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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017434ScribusUser Interfacepublic2025-03-05 19:14
Reporterale Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.7.1.svn 
Summary0017434: Make the node editor even more similar to Inkscape
DescriptionThe new node editor is a huge improvement.

This morning, I gave it a try and I noticed a few things that could be further improved.
I then opened Inkscape and noticed that most of those details where done differently in Scribus.

Here a list of things that I thing could be rather easy to change (or at least doable without making bigger changes), would simplify the UI, and make Scribus behave in a way that is more similar to Inkscape:

- adding a node at the cursor position is "only" done by double clicking on the segment.
  (on double click, Scribus closes the node editor: this action is probably rather useless; entering the edit mode on double click is fine)
- the "add node" button adds a node in the middle of the current segment
  - Inkscape has options to add the node at start or end of the segments (not sure if we need this option in a first Scribus implementation; personally, I tend to prefer activating the button also when only one node is selected and, then, add the node on top of it, without the drop down; btw, Inkscape never disables the button, but does nothing if there are no segments selected)
  - If multiple segments are selected, all segments get a new node in the middle (if two nodes are selected, but between them there are other non selected nodes, the segments in between do not get any new nodes; currently, in Scribus the add node buttons activates the "add node" mode: I would remove the mode and only keep the double click to add a node at a specific position)
  - clicking on a segment should select the two nodes at its extremes (currently, Scribus selects only one node, the one at the start of the segment)
- click and pull on a segment makes the segment a curve (currently, Scribus moves the segment; the Inkscape behavior would allow us to remove the button to switch between node and control points editing; moving a segment is then done by selecting its nodes and moving one of those nodes)
- ctrl-click on a control point removes the control point (also necessary in order to remove the switch between node and control points editing)

There is one other detail:

Now, the button for switching between shape and contour editing is in the middle.
In my eyes it's the most important button in the bottom row, basically the only one I use, and its group might be the first button.
I would reorder the icons as:
- switch between shape and contour editing
- the two buttons for resetting the shape in a middle group
- preview button

I think that we can then further try to simplify the UI and make it more similar to Inkscape... but I would do it one step after the other.
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related to 0012607 new Useless button makes UI complex 


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-02 10:56 ale New Issue
2025-03-05 19:14 ale Relationship added related to 0012607