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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017369ScribusUser Interfacepublic2025-01-09 10:55
Reporterale Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0017369: add to the content palette the actions from the "image" and "preview" section" in the context menu
Descriptionthe context menu for the image frame contains an "image" section that should (mostly) be replicated in the content palette or in the (to be created) dynamic toolbar.


- embed image is missing
- "image visisble" is missing
- resolution (high, normal, low)


- more info might be a new section in the palette (it might need a "copy" button and the full path of the image... that can be copied "individually") -> [copy] [full info v]


- "image effects" is already there
- "edit image" is missing
- "update image" is missing
- "adjust frame to image" is missing
- "adjust image to frame" is missing
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0017364 assignednitramr Improved Node Editing 
related to 0015446 new reorder the fields in the image tab of the properties palette 
related to 0015830 new context menu: do not use "content" for for image frames, only the "image" one 
related to 0009177 new Feature Request -- full path for Image in the Properties Dialog and/or Context Menu>Information 


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-09 09:25 ale New Issue
2025-01-09 09:25 ale Relationship added related to 0017364
2025-01-09 09:29 ale Relationship added related to 0015446
2025-01-09 09:37 ale Relationship added related to 0015830
2025-01-09 10:55 ale Relationship added related to 0009177