View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007754ScribusShape Drawingpublic2016-01-19 16:47
Reporterrubikwuerfel Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Platformamd64OSGentoo LinuxOS Versionstable
Product Version1.3.5svn 
Target Version1.6 milestone 
Summary0007754: Import contour line
DescriptionThere should be the possibility to import the contour line for a shape from a file (for example SVG).
Additional InformationSince scribus' shape editing possibilities are very limited and likely to stay so for quite some time, it would be very useful to import also contours lines from external applications. When working with very complex imported shapes changing contour lines is very tedious. I currently simple create a second invisible dummy object for this purpose as a workaround.
TagsNo tags attached.


related to 0010409 closed [PATCH] Improve access to contour editing 



2009-01-25 23:52

administrator   ~0020996

Scribus 1.3.5svn currently import svg and ps clip paths. The contour line is somewhat scribus specific and is neither a svg nor a ps/eps feature.

2009-01-26 21:34


import_contour.png (25,152 bytes)   
import_contour.png (25,152 bytes)   


2009-01-26 21:34

reporter   ~0021001

Attached a simple mockup image.


2009-01-26 22:03

administrator   ~0021002

Oh sorry, i now understand what you were meaning!


2010-04-22 07:39


contourline1.png (32,361 bytes)   
contourline1.png (32,361 bytes)   


2010-04-22 07:39


contourline2.png (49,948 bytes)   
contourline2.png (49,948 bytes)   


2010-04-22 07:41

reporter   ~0023759

Just made some additional menu entries. I like this feature request!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-01-25 23:30 rubikwuerfel New Issue
2009-01-25 23:52 jghali Note Added: 0020996
2009-01-26 21:34 rubikwuerfel File Added: import_contour.png
2009-01-26 21:34 rubikwuerfel Note Added: 0021001
2009-01-26 22:03 jghali Note Added: 0021002
2010-04-22 07:39 aliB File Added: contourline1.png
2010-04-22 07:39 aliB File Added: contourline2.png
2010-04-22 07:41 aliB Note Added: 0023759
2014-07-02 02:07 Kunda Target Version => 1.6 milestone
2016-01-19 16:47 Kunda Relationship added related to 0010409