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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017253ScribusUser Interfacepublic2024-08-11 18:10
ReporterPolderPenguin Assigned Tojghali  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Product Version1.5.8 
Summary0017253: MENU BAR has disappeared with ONE user
DescriptionWe are working on OpenSUSE Leap 15.5 and my wife has lost the MENU BAR in Scribus (the one with FILE and WINDOW etc.). She needs this, because for instance Picture browser e.a. are only available through that menu bar. All the other users still have that menu bar, so it is the user settings that are wrong, but where? I have tried replacing all her settings by mine, with no result; de-installing and re-installing Scribus, with no result, and on the internet I cannot find any useful info. Can someone tell me how to get that MENU BAR back?
Steps To ReproduceAlways with ONE user, not with the others.
TagsNo tags attached.



2024-08-10 17:00

reporter   ~0051252

The same problem appears in GIMP and in LibreOffice, and again only for one user (my wife). She surely has not changed anything in her settings. The other users on the same computer do not have this problem. How can I make these menu bars appear again? Thanks for any answer!


2024-08-10 23:20

administrator   ~0051253

Last edited: 2024-08-11 00:55

If the issue occurs with other applications, this is the wrong place to ask this question. The issue most likely comes from your Linux distribution. As we are not OpenSUSE Leap specialist here, you'd better ask this question in Opensuse forums :


2024-08-11 18:10

administrator   ~0051256

Closing issue, as the occurrence of the problem with other applications show this is not a Scribus issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-08-07 17:19 PolderPenguin New Issue
2024-08-10 17:00 PolderPenguin Note Added: 0051252
2024-08-10 23:20 jghali Note Added: 0051253
2024-08-11 00:55 jghali Note Edited: 0051253
2024-08-11 18:10 jghali Assigned To => jghali
2024-08-11 18:10 jghali Status new => resolved
2024-08-11 18:10 jghali Resolution open => no change required
2024-08-11 18:10 jghali Note Added: 0051256
2024-08-11 18:10 jghali Status resolved => closed