View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002946ScribusScripterpublic2006-01-13 22:37
ReporterTomK32 Assigned Tosubik  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformMacOSXOSMacOSXOS Version10.4 Tiger
Product Version1.3.2cvs 
Fixed in Version1.3.2cvs 
Summary0002946: patch for faster insertText()
DescriptionI'm often importing a few KB of text with the scripter so it makes a lot of sense to setRedraw(false) and insertText should respect that.

That patch SHOULD work but I have the suspicion that DoDrawing is set to true again is somewhere else. Commenting out the paintjob works fastest.

p54916e07:/Users/tomk32/Downloads/scribus/Scribus/scribus/plugins/scriptplugin root# cvs diff -u cmdtext.cpp
cvs diff: warning: failed to open /var/root/.cvspass for reading: No such file or directory
Index: cmdtext.cpp
RCS file: /cvs/Scribus/scribus/plugins/scriptplugin/cmdtext.cpp,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1.19.2.49 cmdtext.cpp
--- cmdtext.cpp 14 Dec 2005 13:00:06 -0000
+++ cmdtext.cpp 31 Dec 2005 17:00:19 -0000
@@ -385,8 +385,12 @@
                it->itemText.insert(pos, hg);
        it->CPos = pos + Daten.length();
- it->paintObj();
- it->Dirty = false;
+ it->Dirty = true;
+ if (ScMW->doc->DoDrawing) {
+ it->paintObj();
+ it->Dirty = false; }
        return Py_None;
TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0003813 acknowledged Metabug: Scripter 



2006-01-02 19:50

manager   ~0007902

it's in 1.3.x cvs.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-12-31 17:18 TomK32 New Issue
2006-01-01 00:31 plinnell Status new => assigned
2006-01-01 00:31 plinnell Assigned To => subik
2006-01-02 19:50 subik Note Added: 0007902
2006-01-11 11:28 subik Status assigned => resolved
2006-01-11 11:28 subik Fixed in Version => 1.3.2cvs
2006-01-11 11:28 subik Resolution open => fixed
2006-01-13 22:37 cbradney Status resolved => closed
2006-05-13 21:18 christoph_s Relationship added child of 0003813