View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000062ScribusImport / Exportpublic2003-12-02 04:00
Reportercbradney Assigned Tofschmid  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0000062: Export to PDF has fonts sizes too big in form elements
DescriptionFranz has confirmed this. Was overlooked in decimal font size changes.
TagsNo tags attached.



2003-12-02 04:00

viewer   ~0000045

Fixed in 1.1.4

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2003-11-30 21:38 cbradney New Issue
2003-11-30 21:42 fschmid Status new => assigned
2003-11-30 21:42 fschmid Assigned To => fschmid
2003-12-01 22:59 fschmid Status assigned => resolved
2003-12-01 22:59 fschmid Resolution open => fixed
2003-12-02 04:00 plinnell Status resolved => closed
2003-12-02 04:00 plinnell Note Added: 0000045