Description on Left" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left" CPARENT="Description on Left" KERN="-3"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONTSIZE="10" KERN="-3" CH="Edward Trudeau (October 5, 1848 – November 15, 1915) was an American physician who established the Adirondack Cottage Sanitarium at Saranac Lake for the treatment of tuberculosis. He also established the Saranac Laboratory for the Study of Tuberculosis He was a public health pioneer who helped to establish principles for disease prevention and control. "/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5097.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="134966672" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="66" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group99" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="66" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 66 L0 66 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 66 L0 66 L0 0 Z" gXpos="206" gYpos="5097.8" gWidth="0" gHeight="0" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="354.8346294115" YPOS="5097.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="134963600" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="102.330741177" HEIGHT="11" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpTt895226216" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" gXpos="148.8346294115" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="66" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1" FONT="PT Sans Bold" FONTSIZE="12"/> <ITEXT FONT="PT Sans Bold" FONTSIZE="12" CH="Frank Sinatra"/> <trail PARENT="Title" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5111.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="134957968" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="52" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpCb895226216" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 52 L0 52 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 52 L0 52 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="14" gWidth="400" gHeight="66" PSTYLE="Description on Left" ALIGN="0" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left" ALIGN="0" LINESPMode="1" CPARENT="Description on Left" FONT="PT Serif Regular" KERN="0"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" KERN="0" CH="Frank Sinatra (December 12, 1915 – May 14, 1998) was an American singer and actor. Nicknamed the “Chairman of the Board” and later called “Ol’ Blue Eyes”, he is regarded as one of the most popular entertainers of the mid-20th century. Sinatra is among the world’s best-selling music artists with an estimated 150 million record sales."/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left" ALIGN="0" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5173.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135005072" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="56" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group91" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="56" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 56 L0 56 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 56 L0 56 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="76" gWidth="400" gHeight="642" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="333.5747801365" YPOS="5169.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135115152" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="144.850439727" HEIGHT="11" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpTt197527078" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L144.85 0 L144.85 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L144.85 0 L144.85 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" gXpos="127.5747801365" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="56" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="Thirteen Mile Woods"/> <trail PARENT="Title" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5183.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135041936" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="42" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpCb197527078" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 42 L0 42 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 42 L0 42 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="14" gWidth="400" gHeight="56" PSTYLE="Description on Left" ALIGN="0" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left" ALIGN="0" CPARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONTSIZE="10" CH="This stamp, part of the Scenic American Landscapes series, features a photograph by Jerry and Marcy Monkman of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, of sunrise on the Androscoggin River in the 13 Mile Woods in Errol, New Hampshire. 13 Mile Woods is dedicated to wildlife conservation, outdoor recreation, and sustainable logging."/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left" ALIGN="0"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5249.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135112080" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="58" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Group90" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="58" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 58 L0 58 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 58 L0 58 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="152" gWidth="400" gHeight="642" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="333.5747801365" YPOS="5245.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135106448" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="144.850439727" HEIGHT="13" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpTt355594535" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L144.85 0 L144.85 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L144.85 0 L144.85 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" gXpos="127.5747801365" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="58" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="St. John, US Virgin Islands"/> <trail PARENT="Title" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5261.