View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006918ScribusUsabilitypublic2017-07-14 11:15
Reportermochouinard Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
PlatformIntel CloneOSUbuntuOS Version7.10
Product Version1.3.3.9cvs 
Target Version1.5.4 
Summary0006918: Make CTRL-Wheel Zooming in and out toward center of mouse pointer
DescriptionZooming in and out using CTRL-Wheel isn't a great experience. Your pointer is at a location and when you zoom your actually getting somewhere else than you wanted to zoom.

I don't know exactly how to explain it, but if you try zoom in and out using CTRL-Wheel in Inkscape, you will see how inkscape make zooming in and out a natural flow.
Steps To ReproduceCTRL-Wheel to zoom or zoom out


related to 0010399 new Print preview: Ability to zoom with mouse wheel 
has duplicate 0008455 closedjghali Fix zoom funktion to mouse center 
has duplicate 0014823 closedjghali Mouse wheel zooming should be centered at cursor location 



2008-06-26 07:16

reporter   ~0019889

It would be nice too that when you zoom using the + and - zoom icons, and that a frame or an object is selected, that it stays centered after zooming. Usually you want to zoom what you are working on.


2010-03-21 13:28

reporter   ~0023587

I'm not sure if I just got used to it... but In 1.3.7, Im pretty happy with the zoom in/out... I would close this one


2013-07-08 17:24

developer   ~0030416

In scribus 1.5svn, sometime (most of the time ?) zoom zooms toward mouse pointer and that is fine,

but sometime, zoom zooms toward selected item, which can be very far away in the document if user has scrolled since item was selected, and that is very disturbing because user get lost.

Hard to tell when is first or 2nd behaviour going to happen.


2015-05-25 04:40

updater   ~0035234

linked 0010399


2017-05-27 15:01

developer   ~0043947

Last edited: 2017-05-27 15:22


Behviour is painfull when user has selected some frame a long time ago and has later scrolled many pages away.
When user zooms, display place is lost.

[WAS :]
More generaly ease or pain of behaviour depends on context :
- edit text mode ?
- frame selected ?
- multiple frames selected ?
- linked text frames ?
Zoom zooms toward center of selected frame instead of zooming toward pointer.
Issue is painfull with big zoomz when frame is much bigger than screen, because working place becomes out of screen and in such event, it's hard to know in which direction the working place has gone, because text is evenly "grey" with big zoom, or image is sometimes hard to recognise


2017-07-13 15:22

reporter   ~0044172

Reproduced with Scribus 1.5.3 on LM18.2, Xfce. This issue is very limiting to my workflow.


2017-07-14 11:15

developer   ~0044176

"Zoom zooms toward center of selected frame instead of zooming toward pointer."

This is a really annoying problem.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-04-06 06:15 mochouinard New Issue
2008-04-06 16:43 christoph_s Status new => acknowledged
2008-06-26 07:16 brunod Note Added: 0019889
2009-09-23 08:13 jghali Relationship added has duplicate 0008455
2010-03-21 13:28 mochouinard Note Added: 0023587
2013-07-08 17:24 JLuc Note Added: 0030416
2015-05-25 04:23 Kunda Patch => No
2015-05-25 04:23 Kunda Target Version => 1.5.1
2015-05-25 04:39 Kunda Relationship added related to 0010399
2015-05-25 04:40 Kunda Note Added: 0035234
2016-01-23 17:17 cbradney Target Version 1.5.1 => 1.5.3
2016-03-30 21:34 Kunda Tag Attached: zoom
2016-12-08 22:04 Kunda Target Version 1.5.3 => 1.5.4
2017-05-27 13:43 jghali Relationship added has duplicate 0014823
2017-05-27 15:01 JLuc Note Added: 0043947
2017-05-27 15:21 JLuc Note Edited: 0043947
2017-05-27 15:22 JLuc Note Edited: 0043947
2017-05-27 15:22 JLuc Note Edited: 0043947
2017-07-13 15:22 Moini Note Added: 0044172
2017-07-14 11:15 PeterBenedek Note Added: 0044176