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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003406ScribusInternalpublic2006-03-14 12:38
Reportermkoren Assigned Toringerc 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionnot fixable 
Platformx86OSDebian LinuxOS VersionStable/Testing
Product Version1.3.3cvs 
Summary0003406: free memory used by large files
Descriptionwhen I open a large file (with a lot of vector objects from importing pdf text), the extra memory allocated to load it is not freed after I close it again
Steps To ReproduceI had a few smaller files open first, then opened and closed the larger one. The additional memory footprint (up to 60M from about 20 for a single small file initially) did not decrease even after all docs were closed.
Additional InformationThis results in a lot of swapping since my system is short on memory.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0002438 acknowledged Metabug: Cases of extreme memory use 



2006-03-14 07:25

administrator   ~0009249

Not sure if u know but there are new debs available.


2006-03-14 12:19

reporter   ~0009256

On most platforms, memory acquired by a program cannot be freed back to the operating system for the use of other programs. All the OS can do is swap the now-unused memory to disk. We can not fix this issue, as it is an issue with operating system virtual memory management and the heap allocation strategy used in C/C++ applications (and basically everything else). Free memory with a "hole" between two used portions, cannot be released back to the OS. Due to the way the heap is grown, heap fragmentation, and the way things are allocated on the heap, there's almost always used memory "above" and "below" a recently released portion.

If Scribus's memory use continues to grow as you repeatedly close and re-open the large file, THEN you may have found a Scribus bug (a memory leak). Otherwise, I'm afraid it's probably a fundamental issue with OS design, and the only issue we can address is why Scribus needs to allocate so much memory in the first place.


2006-03-14 12:21

reporter   ~0009257

Resolving as not fixable as per above explanation. If your issue is actually with a memory leak in Scribus (if opening and closing docs repeatedly causes Scribus's memory use to continue to grow) then please reopen this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-03-14 02:07 mkoren New Issue
2006-03-14 07:25 cbradney Note Added: 0009249
2006-03-14 12:19 ringerc Note Added: 0009256
2006-03-14 12:21 ringerc Status new => resolved
2006-03-14 12:21 ringerc Resolution open => not fixable
2006-03-14 12:21 ringerc Assigned To => ringerc
2006-03-14 12:21 ringerc Note Added: 0009257
2006-03-14 12:22 ringerc Relationship added related to 0002438
2006-03-14 12:38 cbradney Status resolved => closed