Scribus - Change Log
Released 2025-01-07
0017420: [Import / Export] Checkbox renders incorrectly on some PDF viewers (e.g. MS Edge build in viewer) (jghali) 0017398: [Scripter] Add script methods for getting and setting min word kerning/tracking on a frame (jghali) 0017405: [Build System] Build error with poppler 25.02.0 (jghali) 0017395: [Import / Export] PDF/X-1a:2001 opens as all colors completely black (jghali) 0017298: [Scripter] Add functions for getting and setting the size of the current page, and getting the bounding box of a page item (jghali) 0017383: [Scripter] isLayerLocked scripter function returns opposite of expected value (cbradney)
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