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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003128ScribusStylespublic2006-05-02 22:04
Reporterwackysalut Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
PlatformLinuxOSMandrivalinuxOS Version2006
Product Version1.3.2 
Summary0003128: Text height stretching inconsistently applied across Scribus
DescriptionThere seems to be 3 ways to apply a stretching to text height.

1. First, in the Style editing dialog (Edit -> Paragraph styles -> Select one + Edit), you can choose to modify text height. If you save the style, and go to a text box where text was already entered, and open Story Editor, select the line when the text is and choose another style, the Text Height property isn't taken into account. Even if you highlight the text and select a different style (in the Story Editor), the text height isn't going to change on the display.

2. Now, going back on the main page, selecting a text box, and highlighting everything (with Ctrl+A), and, from the Properties' Text toolbox, selecting a new style from the 'Styles' dropdown box will happily change the text height, but *here again*, not always, and not in a consistent manner. This might be another bug, but when you have multiple lines selected, it will only apply the new style to the last 2 lines (or something alike), then you have clear your selection, and select_all again, and choose again (even though the drop-down box says it's the right style) the style you want, and then it will apply it to another 3 lines or so.

3. Sometimes even, this won't set the text height correctly, unless I go to the Properties' Text toolbox, and click once on 'UP' and 'DOWN' for the Text height property.

Now, all that makes the Text height very inconvenient to use :)
Steps To Reproduceoh, read description.
Additional InformationI love Scribus otherwise :)
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0003164 closedavox Text in text frames not correctly updated after font change 



2006-04-28 11:35

developer   ~0010572

First, what do you mean by "Stretching text height": "Font size" (the one in absolute units) or "Scaling height of characters" (in %)?

Ad 1. Story Editor: this is not a bug, it's just the way it works in the story editor. Story Editor is meant for editing _text_

Ad 2. Works here, both with "Font size" and "Height scaling", both with CTRL-A and selecting the whole frame. BTW: do you know, that to apply a style to a frame you can simply select the frame, and not it's content?

Ad 3. "Font size" or "Scaling height of characters"?

Please upgrade to the current scribus and confirm, whether the issue persists. If yes, please provide a sample file and a screen shot to show what you mean


2006-05-02 09:16

developer   ~0010774

Reminder sent to: christoph_s, jo-hannes

no responce from the author -- do you think, this one is worth keeping?


2006-05-02 10:31

developer   ~0010778

he can reopen if necessary, so lets close it.


2006-05-02 11:34

developer   ~0010779

wackysalut: resolving this as "unable to reproduce", please feel free to reopen, if the issue persists with _current_ versions and you are able to provide the details I've asked for.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-01-27 18:57 wackysalut New Issue
2006-04-15 17:14 mhanski Relationship added related to 0003164
2006-04-28 11:17 mhanski Description Updated
2006-04-28 11:35 mhanski Note Added: 0010572
2006-04-28 11:35 mhanski Status new => feedback
2006-05-02 09:16 mhanski Note Added: 0010774
2006-05-02 10:31 jo-hannes Note Added: 0010778
2006-05-02 11:34 mhanski Note Added: 0010779
2006-05-02 11:34 mhanski Status feedback => resolved
2006-05-02 11:34 mhanski Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2006-05-02 22:03 mhanski Status resolved => new
2006-05-02 22:04 mhanski Status new => closed