View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001811ScribusGraphics / Image Framespublic2005-07-15 15:03
Reporterandreas Assigned Toringerc 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Platformi386OSSlackware LinuxOS Version10
Product Version1.3.0cvs 
Fixed in Version1.3.0cvs 
Summary0001811: Tools - manage images: Search button does not work
DescriptionWhen I use the manage images function (under tools / or is it "extras"?), then I get the image list, which tells me also if an image is missing. There is also a search / browse button there - but nothing happens when I click on it...
Shouldn't that allow me to browse for the image, with a dialog similar to "get image"?
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0001678 closedfschmid Picture Management dialog needs a rewrite 
related to 0002046 closedringerc Scribus appears to lock up when using Manage Pictures "Search" function 



2005-03-25 11:41

administrator   ~0003975

It searches your home dir and its subdirs for the file, AFAIK


2005-06-01 16:41

reporter   ~0004862

What if my project isn't in my home dir?
I think it should search from the old path backwards, recursively checking each dir it finds. so if the last part of the path doesn't exist anymore, it will check the next higher level and so on.


2005-06-01 22:07

reporter   ~0004873

rofl ... that needs a progress dialog and "cancel" button *so* badly.


2005-07-13 15:14

reporter   ~0005566

This is probably a dupe of one of the other bugs, really, but whatever - done now. The dialog still needs a bunch of work (as per related bug) but this specific issue is done.


2005-07-15 15:03

viewer   ~0005591

tested fixed

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-03-24 21:06 andreas New Issue
2005-03-25 11:41 cbradney Note Added: 0003975
2005-06-01 16:41 thorwil Note Added: 0004862
2005-06-01 22:07 ringerc Note Added: 0004873
2005-06-01 22:09 ringerc Relationship added related to 0002046
2005-06-01 22:11 ringerc Status new => acknowledged
2005-06-01 22:22 ringerc Relationship added related to 0001678
2005-07-13 15:14 ringerc Status acknowledged => resolved
2005-07-13 15:14 ringerc Fixed in Version => 1.3.0cvs
2005-07-13 15:14 ringerc Resolution open => fixed
2005-07-13 15:14 ringerc Assigned To => ringerc
2005-07-13 15:14 ringerc Note Added: 0005566
2005-07-15 15:03 plinnell Status resolved => closed
2005-07-15 15:03 plinnell Note Added: 0005591
2015-09-17 20:10 Kunda Category Graphics / Image Frames => Graphics/Img Frames
2015-09-17 20:11 Kunda Category Graphics/Img Frames => Graphics / Image Frames