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135100816" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="42" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpCb355594535" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 42 L0 42 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 42 L0 42 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="16" gWidth="400" gHeight="58" PSTYLE="Description on Left" ALIGN="0" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left" ALIGN="0" CPARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONTSIZE="10" CH="This stamp, part of the Scenic American Landscapes series, features a photograph of Trunk Bay in the Virgin Islands National Park on the northern coast of St. John. St. John is known for its beautiful beaches, abundant plant life, and the coral reefs along its coast. The photograph was taken by George H.H. Huey of Prescott, Arizona."/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left" ALIGN="0"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5327.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="134910864" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="36" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Group95" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="36" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 36 L0 36 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 36 L0 36 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="230" gWidth="400" gHeight="642" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="319.98028555833" YPOS="5323.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="134907792" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="172.039428883339" HEIGHT="11" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpTt459290930" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L172.039 0 L172.039 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L172.039 0 L172.039 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" gXpos="113.98028555833" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="36" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="Minnesota Statehood"/> <trail PARENT="Title" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5337.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="134902160" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="22" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpCb459290930" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 22 L0 22 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 22 L0 22 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="14" gWidth="400" gHeight="36" PSTYLE="Description on Left" ALIGN="0" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left" ALIGN="0" CPARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONTSIZE="10" CH="This stamp commemorated the 150th year of Minnesota’s statehood. Minnesota became a US State on May 11, 1858."/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left" ALIGN="0"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5383.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135032208" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="38" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group94" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="38" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 38 L0 38 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 38 L0 38 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="286" gWidth="400" gHeight="642" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="354.8346294115" YPOS="5379.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135026576" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="102.330741177" HEIGHT="13" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpTt363461864" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" gXpos="148.8346294115" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="38" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="Dragonfly"/> <trail PARENT="Title" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5395.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135020944" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="22" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpCb363461864" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 22 L0 22 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 22 L0 22 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="16" gWidth="400" gHeight="38" PSTYLE="Description on Left" ALIGN="0" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left" ALIGN="0" CPARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONTSIZE="10" CH="The stamp features the dragonfly, one of the oldest insects in the world. There are around 3,000 different species of Dragonfly. Most of them live in tropical climates."/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left" ALIGN="0"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5441.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135097744" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="76" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group88 (2)" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="76" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 76 L0 76 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 76 L0 76 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="344" gWidth="400" gHeight="642" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="333.5747801365" YPOS="5437.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135092112" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="144.850439727" HEIGHT="11" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpTt707713824" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L144.85 0 L144.85 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L144.85 0 L144.85 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" gXpos="127.5747801365" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="76" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="Mt. Rushmore"/> <trail PARENT="Title" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5451.