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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002101ScribusScripterpublic2006-04-26 18:53
Reportersubik Assigned Tosubik  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Platformi686OSGentooOS Version-
Product Version1.3.0cvs 
Fixed in Version1.3.4cvs 
Summary0002101: Improve the Scripter console
DescriptionI'm rewritting the scripter console. I know that the console is only for quick pythoning by is's very annoying to me.
It'll have Tora/Kate/... layout with some features - run only selection, save, open, etc...
It looks it'll be simpler and smaller than the old one!
Steps To ReproduceScript/Show Console
TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0003813 acknowledged Metabug: Scripter 



2005-06-26 10:08

reporter   ~0005146

I've tried out the new console. It should turn out pretty cool, and a lot easier to use. I *love* the syntax highlighting (wonder if we can add auto-indent and tab->space conversion, too?). In my view right now it does need some more work. Specificially:

- F9 is used by the system on Mac OS X. It's also a bit of a pain to reach. A different key might be better.

- There needs to be the option to run the command in the window and clear it for the next command, while printing the command and its output to the log window like:

>>> command

(much like the interactive console). I personally find it really hard to just type a series of commands with the new console, and that would solve the issue.

Control-return and the keypad enter key would be two keys that would be good to bind to this. "run" and "run and clear" buttons would also rock (and I'll add a QTimer driven "stop" button for runaway scripts when I get the chance, too).

- If there is more than one command in the console, only the first one gets run. That's pretty confusing.

- Need the option of keeping the log back x lines instead of clearing it with every command.

I'll have a go at these suggestions myself if I get the chance. In the mean time I thought I'd document them here, and see what you thought about them.


2005-06-27 03:37

manager   ~0005159

ad auto-indenting/space conversion: it's easy (I mean I think it's easy ;))

ad F9: This is a habbit I have from "interactive consoles" of the Tora or SQLnavigator. I remember that some borland IDE had it too. But to change it is only one word replacement - any suggestions?

ad >>> output: Personally I'm using the console for debugging and ad hoc changing some frames so I'm finding not clearig commands wery useful. Yes, "run and clear" should solve this issue.

ad more commands execution: this is a bug. I''l fix it asap.

ad log history: will think about it. It needs some "usability study" ;)

so - I'll continue with it today or tomorrow then I let you know.

2005-08-08 18:09 (572 bytes)


2005-08-08 18:09

manager   ~0005937

it passed the "tests" now. See comments in the attached file


2005-08-09 10:47

developer   ~0005958

You might interested in


2006-04-26 14:35

manager   ~0010488

it works.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-06-17 03:51 subik New Issue
2005-06-26 10:08 ringerc Note Added: 0005146
2005-06-27 03:37 subik Note Added: 0005159
2005-08-08 18:09 subik File Added:
2005-08-08 18:09 subik Note Added: 0005937
2005-08-09 10:47 h_a_j_s Note Added: 0005958
2006-04-26 14:35 subik Status assigned => resolved
2006-04-26 14:35 subik Fixed in Version => 1.3.4cvs
2006-04-26 14:35 subik Resolution open => fixed
2006-04-26 14:35 subik Note Added: 0010488
2006-04-26 18:53 mhanski Status resolved => closed
2006-05-13 21:03 christoph_s Relationship added child of 0003813