View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017462ScribusUsabilitypublic2025-03-22 10:50
Reporterflagsoft Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.7.0 
Summary0017462: Format Heading numbering ZERO-Number bug (1.0.1) and Drop last dot in heading numbering 1.0.1 <- no dot at the end
DescriptionPlease make these optional File, document settings, and make them default.
See A) and B).


[ x ] No zero Heading numbering.

How to add Number Lists to Headings (seems to work as follows)

1. Title h1
1.1. Subtitle h2
1.1.1. Subtitle h3
Number headings within the body text

Select your style, _h1. "List & Drop Caps", Set: _set_body (IMPORTANT, create new set: New Set: _set_body). Hit Apply.
Repeat for every _h2, _h3, ...
For the TOC

For the TOC itself, just add "List & Drop Caps".
But there is the heading ZERO-Number "bug":

1. Title h1
1.0.1. Subtitle h3 // <-- Note the number ZERO here.
Should be normally:

1. Title h1
1.1.1. Subtitle h3 // <-- Note the number ONE here.
Even if there is NO h2 in between first h1 and next h3.

Cool would be if there is an optional Checkbox:

[ x ] No zero Heading numbering. Prevent 1.0.1. Headings numbering scheme. Will count 1.1.1.

Most word processing including LaTeX, not sure, Word, OpenOffice, etc. insert a 1 instead of a zero.
But if there is an optional setting this would be very cool.

[ x ] Drop last dot in heading numbering

It is like that:

1. Title h1 // <-- Note the last . dot in the numbering
1.1.1. Subtitle h3 // <-- Note the last . in the numbering
This should be optional, result:

1 Title h1 // <-- Note NO dot after number 1
1.1.1 Subtitle h3 // <-- Note NO dot after last number 1
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2025-03-19 08:06

reporter   ~0052266

See here for a more "visual" description.


2025-03-19 20:57

administrator   ~0052269

I'm having difficulty understanding exactly how you have contructed this. Can you please upload a sample document?


2025-03-19 23:26

reporter   ~0052271

See attachment.


2025-03-22 10:50

reporter   ~0052290

See also here, for a Scribus script:

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-03-19 08:05 flagsoft New Issue
2025-03-19 08:06 flagsoft Note Added: 0052266
2025-03-19 20:57 cbradney Note Added: 0052269
2025-03-19 23:26 flagsoft Note Added: 0052271
2025-03-19 23:26 flagsoft File Added:
2025-03-22 10:50 flagsoft Note Added: 0052290