View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013499ScribusStylespublic2020-12-15 13:51
ReporterGleeta Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version1.5.0 
Summary0013499: cannot resize style manager (Scribus doesn't respect netbook resolution)
DescriptionDialogue box too large so cannot access "apply" and "done" buttons to make changes.
Steps To Reproduceopen style manager


related to 0005998 closedcbradney Style manager can't be resized 
related to 0010388 new support of netbook resolution 1024x576 
related to 0012809 new Style edit Dialog shrinks after deleting style 
related to 0016381 closedjghali Update main layout's margins for Style Manager 



2015-11-04 01:53

updater   ~0037209

What OS and OS Version are you on?
Are you on a single or multiple monitor setup ?


2015-11-05 10:21

manager   ~0037249

i guess that his/her screen is too small and does not show the full dialog.

this is a well known issue on netbooks...


2015-11-05 12:30

reporter   ~0037256

On my system the Style Manager window is 698 (w) by 640 (h). I dread to think what it must be like to use Scribus on a screen so small that it can't display this dialog. Gleeta, what size is your screen?


2015-11-05 15:26

reporter   ~0037265

My apologies for taking so long to respond.

I use Xubuntu 12.04
single monitor set-up
screen resolution is 1366x768
even if screen size is too small, shouldn't there be scroll bars to accommodate?


2015-11-05 15:56

updater   ~0037267

Gleeta, can you try to reproduce this on 1.5.1svn ?


2015-11-05 16:41

manager   ~0037270

yep the 768 height is probably the cause.

as a workaround, you can press alt-a to apply the changes... and ESC to get out of the dialog.

or press the meta key plus the left mouse click to move around the window.


2015-11-06 00:14

reporter   ~0037273

Kunda, I don't have 1.5.1, although I guess I ought to get it.

ale, thank you. That is very helpful. Very glad for a workaround.


2016-03-21 12:53

updater   ~0039305

We need to make this a Known Issue with the workaround:
as a workaround, you can press alt-a to apply the changes... and ESC to get out of the dialog.

or press the meta key plus the left mouse click to move around the window. 


2016-03-22 12:34

updater   ~0039329

Gleeta, please test 1.5.1


2016-03-22 18:43

reporter   ~0039341

OK, I'm still using Ubuntu 12.04 and there does not seem to be a 1.5.1 package for 12.04. I've procrastinated upgrading Ubuntu, but I'm running out of excuses not to. Let me get that sorted out because I'm anxious to give 1.5.1 a try.


2020-12-15 13:50

developer   ~0048566

Last edited: 2020-12-15 13:51

Related 0016381
The patch seems to resolved it.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-11-04 00:46 Gleeta New Issue
2015-11-04 01:53 Kunda Note Added: 0037209
2015-11-04 15:44 Kunda Priority high => low
2015-11-04 18:14 Kunda Severity major => minor
2015-11-05 10:21 ale Note Added: 0037249
2015-11-05 12:30 jfl Note Added: 0037256
2015-11-05 15:26 Gleeta Note Added: 0037265
2015-11-05 15:56 Kunda Note Added: 0037267
2015-11-05 16:41 ale Note Added: 0037270
2015-11-06 00:14 Gleeta Note Added: 0037273
2015-11-25 01:44 Kunda Relationship added related to 0012809
2016-03-21 12:49 Kunda Relationship added related to 0005998
2016-03-21 12:52 Kunda Tag Attached: netbook
2016-03-21 12:53 Kunda Note Added: 0039305
2016-03-21 12:55 Kunda Summary cannot resize style manager => cannot resize style manager (Scribus doesn't respect netbook aspect ratio)
2016-03-21 12:56 Kunda Relationship added duplicate of 0010388
2016-03-21 12:58 Kunda Summary cannot resize style manager (Scribus doesn't respect netbook aspect ratio) => cannot resize style manager (Scribus doesn't respect netbook resolution)
2016-03-21 13:04 Kunda Relationship replaced related to 0010388
2016-03-22 12:34 Kunda Note Added: 0039329
2016-03-22 18:43 Gleeta Note Added: 0039341
2020-12-15 13:46 PeterBenedek Relationship added related to 0016381
2020-12-15 13:50 PeterBenedek Note Added: 0048566
2020-12-15 13:51 PeterBenedek Note Edited: 0048566