View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000889ScribusShape Drawingpublic2025-03-13 10:06
ReporterAndyFitz Assigned To 
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
PlatformanyOSanyOS Versionany
Product Version1.3 
Summary0000889: inverse bezier tool handling
DescriptionWhen you draw a line in inkscape, then click the point for the next node and hold down and drag. it matches the opposite side of the bezier handle to the direction you are dragging.

This is a fast way for experienced bezier tool users to trace objects and draw shapes.

However the current implementation could be logical for new users considering you are dragging the curve towards the direction you want to bend it in.

could this be a user preference ?


related to 0002931 acknowledged Metabug: SVG 
related to 0003795 feedback add to or combine bezier curves/polylines 
related to 0017364 closednitramr Improved Node Editing 



2004-08-16 12:57

viewer   ~0002180

I like this idea.. Can we add this maybe to 1.2.x ?


2005-02-07 11:58

reporter   ~0003641

not having this feature really does restrict any experienced vector graphics illustrator from drawing anything within scribus. that said id still prefer better svg import handling above this :-P


2005-04-08 14:57

viewer   ~0004189

bumping to 1.3


2006-04-13 21:45

developer   ~0009922

Planned in Roadmap Extras
with no ETA

Changing the status to acknowledged


2025-03-13 10:06

manager   ~0052208

@nitramr i think that it would be good to get the behavior to be the same as inkscape...

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-07-25 12:30 AndyFitz New Issue
2004-08-16 12:57 plinnell Note Added: 0002180
2005-02-07 11:58 AndyFitz Note Added: 0003641
2005-04-08 14:57 plinnell Note Added: 0004189
2005-04-08 14:57 plinnell Product Version 1.1.7 => 1.3
2006-04-12 22:15 mhanski Product Version 1.3 => 1.3.4cvs
2006-04-13 21:45 mhanski Note Added: 0009922
2006-04-13 21:45 mhanski Status new => acknowledged
2006-04-13 21:45 mhanski Product Version 1.3.4cvs => 1.3
2006-05-17 18:54 christoph_s Relationship added related to 0002931
2016-04-08 12:01 Kunda Relationship added related to 0003795
2016-05-13 14:10 Kunda Tag Attached: bezier
2025-01-05 21:31 nitramr Relationship added related to 0017364
2025-03-13 10:06 ale Note Added: 0052208