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135086480" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="62" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpCb707713824" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 62 L0 62 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 62 L0 62 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="14" gWidth="400" gHeight="76" PSTYLE="Description on Left" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left" CPARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONTSIZE="10" CH="The Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a national memorial centered on a colossal sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore in the Black Hills near Keystone, South Dakota, United States. The sculpture features the 60-foot-tall (18 m) heads of four United States presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln, chosen to represent the nation's birth, growth, development, and preservation, respectively."/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5537.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135236496" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="68" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group86 (2)" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="68" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 68 L0 68 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 68 L0 68 L0 0 Z" gXpos="206" gYpos="5537.8" gWidth="0" gHeight="0" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="354.8346294115" YPOS="5537.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135175056" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="102.330741177" HEIGHT="13" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpTt652785868" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L102.331 0 L102.331 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" gXpos="148.8346294115" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="68" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="Tiffany Lamp"/> <trail PARENT="Title" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5553.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135169424" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="52" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpCb652785868" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 52 L0 52 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 52 L0 52 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="16" gWidth="400" gHeight="68" PSTYLE="Description on Left" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left" CPARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONTSIZE="10" CH="The Tiffany Lamp stamp features the work of Louis Comfort Tiffany (1848–1933), a designer of glass, ceramics, jewelry, enamelware, and metalwork who transformed everyday objects into works of art. Considered one of the greatest designers of glass in his era, Tiffany is also remembered as a leader in the art nouveau movement, a style in the visual arts that transformed design in the United States and Europe from the 1890s to World War I."/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5625.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135154576" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="36" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group97" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="36" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 36 L0 36 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 36 L0 36 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="528" gWidth="400" gHeight="642" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="347.7480129865" YPOS="5621.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135151504" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="116.503974027" HEIGHT="11" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpTt851459399" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L116.504 0 L116.504 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L116.504 0 L116.504 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" gXpos="141.7480129865" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="36" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="Love:All Heart"/> <trail PARENT="Title" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5635.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135198096" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="22" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpCb851459399" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 22 L0 22 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 22 L0 22 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="14" gWidth="400" gHeight="36" PSTYLE="Description on Left" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONTSIZE="10" CH="The 2008 Love Stamp,Entitled All Heart, shows a large, bright red heart that is transporting its owner to an unseen beloved who will be gifted with this heart full of love."/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5681.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135244176" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="58" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group85" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="58" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 58 L0 58 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 58 L0 58 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="584" gWidth="400" gHeight="642" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="356.2519526965" YPOS="5677.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135189904" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="99.496094607" HEIGHT="13" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpTt287320494" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L99.4961 0 L99.4961 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L99.4961 0 L99.4961 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" gXpos="150.2519526965" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="58" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="Wedding Hearts"/> <trail PARENT="Title" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="5693.8" OwnPage="6" ItemID="135184272" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="42" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" ANNAME="Copy of shpCb287320494" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 42 L0 42 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 42 L0 42 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="16" gWidth="400" gHeight="58" PSTYLE="Description on Left" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left" CPARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONTSIZE="10" CH="The Hearts stamps were designed especially for mailing wedding invitations and RSVPs. Both stamps feature an illustration of a heart. The artwork on the stamps based is on memories of intertwined objects, including silver charms and old-fashioned garden gates. The 2008 stamps use the same design as the 2007 stamps with a different background color."