View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000344ScribusGeneralpublic2006-09-27 20:46
Reporterukulele Assigned Tocbradney  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version1.3.4cvs 
Summary0000344: Numbering in Multiple Duplicates
DescriptionAdd the ability to multiple duplicate numbers with the ability to increase its value by x amount for each duplicate. This would make it easy to number a list of equally spaced objects quickly.
Additional InformationAlso add the ability to multiple duplicate in rows and columns (grid).
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0000922 feedback Randomise distortion of selection 



2006-09-24 19:59

administrator   ~0012599

Numbering, no, grid layout, yes. Closing.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-03-13 05:31 ukulele New Issue
2005-12-29 20:24 plinnell Status new => assigned
2005-12-29 20:24 plinnell Assigned To => cbradney
2006-04-15 18:13 mhanski Relationship added related to 0000922
2006-09-24 19:59 cbradney Status assigned => resolved
2006-09-24 19:59 cbradney Fixed in Version => 1.3.4cvs
2006-09-24 19:59 cbradney Resolution open => fixed
2006-09-24 19:59 cbradney Note Added: 0012599
2006-09-27 20:46 cbradney Status resolved => closed