View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017394ScribusScripterpublic2025-01-30 11:00
Reportertanzeem Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformPythonOSDebianOS Version12
Summary0017394: Feature Request: Creating tables in scribus through scripter API
DescriptionCurrently there is no direct way to generate tables in scribus using scripter api. we need to create tables as a group of textframes.
Please provide api functions to

    directly create tables with scripter api
    import data from excel or ods which may have data formatted using rowspan and colspan
    and render as tables in scribus. This feature may be provided in scribus gui and scripter api
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2025-01-30 10:59

manager   ~0051959

Last edited: 2025-01-30 11:00

currently, tables in scribus are in such a bad shape that i would not suggest to create a scripter API for it, before we get better tables.

except if we can have an API that is so good that it won't need to be deprecated when new tables are implemented.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-30 10:09 tanzeem New Issue
2025-01-30 10:59 ale Note Added: 0051959
2025-01-30 11:00 ale Note Edited: 0051959