/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="206" YPOS="89.3000000000001" OwnPage="0" ItemID="132614032" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="681" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group95" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="681" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 681 L0 681 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 681 L0 681 L0 0 Z" gXpos="206" gYpos="89.3000000000001" gWidth="0" gHeight="0" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="119.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="135071120" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="66" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Group87" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="66" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 66 L0 66 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 66 L0 66 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="681" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="119.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="135258000" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="11" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" gXpos="8.5265128291212e-14" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="66" PSTYLE="Description on Left Stamp Name" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name" CPARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name" CH="Lunar New Year"/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="133.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="135252368" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="52" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 52 L0 52 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 52 L0 52 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="14" gWidth="400" gHeight="66" PSTYLE="Description on Left" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left" CPARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" CH="In observance of the Lunar New Year holiday, the U.S. Postal Service® introduced a new series of Lunar New Year stamps beginning in 2008. The series continued through 2019 with stamps issued consecutively to celebrate the Year of the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Boar."/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="194.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="111295888" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="53" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group87 (2)" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="53" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 53 L0 53 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 53 L0 53 L0 0 Z" gXpos="2.8421709430404e-14" gYpos="75" gWidth="400" gHeight="681" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="194.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="135143312" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="11" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 11 L0 11 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="53" PSTYLE="Description on Left Stamp Name" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name" CPARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name"/> <ITEXT CH="Charles W. Chesnutt"/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="208.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="135140240" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="39" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 39 L0 39 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 39 L0 39 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="14" gWidth="400" gHeight="53" PSTYLE="Description on Left" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT CH="Charles W. Chesnutt (1858-1932) is recognized today as a major innovator among turn-of-the-century literary realists. In novels such as The Marrow of Tradition and short stories such as those collected in The Conjure Woman he probed the color line in American life."/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="256.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="126740368" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="68" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group88 (3)" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="68" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 68 L0 68 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 68 L0 68 L0 0 Z" gXpos="2.8421709430404e-14" gYpos="137" gWidth="400" gHeight="681" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="256.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="129612176" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="13" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="68" PSTYLE="Description on Left Stamp Name" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name" CPARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name"/> <ITEXT CH="Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings"/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="272.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="126598032" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="52" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 52 L0 52 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 52 L0 52 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="16" gWidth="400" gHeight="68" PSTYLE="Description on Left" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT CH="Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (1896-1953) was acclaimed for her novels, short stories, and works of non-fiction that vividly portrayed both the beauty of the Florida backwoods and the lives of the people who lived there. She is best remembered for The Yearling, her Pulitzer Prize-winning novel about a boy who adopts a rambunctious fawn."/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="333.