View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007553ScribusStory Editor / Text Framespublic2016-01-19 19:43
Reportermrscribe Assigned Tojghali  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Product Version1.3.5svn 
Summary0007553: Text flow around complex shapes doesn't work
Description Text flow around complex shapes doesn't work
Steps To ReproduceText flow around complex shapes doesn't work (see screenshot): 1) some letters and also automatic hyphens are _in_ the shape, not outside of it. 2) the shape moves parts of a word to the next line, without hyphenating.
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0004773 acknowledgedavox Text flow around shapes doesn't work correctly (Hyphenation issue) 
duplicate of 0005096 confirmed text flow around wrong for curves 


2008-10-22 20:34


runaround.png (214,296 bytes)   
runaround.png (214,296 bytes)   


2009-11-05 22:30

administrator   ~0022817

Duplicate of 0004773

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-10-22 20:31 mrscribe New Issue
2008-10-22 20:32 cbradney Steps to Reproduce Updated
2008-10-22 20:33 cbradney Category - => Story Editor / Text Frames
2008-10-22 20:34 cbradney File Added: runaround.png
2008-10-22 20:35 cbradney Target Version => 1.3.5
2009-02-13 23:19 cbradney Status new => confirmed
2009-03-09 21:14 cbradney Target Version 1.3.5 =>
2009-11-05 22:30 jghali Note Added: 0022817
2009-11-05 22:30 jghali Relationship added duplicate of 0004773
2009-11-05 22:30 jghali Duplicate ID 0 => 4773
2009-11-05 22:30 jghali Status confirmed => resolved
2009-11-05 22:30 jghali Resolution open => duplicate
2009-11-05 22:30 jghali Assigned To => jghali
2009-11-05 22:30 jghali Status resolved => closed
2015-09-17 20:08 Kunda Category Story Editor / Text Frames => Story Ed/Txt Frames
2015-09-17 20:12 Kunda Category Story Ed/Txt Frames => Story Editor / Text Frames
2016-01-19 19:43 Kunda Relationship added duplicate of 0005096