View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0011639ScribusInternalpublic2013-07-01 17:32
Reportercjae Assigned Tojghali  
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
OSDebian, Ubuntu 
Summary0011639: Open documents in running instance, please
DescriptionI can't open scribus documents by double clicking them in a file manager, because Scribus doesn't let a running instance open it, but instead starts a new instance each time. And that's a no-no because of memory usage, probably broken copy paste, window/document UI confusion, slow startup, and once you've got the same document open several times then I'm sure you'll be up to loosing data since changes in one will be overwritten when you save another change in another?

Thanks for caring :)

(The version of scribus I have on Debian is 1.4.0.dfsg+r17, don't have access to the Ubuntu box right now.)
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0003426 confirmed double clicking a sla file when scribus is already opened opens a second instance of scribus 



2013-07-01 17:03

developer   ~0030392

Same here on ubuntu, for both 1.4.2 and 1.5


2013-07-01 17:32

administrator   ~0030393

Duplicate of issue 0003426

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-07-01 16:42 cjae New Issue
2013-07-01 17:03 JLuc Note Added: 0030392
2013-07-01 17:32 jghali Note Added: 0030393
2013-07-01 17:32 jghali Relationship added duplicate of 0003426
2013-07-01 17:32 jghali Status new => resolved
2013-07-01 17:32 jghali Resolution open => duplicate
2013-07-01 17:32 jghali Assigned To => jghali
2013-07-01 17:32 jghali Status resolved => closed