View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002852ScribusScripterpublic2005-12-03 19:10
Reportersjc Assigned Tosubik  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version1.2.4cvs 
Summary0002852: need a scripter view function to set a document to "fit in window"
DescriptionWhen creating a document from the scripter using newDocument() and we want to display facing pages side by side, the default zoom setting of Scribus is to large to show the whole width of document. We need a "fit to window" zoom setting.
Additional InformationWould be nice if from the scripter we could specify different percentages of zoom also.
TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0003813 acknowledged Metabug: Scripter 



2005-11-20 01:11

viewer   ~0007495

Reminder sent to: subik

Petr can you code this into 1.2.4 too ?

/me ducks


2005-11-20 21:24

manager   ~0007505

it's in devel CVSs (1.2.x and 1.3.x). see help(zoomDocument) for more info.


2005-11-21 01:30

developer   ~0007507

Tested and working great in 1.2.x and 1.3.x
Thanks Petr

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-11-20 01:09 sjc New Issue
2005-11-20 01:11 plinnell Note Added: 0007495
2005-11-20 12:23 cbradney Priority immediate => normal
2005-11-20 21:04 subik Status new => assigned
2005-11-20 21:04 subik Assigned To => subik
2005-11-20 21:24 subik Note Added: 0007505
2005-11-21 01:30 sjc Note Added: 0007507
2005-11-21 21:54 sjc Status assigned => closed
2005-11-21 21:58 cbradney Status closed => resolved
2005-11-21 21:58 cbradney Fixed in Version => 1.2.4cvs
2005-11-21 21:58 cbradney Resolution open => fixed
2005-12-03 19:10 cbradney Status resolved => closed
2006-05-13 21:20 christoph_s Relationship added child of 0003813