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="132218768" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="334" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="1" ANNAME="Copy of Group90" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="334" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 334 L0 334 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 334 L0 334 L0 0 Z" gXpos="2.8421709430404e-14" gYpos="214" gWidth="400" gHeight="681" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="333.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="129510288" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="13" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="334" PSTYLE="Description on Left Stamp Name" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name" CPARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name"/> <ITEXT CH="American Scientists"/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="349.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="129504656" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="318" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 318 L0 318 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 318 L0 318 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="16" gWidth="400" gHeight="334" PSTYLE="Description on Left" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT CH="This second American Scientists stamps isuance honors theoretical physicist John Bardeen, biochemist Gerty Cori, astronomer Edwin Hubble, and structural chemist Linus Pauling."/> <para PARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT CH="Biochemist Gerty Cori (1896-1957), in collaboration with her husband, Carl, made important discoveries-including a new derivative of glucose-that elucidated the steps of carbohydrate metabolism and contributed to the understanding and treatment of diabetes and other metabolic diseases. In 1947, the couple was awarded a half share of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine."/> <para/> <ITEXT CH="A remarkably versatile scientist, structural chemist Linus Pauling (1901-1994) won the 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for determining the nature of the chemical bond linking atoms into molecules. His work on protein structure was critical in establishing the field of molecular biology; his studies of hemoglobin led to the classification of sickle cell anemia as a molecular disease."/> <para/> <ITEXT CH="Often called a “pioneer of the distant stars,” astronomer Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) played a pivotal role in deciphering the vast and complex nature of the universe. His meticulous studies of spiral nebulae proved the existence of galaxies other than our own Milky Way. Had he not died suddenly in 1953, Hubble would have won that year's Nobel Prize in Physics."/> <para/> <ITEXT CH="Theoretical physicist John Bardeen (1908-1991) shared the Nobel Prize in Physics twice—in 1956, as co-inventor of the transistor and in 1972, for the explanation of superconductivity. The transistor paved the way for all modern electronics, from computers to microchips. Diverse applications of superconductivity currently include infrared sensors and medical imaging systems."/> <trail/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="676.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="132214672" PTYPE="12" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="124" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" ANNAME="Copy of Group94 (2)" groupWidth="400" groupHeight="124" groupClips="1" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 124 L0 124 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 124 L0 124 L0 0 Z" gXpos="2.8421709430404e-14" gYpos="557" gWidth="400" gHeight="681" LAYER="0"> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="676.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="129622416" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="13" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="0" gWidth="400" gHeight="124" PSTYLE="Description on Left Stamp Name" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name" CPARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="Tiffany Lamp"/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="201.094488188976" YPOS="692.125984251969" OwnPage="0" ItemID="132112784" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="108" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 108 L0 108 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 108 L0 108 L0 0 Z" gXpos="0" gYpos="16" gWidth="400" gHeight="124" PSTYLE="Description on Left" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="Tiffany lamp is a type of lamp with a camed glass shade designed by Louis Comfort Tiffany or colleagues, and made (in originals) in his design studio. The glass in the lampshades is put together with the copper-foil technique instead of leaded, the classic technique for stained-glass windows. Tiffany lamps are considered part of the Art Nouveau movement."/> <para PARENT="Description on Left"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="The Tiffany Lamp stamp was first issued on March"/> <nbspace FONTSIZE="10"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="1,"/> <nbspace FONTSIZE="10"/> <ITEXT FONTSIZE="10" CH="2003, in a water-activated gum (WAG) coil of 3,000 stamps. The stamp was reissued on March 16, 2007, in a pane of 20 stamps with a 2007 microprint. This 2008 reissue is a pane of 20 with a 2008 microprint."/> <trail/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="229.606299212598" YPOS="1776.75590551181" OwnPage="2" ItemID="133168016" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="13" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L400 0 L400 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L400 0 L400 13 L0 13 L0 0 Z" gXpos="229.606299212598" gYpos="1776.75590551181" gWidth="0" gHeight="0" PSTYLE="Description on Left Stamp Name" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle PARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name" CPARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name" CH="Flags"/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left Stamp Name"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> <PAGEOBJECT XPOS="231.307086614173" YPOS="1807.37007874016" OwnPage="2" ItemID="132965776" PTYPE="4" WIDTH="395.149606299213" HEIGHT="181.984251968504" FRTYPE="0" CLIPEDIT="0" PWIDTH="1" PLINEART="1" LOCALSCX="1" LOCALSCY="1" LOCALX="0" LOCALY="0" LOCALROT="0" PICART="1" SCALETYPE="1" RATIO="1" COLUMNS="1" COLGAP="0" AUTOTEXT="0" EXTRA="0" TEXTRA="0" BEXTRA="0" REXTRA="0" VAlign="0" FLOP="1" PLTSHOW="0" BASEOF="0" textPathType="0" textPathFlipped="0" path="M0 0 L395.15 0 L395.15 181.984 L0 181.984 L0 0 Z" copath="M0 0 L395.15 0 L395.15 181.984 L0 181.984 L0 0 Z" gXpos="231.307086614173" gYpos="1807.37007874016" gWidth="0" gHeight="0" LAYER="0" NEXTITEM="-1" BACKITEM="-1"> <StoryText> <DefaultStyle/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="These stamps feature a painting by Laura Stutzman of Mountain Lake Park, Maryland, of an American flag flying at a different time of day: sunrise, noon, sunset, and night."