View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008098ScribusOS-Win32public2009-05-29 22:09
Reporterkardos Assigned ToHerm 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformWindowsOSWin XP 32bitOS VersionXP
Product Version1.3.5svn 
Fixed in Version1.3.5svn 
Summary0008098: Spaces / file extension issues with latex render frame under windows
Descriptionpdflatex fails to build the temp TeX file if the TEMP path contains spaces or if the file does not have ".tex" as the extension.

For example, the temp file generated is something like

C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Temp\scribus_render_xxx

but calling pdflatex fails with errors like

Unable to find "C:\Documents"

Also pdflatex for windows seems to refuse to accept input TeX from a file unless it ends in .tex

Both of these seems like a trivial fix but I haven't found a way to do it by editing 100_latex.xml
Steps To ReproduceTry to render some latex with a render frame
Additional InformationCan workaround by changing the environment variable TMP/TEMP in windows to a new location that doesn't contain spaces like C:\TEMP

Also can workaround the extension by a windows-batchfile wrapper that does:

move %1 %1.tex
pdflatex --options %1.tex

And then set scribus to call the batchfile instead of pdflatex

TagsNo tags attached.


child of 0007647 acknowledgedHerm Metabug: Render Frames (LaTeX, GnuPlot, LilyPond, GraphViz, etc.) 



2009-05-29 06:47

administrator   ~0021842

Unable to reproduce and your 1.3.5svn build is too old. Temporary file is written without problem to C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Temp.


2009-05-29 15:14

reporter   ~0021847

Whitespace issues should have been fixed for some time now.
I don't know about the extension issue, but I don't think latex for windows behaves differently than the linux version. Could you please try with a recent build?


2009-05-29 16:20

administrator   ~0021848

No problem here with extensions and pdflatex.exe


2009-05-29 22:09

administrator   ~0021854

Please update your version of Scribus

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-05-29 00:13 kardos New Issue
2009-05-29 01:13 christoph_s Status new => assigned
2009-05-29 01:13 christoph_s Assigned To => Herm
2009-05-29 06:47 jghali Note Added: 0021842
2009-05-29 15:14 Herm Note Added: 0021847
2009-05-29 15:17 Herm Relationship added child of 0007647
2009-05-29 16:20 jghali Note Added: 0021848
2009-05-29 22:09 cbradney Note Added: 0021854
2009-05-29 22:09 cbradney Status assigned => closed
2009-05-29 22:09 cbradney Resolution open => fixed
2009-05-29 22:09 cbradney Fixed in Version => 1.3.5svn
2014-10-08 18:38 Kunda Category Win32 => OS-Win32