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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006679ScribusCanvaspublic2008-02-05 18:46
Reporterhfinger Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
PlatformAMD 64 supporting 32-bit IntelOSWindows XPOS Version2002 w SP2
Product Version1.3.4 
Summary0006679: RFE: Different margin guides on L and R pages in new document settings
DescriptionCurrently, when you create a new Double Sided document, the margin settings are mirrored on L and R default pages. However, you may need to have an asymmetrical layout, for example, the automatic text frame has a large LH margin and small RH margin on both L and R pages.
Steps To ReproduceI was able to successfully have asymmetric top and bottom margins on facing double-sided pages, but not inside/outside (left/right) margins.
Additional InformationWhen you create a new document in FrameMaker, the initial margin settings simply govern the placing of (in Scribus terminology) a main automatic text frame and subsidiary background text frames for running heads and feet on the default L and R master pages.

The template designer typically then edits the L and R master pages to adjust the sizes and positionings of the text frames and various other objects and the initial margin settings have no further relevance.

FM maintains a linked list of document pages and another linked list of master pages. The doc pages are just copies of masters (i.e. no layers involved), although when you update masters, FM warns you if there is an override on a doco page so you can choose to replace, retain it partially, or retain it fully.

In other words, you modify master and doc pages in the same manner. (Note: FM is fully styled: pages, xref formats, paras, chars, tables, etc.)

This issue seems to relate to issues 0004606, 0000195, 0002793 (perhaps export the master pages linked list?), 0002646 (seems to support my idea of master pages as separate objects to doc pages).
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2008-01-17 13:35

developer   ~0018619

I think this would be a nice addition to facing pages settings.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-01-17 02:11 hfinger New Issue
2008-01-17 07:51 jghali Severity major => feature
2008-01-17 07:51 jghali Description Updated
2008-01-17 13:35 louisdesjardins Note Added: 0018619
2008-02-05 18:46 christoph_s Status new => acknowledged