/> <para PARENT="Description on Left" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="There are 5 different major varieties of these stamps:"/> <para PARENT="Description on Left" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT Unicode="25"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Water Activated Gum coil stamps with a 9¾ perforation (4228-4231)"/> <para PARENT="Description on Left List" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT Unicode="25"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Self-adhesive coil with a 9½ die cut (4232-4235)"/> <para PARENT="Description on Left List" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT Unicode="25"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Self-adhesive coil with a 11 die cut (4236-4239)"/> <para PARENT="Description on Left List" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT Unicode="25"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Self-adhesive coil with a 8½ die cut (4240-4243)"/> <para PARENT="Description on Left List" LINESPMode="1"/> <ITEXT Unicode="25"/> <ITEXT CPARENT="Description on Left" FONT="PT Serif Regular" FONTSIZE="10" CH="Self-adhesive coil with a 11 die cut and rounded corners with a gap between each stamp (4244-4247)"/> <trail PARENT="Description on Left List" LINESPMode="1"/> </StoryText> </PAGEOBJECT> </DOCUMENT> </SCRIBUSUTF8NEW> |
Tested in Linux Mint 21.2 and Scribus 1.5.9svn I can't reproduce this. |
Tested on Windows. I cannot reproduce the issue either with the provided elements. |
I just tested again using 2 different Macs in my house, using the 1.5.9svn build for both Apple Silicon and Intel builds. Both machines can reproduce this issue. It is doing this even with the default font, Arial. I will try this on Linux and Windows later today and see what results I get. |
Tested on Windows 10 with the latest 1.5.9svn build from sourceforge and I do not have the problem. So, this problem is probably Mac specific. |
can you please test it with the latest 1.6.0 on mac? |
Still there in 1.6.0 arm64 for Mac. Not there in Scribus 1.5.8. I can test 1.6.0 Intel tonight. But it was there in 1.5.9svn for intel, so I have to assume it will be there in 1.6.0 |
It'd be best to check what version of harfbuzz your versions are built with. I'm pretty sure no changes were made to text rendering really, and harbuzz will have changed. |
How do I do that? |
What I built into the dmg was 8.3.0. 1.5.8 was released when harfbuzz was at 2.7.4. |
I will be happy to test a build with an older version of harfbuzz. |
i have the same problem in macos 13.6.1 with scribus 1.6.0 and 1.7.0.svn. hyphenation is applied to arabic text, which makes no sense. the bug can be reproduced with sample text as well as with other texts. and every time i click on the justify button, i get a different result. version 1.5.6.svn works fine. |
I'm not sure this is hyphenation related. I am seeing a strange line break issue on macOS. I don't see it on Ubuntu with 1.6.1.svn and harfbuzz 8.01 I don't see it on Manjaro with 1.6.1.svn and harfbuzz 8.30 Related code really has not changed in a long time. |
You can see from my screenshot above that it's definitely breaking words in the middle of a line. The last version I used that didn't have this problem on Mac was 1.5.8. |
so, the arabic writing system does not hyphenate words. my first screenshot also shows that words are hyphenated/broken apart. |
I've been back to code from 2 years ago, and harfbuzz 4.1 and qt 5.15.2.. no idea what the source is. |
I went into the 1.5.9snv directory on Sourceforge. and started to paste text into every MacOS X release. The problem starts with scribus-1.5.x-nightly_Monterey-20230813-r25589.dmg I hope this helps at least narrow down where to look. scribus-1.5.x-nightly_Catalina-20230609-r25509.dmg works just fine. |
Thank you. Thats exactly what I did.. and went through some other dmgs I had not uploaded too. I think I reproduced the bug in 25509, but if you could please check again, and I have also tested r25372 and r25465 dmgs. It seems to stop with one of those. HOWEVER, I managed to get r24981 built with some unrelated mods for other dependencies, and also built harfbuzz 4.10, 6.00 and managed to reproduce it with r24981 with those too. I also tested a debug build vs non debug, and also tested Qt 5.15.2 and 5.15.12. This issue is very random and I don't know where to look right now .. but if you could test again with the dmgs you have access to that would help. I have attached a simple doc which is just a small version of the file in bug 0002737. In some versions you will already see the bad break after "Check" on opening. Sometimes inserting spaces after "Check" will trigger it. Still quite random. badwrap.sla (15,428 bytes)
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On top of this, we cannot reproduce this on Windows or Linux so far.. |
Would it be possible to get an aarch64 Mac build of 1.5.8 until this is resolved? |
I have discovered that my 1.6.0 intel dmg code opens all the test files including the " 2008 - Scott Paper Description on Left - US Letter 2.sla" file on my macOS 12 virt that I built the dmg on. The same dmg/code running on macOS 14 has the problem. |
I wonder if I built it on MacOS 14, if it might fix the problem. Are there build instructions somewhere? I'd be willing to compile it myself and test. |
If you want, its just install XCode, Xcode command line tools, MacPorts, and then sudo port selfupdate; sudo port install podofo, poppler, cmake, subversion, qt5, hunspell, hunspell-en, harfbuzz-icu, (there are more like libcdr-01 but they are not strictly necessary) make a scribus directory make a build, install directory under that svn co svn:// in the build directory then run: cmake -DWANT_HUNSPELL=ON -DWANT_NOHEADERINSTALL=ON -DWANT_NOEXAMPLES=ON \ -DBUILD_OSX_BUNDLE=ON \ -DWANT_UNIVERSAL_BUNDLE=OFF \ -DWANT_SVNVERSION=ON \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/your/install/directory/ ../Version16x/Scribus/ (adjust those paths as necessary) then make install I am building on macOS 14 on Intel and arm64 as well though.. and that app shows the problem |
