View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002691ScribusUser Interfacepublic2007-01-11 14:32
Reportertimi Assigned Tofschmid  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.3.1 
Fixed in Version1.3.4cvs 
Summary0002691: widgets in dialog Properties / Shape
DescriptionIn the properties dialog for objects (e. g. polygons) in the register "Shape", you can choose "Text Flows Around Frame". In the group box for this option, there are two checkboxes ("Use Bounding Box", "Use Contour Line"). But there is always exactly one of these options applied. Shouldn't this be two radio buttons to reflect better the sense?
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0001671 closedfschmid shapes and flowing text issue 



2005-10-08 12:03

administrator   ~0006966

Yes, apart from the need to then add a "Dont use contour line or bounding box" option


2005-10-09 09:15

reporter   ~0006981

>> Yes, apart from the need to then add a "Dont use contour line
>> or bounding box" option

But isn't this done by the existing checkbox "Test Flows Around Frame" on top of the button group?


2005-10-09 10:00

administrator   ~0006982

No, there are 4 options:
-No flow
-Flow around frame shape
-Flow around Bounding Box
-Flow around Contour line


2006-01-31 12:36

reporter   ~0008514

>> No, there are 4 options:
>> -No flow
>> -Flow around frame shape
>> -Flow around Bounding Box
>> -Flow around Contour line

However, when using a polygon with the option "Text flows arround frame", it makes no difference if "Use contour line" is checked or not. (polygon1.png, form2.png).

2006-01-31 12:37


polygon1.png (201,979 bytes)   
polygon1.png (201,979 bytes)   

2006-01-31 12:37


form2.png (192,776 bytes)   
form2.png (192,776 bytes)   


2006-04-19 20:06

developer   ~0010153

Reminder sent to: Tsoots


2007-01-11 13:17

developer   ~0014709

Think we can resolve this now


2007-01-11 14:32

developer   ~0014724

tested. fixed.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-10-08 11:55 timi New Issue
2005-10-08 12:03 cbradney Note Added: 0006966
2005-10-09 09:15 timi Note Added: 0006981
2005-10-09 10:00 cbradney Note Added: 0006982
2005-10-10 23:36 avox Status new => acknowledged
2006-01-30 19:11 jo-hannes Status acknowledged => confirmed
2006-01-30 19:14 jo-hannes Relationship added related to 0001671
2006-01-31 12:36 timi Note Added: 0008514
2006-01-31 12:37 timi File Added: polygon1.png
2006-01-31 12:37 timi File Added: form2.png
2006-04-19 20:06 mhanski Note Added: 0010153
2007-01-11 13:17 fschmid Status confirmed => resolved
2007-01-11 13:17 fschmid Fixed in Version => 1.3.4cvs
2007-01-11 13:17 fschmid Resolution open => fixed
2007-01-11 13:17 fschmid Assigned To => fschmid
2007-01-11 13:17 fschmid Note Added: 0014709
2007-01-11 14:32 jo-hannes Status resolved => closed
2007-01-11 14:32 jo-hannes Note Added: 0014724