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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004228ScribusOS-Win32public2006-09-10 21:12
Reportergking Assigned Toplinnell 
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Product Version1.3.3.4cvs 
Summary0004228: Scribus does not honour folder redirection settings for My Documents
DescriptionI have been testing Scribus in Windows Active Directory network enviroment. I have found a bug related to the 'folder redirection'[1] feature in Windows Group Policies. Basically I have set a rule in the group policy so that users my documents reside on the network server.

When I attempt to save a file in Scribus, I am only given the option to save in the local profile on the machine. Scribus does not appear to pick up the folder redirection setting for the user(s) even though the rest of windows does.

The client machines are Windows XP SP2 Pro. The server is Windows 2003 SP1 Standard. I am using Scribus for testing purposes.

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duplicate of 0003096 assignedjghali Network shares unavailable on file open/save dialog 



2006-09-07 14:09

administrator   ~0012456

Last edited: 2006-09-07 14:12

This issue is probably already corrected in 1.3.4cvs. I'm not sure though that scribus will function in an Active Directory environnement, because depending on how network shares are accessed (via drive mapping or not) users may not be able to access network directories with open/save dialogs. This is an issue with qt file open/save dialog and there is already an issue opened for that (0003096). Alas this issue probably won't be solved in the near future.


2006-09-08 00:09

viewer   ~0012460

Expecting graphics apps to behave well in AD is not something I can give you encouragement based on experience.

Unlike Office docs, page layout docs are often non OLE compound objects at heart. Moreover, their relative size makes them poor choices for saving across a network.

What works? :

Mapped drives.

A solid network and a server with heaps of headroom.

Figure 10X the bandwith/speed needed for a normal office app.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-09-07 13:36 gking New Issue
2006-09-07 14:08 jo-hannes Severity major => minor
2006-09-07 14:09 jghali Note Added: 0012456
2006-09-07 14:12 jghali Note Edited: 0012456
2006-09-07 15:16 mhanski Relationship added related to 0003096
2006-09-08 00:09 plinnell Note Added: 0012460
2006-09-08 00:09 plinnell Relationship replaced duplicate of 0003096
2006-09-08 00:10 plinnell Status new => resolved
2006-09-08 00:10 plinnell Resolution open => duplicate
2006-09-08 00:10 plinnell Assigned To => plinnell
2006-09-10 21:12 plinnell Status resolved => closed
2014-10-08 18:38 Kunda Category Win32 => OS-Win32