Your previous comment made it sound like you built the dmg on MacOS 12. |
I built the dmg for distribution on a macOS 12 VM, however I the hardware I run has host OSes of macOS 14. |
I make heavy use of Homebrew. The Internet tells me that Homebrew and MacPorts does not play well together, so I don't think I'll be able to build this. Just weird to me that it worked just fine up to a point. |
probably, you can install the same packages with homebrew instead of macports. just check if all them are available, before starting to installing things. |
@apastuszak: please test dmg from |
That one looks fine. |
So, what fixed it? |
I believe its a certain level of strictness for line break character implementation in dependencies such as ICU/harfbuzz, plus a compliant implementation on our side. Its not a bug introduced in the last months. New code with better implementation now works. |
Is this something you can backport to 1.6.0 or do Mac users need to wait for 1.6.1. |
1.6.0 is released, nothing can be backported to it. We will have to release a new version (soon). It needs to be all platforms as the code isn't right for any, its just exposed on the macOS platform for some reason. We'll decide the path forward this weekend. |
Thank you for fixing this so quickly. I look forward to version! |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2023-12-31 22:04 | apastuszak | New Issue | |
2023-12-31 22:04 | apastuszak | Tag Attached: 1.5.9svn | |
2023-12-31 22:06 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050729 | |
2023-12-31 22:06 | apastuszak | File Added: 1.5.8.png | |
2023-12-31 22:06 | apastuszak | File Added: 1.5.9svn.png | |
2023-12-31 22:17 | jghali | Note Added: 0050730 | |
2023-12-31 22:24 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050731 | |
2023-12-31 22:24 | apastuszak | File Added: 2008 - Scott Paper Description on Left - US Letter 2.sla | |
2023-12-31 22:24 | apastuszak | File Added: PTSerif.ttc | |
2024-01-01 08:14 | PeterBenedek | Note Added: 0050732 | |
2024-01-01 08:14 | PeterBenedek | File Added: Clipboard 1.png | |
2024-01-01 11:32 | jghali | Note Added: 0050734 | |
2024-01-01 15:14 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050738 | |
2024-01-01 15:16 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050739 | |
2024-01-01 15:16 | apastuszak | File Added: Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 10.13.16 AM.png | |
2024-01-01 15:16 | apastuszak | File Added: Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 10.13.16 AM-2.png | |
2024-01-01 15:34 | apastuszak | File Deleted: Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 10.13.16 AM-2.png | |
2024-01-02 01:49 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050749 | |
2024-01-02 06:58 | ale | Note Added: 0050750 | |
2024-01-02 14:38 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050752 | |
2024-01-02 14:38 | apastuszak | File Added: Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 10.13.16 AM-2.png | |
2024-01-02 19:15 | cbradney | Note Added: 0050759 | |
2024-01-02 20:41 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050761 | |
2024-01-02 22:27 | cbradney | Note Added: 0050772 | |
2024-01-02 22:37 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050773 | |
2024-01-02 23:02 | bjh | Note Added: 0050774 | |
2024-01-02 23:02 | bjh | File Added: Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-02 um 23.56.58.png | |
2024-01-02 23:02 | bjh | File Added: Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-02 um 23.58.28.png | |
2024-01-03 07:02 | cbradney | Note Added: 0050778 | |
2024-01-03 07:02 | cbradney | Note Edited: 0050778 | |
2024-01-03 18:00 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050786 | |
2024-01-03 18:00 | apastuszak | Tag Attached: 1.6.0 | |
2024-01-03 18:01 | apastuszak | Tag Attached: MacOS | |
2024-01-03 19:01 | bjh | Note Added: 0050787 | |
2024-01-03 22:42 | cbradney | Note Added: 0050791 | |
2024-01-04 01:38 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050793 | |
2024-01-04 06:58 | cbradney | Note Added: 0050794 | |
2024-01-04 06:58 | cbradney | File Added: badwrap.sla | |
2024-01-04 07:01 | cbradney | Note Added: 0050795 | |
2024-01-04 13:53 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050796 | |
2024-01-04 20:57 | cbradney | Note Added: 0050801 | |
2024-01-04 21:03 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050802 | |
2024-01-04 21:09 | cbradney | Note Added: 0050803 | |
2024-01-04 21:10 | cbradney | Note Edited: 0050803 | |
2024-01-04 21:12 | cbradney | Note Edited: 0050803 | |
2024-01-04 21:23 | cbradney | Note Edited: 0050803 | |
2024-01-04 21:23 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050804 | |
2024-01-04 22:06 | cbradney | Note Added: 0050805 | |
2024-01-05 03:41 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050808 | |
2024-01-05 07:56 | ale | Note Added: 0050809 | |
2024-01-05 11:00 | cbradney | Note Added: 0050812 | |
2024-01-05 14:36 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050818 | |
2024-01-05 14:36 | apastuszak | File Added: Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 10.13.16 AM-3.png | |
2024-01-05 14:36 | apastuszak | File Deleted: Screenshot 2024-01-01 at 10.13.16 AM-3.png | |
2024-01-05 14:37 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050819 | |
2024-01-05 14:37 | apastuszak | File Added: SCR-20240105-iwwd.png | |
2024-01-05 14:40 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050820 | |
2024-01-05 17:17 | cbradney | Note Added: 0050825 | |
2024-01-05 17:17 | cbradney | Note Edited: 0050825 | |
2024-01-05 17:33 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050829 | |
2024-01-05 17:47 | cbradney | Note Added: 0050831 | |
2024-01-05 21:52 | cbradney | Assigned To | => jghali |
2024-01-05 21:52 | cbradney | Status | new => resolved |
2024-01-05 21:52 | cbradney | Resolution | open => fixed |
2024-01-05 21:52 | cbradney | Fixed in Version | => 1.6.1.svn |
2024-01-05 21:54 | apastuszak | Note Added: 0050837 | |
2024-01-07 16:24 | cbradney | Status | resolved => closed |