View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002074ScribusFontspublic2005-06-24 18:45
ReporterringercAssigned Toringerc 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Platformx86 LinuxOSFedora CoreOS Version3
Product Version1.3.0cvs 
Fixed in Version1.2.2cvs 
Summary0002074: Tell gs where our extra fonts are using -sFONTPATH
DescriptionGhostScript supports a useful flag, -sFONTPATH, that lets you tell it to search extra directories for fonts. We should put all our extra font dirs in that path to help GhostScript find user-installed fonts.

Once I get the GhostScript fontconfig support into the tree, hopefully this will become obsolete - but it'll take a while for that support to trickle through.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0002103 closedringerc Import of 1.2.2 and 1.3 font path prefs is currently broken 



2005-06-18 15:20

reporter   ~0005065

GhostScript should now find any fonts in the extra fonts dirs that are in a format it supports.


2005-06-19 11:49

reporter   ~0005067

Backported to 1.2.2cvs. Improved 1.3cvs version by consolidating gs calls in psimport and print preview to to util.cpp:callGS(...) .

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-06-08 06:58 ringerc New Issue
2005-06-18 15:20 ringerc Status assigned => resolved
2005-06-18 15:20 ringerc Fixed in Version => 1.3.0cvs
2005-06-18 15:20 ringerc Resolution open => fixed
2005-06-18 15:20 ringerc Note Added: 0005065
2005-06-18 15:23 ringerc Relationship added related to 0002103
2005-06-19 11:49 ringerc Note Added: 0005067
2005-06-19 11:49 ringerc Fixed in Version 1.3.0cvs => 1.2.2cvs
2005-06-24 18:45 cbradney Status resolved => closed