View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000621ScribusScripterpublic2004-05-18 23:19
Reportermalex Assigned Tofschmid  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Platformi386OSLinuxOS Version2.6
Product Version1.2CVS 
Summary0000621: Need an addition to the scripter API: variable that is set by using "-lang xx".
DescriptionWe need a way to get at the "-lang" variable from the scripter in order to do some internationalized stuff in sjc's Font Sampler and beyond.
TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0003813 acknowledged Metabug: Scripter 



2004-05-18 23:19

administrator   ~0001519

Function is in scripter code. Fixed.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-05-08 21:15 malex New Issue
2004-05-15 07:00 fschmid Status new => resolved
2004-05-15 07:00 fschmid Resolution open => fixed
2004-05-15 07:00 fschmid Assigned To => fschmid
2004-05-18 23:19 cbradney Status resolved => closed
2004-05-18 23:19 cbradney Note Added: 0001519
2006-05-13 21:57 christoph_s Relationship added child of 0003813