View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006852ScribusStylespublic2010-06-09 13:56
ReporterLord_Raiden Assigned To 
Status feedbackResolutionreopened 
Product Version1.3.3.11 
Summary0006852: Feature Request:: easy way to manage and generate Table of Contents
DescriptionCurrently, if I'm exporting to PDF and I create a title, I need to:
After creating P-Style for text and TOC title attribute, for each title I...

1. create text frame, enter text
2. set P-style to text
3. create bookmark on text
4. add attribute to text
5. set Value for attribute
6. Generate TOC
7. create annotation
8. manually set link location to correct page

This repeated multi-step process is akin to the difference between manually setting font styles for each heading instead of using a single style and quickly applying it to headings. The is also tedious to maintain given changes to page numbers (linking) and is easily prone to missing important steps.

A possible solution would be to allow P-Styles to add attributes like bookmarks, and item attributes. You wouldn't have to actually assign them attributes, but I'm talking on the GUI here. Underneath you would just have scripts that run when assigning a Style to text. This is already done for setting font tags based on the style, why not have separate scripts that also run to create the bookmark, or add the attribute to the selected text when the P-Style is assigned?

Doing so would allow a user to easily create a Title/Heading P-Style that not only contained default font settings but also default attributes. The default Value for both would be the selected text, and the default annotation. But like font setting the user could then be manually edited so too could the attribute settings should someone want different wording. That part is already done by the user right clicking, opening attributes and manually changing the Value.

Combined with my other feature request to append TOC items(0006851) the user could effectively, uniformly, create and maintain titles, heading, subtopics, etc. All without having to completely re-factor existing functionality.

Steps To ReproduceIdeally, with this and changes suggested in (0006851):

After creating TOC item attribute and this time creating a P-Style that included a bookmark and the TOC attribute, for each title I...

1. create text frame, enter text
2. set p-style to text
3. Generate TOC

And bam, that's it!!! now I can export to PDF without having to painstakingly go through all that repetitious tedious work, AND I know that any changes I make by moving pages is automatically maintained for me. k-pow!


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duplicate of 0006851 new Feature Request:: easy way to add subtitle indexing in Table of Contents 



2008-03-15 17:57

reporter   ~0019200

While they both talk about TOC, It is not a duplicate:

This one(0006852) - Add TOC subtitles(change in Document Setup...); let TOC have more than one item attribute, link style sheet to attribute instead of TOC.

0006851 - Manage Headings/titles (change in Paragraph Styles...); let P-Styles have item attributes, & bookmarks, associated with them. Makes managing the document and creating the document easier.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-03-14 21:04 Lord_Raiden New Issue
2008-03-15 01:11 christoph_s Relationship added duplicate of 0006851
2008-03-15 01:11 christoph_s Duplicate ID 0 => 6851
2008-03-15 01:11 christoph_s Status new => resolved
2008-03-15 01:11 christoph_s Resolution open => duplicate
2008-03-15 01:11 christoph_s Assigned To => christoph_s
2008-03-15 01:36 christoph_s Status resolved => closed
2008-03-15 17:57 Lord_Raiden Status closed => feedback
2008-03-15 17:57 Lord_Raiden Resolution duplicate => reopened
2008-03-15 17:57 Lord_Raiden Note Added: 0019200
2008-03-16 02:14 christoph_s Assigned To christoph_s =>